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Old 07-12-2007, 16:47   #1
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Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

In america u get the politicians coming out sayin i'm a god fearing catholic/protestant/mormon etc and they love the Google Page Ranking shots of them coming out of church and love the fact that people of a similar religious banding will vote for them goin as far as saying this was the answer god gave to me

yet in UK aside from a public funeral or christmas you rarely see any political figure talking about their religious choices etc

recently tony blair came out sayin that if people come out if he came out with his religious choices he'd b see as a some sort of loony

so why does it play a major part in american politics and not in british?
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Old 07-12-2007, 17:38   #2
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

If it played less of a part in state issues, the world wouldn't be half as bonkers.
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Old 07-12-2007, 18:41   #3
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Originally Posted by mani View Post
In america u get the politicians coming out sayin i'm a god fearing catholic/protestant/mormon etc and they love the Google Page Ranking shots of them coming out of church and love the fact that people of a similar religious banding will vote for them goin as far as saying this was the answer god gave to me

yet in UK aside from a public funeral or christmas you rarely see any political figure talking about their religious choices etc

recently tony blair came out sayin that if people come out if he came out with his religious choices he'd b see as a some sort of loony

so why does it play a major part in american politics and not in british?
In the US there is a large constituency that actually believes in jesus ... sorry JESUS ... and take the bible literally. And they vote. And they vote in large numbers. And they usually vote right wing. Without them people like Bush and Reagan would not get elected. You can usually identify these people by their bumper stickers, and can find them at WWE events and monster truck races. But the point is that they vote, and any politician ignores them at his peril. On the other hand, there is a large constituency that wants to maintain the separation of church and state. Perhaps fundamentalist christianity is the Great Divide in American politics. For reasons that someone else might want to explain, this extremism in christianity does not seem to have affected the politics of other western nations ... altho' birth control and abortion are still vitally important concerns in countries such as Ireland and Portugal. Perhaps politicians in say, England, and those who vote for them still hold to the idea that a person's religion is his own concern, part of his private life.

It's a complex issue ... but I do think it ironic that many in the US condemn Islamic extremist states while promoting a fundamentalist Christian America. Not that I believe either is right.

(I wonder why Dylan Thoma's "two gunned Gabriel" comes to mind)
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Old 07-12-2007, 18:46   #4
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

because if we talk about our religion in our country we are classed as racist and the pc doo gooders stick their oink in where it isnt needed..

hmmmmmmm does that sound racist
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Old 07-12-2007, 18:52   #5
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

I think people here see religion as divisive.

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Old 07-12-2007, 18:57   #6
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER View Post
because if we talk about our religion in our country we are classed as racist and the pc doo gooders stick their oink in where it isnt needed..

hmmmmmmm does that sound racist
But it seems that in America it is not just religion, but all the other stuff that goes along with it. I know I'm treading not too carefully thro' a mine field of generalizations, but one can say that the American CHRISTIAN voter will support the military and any war the country is involved in (and I don't think this is the same as supporting the troops, in the sense that one can and should do this without necessarily supporting a particular military adventure), oppose abortion, gay marriage, health care, gun control. And, of course, be a firm believer in Manifest Destiny, General Motors, and the almost divinity of Elvis.
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Old 07-12-2007, 18:59   #7
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

I wouldn't vote for anyone who appeared to be a religious fanatic.
Political decisions need to be taken with the interests of all the population, without any hint of bias towards any religious group.

Tony Blair kept his avid catholicism secret - perhaps just as well he did - he might not have won the election otherwise

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Old 07-12-2007, 19:03   #8
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

But one doesn't have to be a fanatic. Or do you regard any religious belief as fanaticism?

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Old 07-12-2007, 19:15   #9
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Our country has a history of religious persecutions, led by monarchs and governments.
So we do not want to ever risk that again.
Politics and religion should kept strictly apart.

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Old 07-12-2007, 19:18   #10
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

I seem to remember reading something about this a while ago, from memory around 85% of americans consider themselves religious or have faith - the largest group being born-again or evangelist type Christians, it's a big business over there, TV channels, Billy Graham type Conventions, Christian Rock Festivals etc.

Whereas in the UK the figure is only about 15%, churches are being closed down due to low attendances and not enough funding. With such a low percentage of religious people - would it be worth campaigning for the minority vote?
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Old 07-12-2007, 19:33   #11
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

agree totally, politics n religion should NEVER be mixed,both are ok in there own sphere. differant religions have been persecuted over the centuries,by so-called leaders. its like mixing rovers n burnley. a big NO-NO.
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Old 07-12-2007, 19:36   #12
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
But one doesn't have to be a fanatic. Or do you regard any religious belief as fanaticism?
But in certain parts of the US, it does verge on fanaticism. If an American, in certain parts of the country, asks you if you are a Christian or tell you that he is a Christian, he is not referring to C of E or Catholicism, but good ole, down home bible thumping fundamentalism, faith healing, speaking in tongues and all that good stuff. And it is this kind of christianity that spreads out into family values etc. Many American politicians, prey on these people and their beliefs, which are probably deeply felt, in order to get elected. The whole issue does tend to introduce a lot of ironies into American politics; for example, in the last Presidential election, voters chose as a war leader a Viet Nam no-show over a real decorated hero.
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Old 07-12-2007, 19:54   #13
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Maybe religion doesn't play as large a role in UK politics because the fundamentalist constituency isn't large enough for the politicians to exploit ... or prey on.
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Old 07-12-2007, 19:57   #14
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Maybe religion doesn't play as large a role in UK politics because the fundamentalist constituency isn't large enough for the politicians to exploit ... or prey on.
think thats pretty accurate, cos if it did,the vultures would sure as hell be out in force.
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Old 07-12-2007, 20:00   #15
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Because religious fundamentalism (be it Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikhism or whatever (even Jedi) is a vile thing to see.

In America Christianity is seen by extremists as an excuse to murder half the population and blow up, shoot or execute anyone with a different opinion. (see pro life boards).

In the East Islam is seen by extremists as an excuse to murder, blow up or execute anyone with a different opinion.

In India Hinduism is seen as an excuse (do we see a pattern emerging here).

Marx (Karl that is not Groucho) was right, religion is the opium of the masses.
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