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16-05-2007, 00:01
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Can someone inform this newly arrived back member what all this double talk is all about. I have read every post in the thread and I'm still no wiser what it is about. All I do know is people do not get banned for nothing on this site. I myself have sailed close to the wind on many occasions, but have been warned and heeded advice. The thing I cannot understand is that names mentioned on this thread are seasoned members so please what has gone on?
16-05-2007, 00:06
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by Ianto.W.
Can someone inform this newly arrived back member what all this double talk is all about. I have read every post in the thread and I'm still no wiser what it is about. All I do know is people do not get banned for nothing on this site. I myself have sailed close to the wind on many occasions, but have been warned and heeded advice. The thing I cannot understand is that names mentioned on this thread are seasoned members so please what has gone on?
Hi Ianto....I'm slinky's hubby and all I can say is...you was lucky to get a warning mate!!! she didn't.
16-05-2007, 00:09
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by Ianto.W.
Can someone inform this newly arrived back member what all this double talk is all about. I have read every post in the thread and I'm still no wiser what it is about. All I do know is people do not get banned for nothing on this site. I myself have sailed close to the wind on many occasions, but have been warned and heeded advice. The thing I cannot understand is that names mentioned on this thread are seasoned members so please what has gone on?
Certaian people have been calling certain mods for deleting posts and certain people getting banned.If you ask me its all OTT.Someone that should have been banned wasn't and it all stems from there.If I go into to much detail I will probably get banned.Though the perpatrators know who they are and we will see at the next meet  If they turn up 
16-05-2007, 00:19
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Re: why has my thread been closed
All I can say is the mods have a thankless job to do and have to monitor the site, without wanting to appear patronisiong as anyone who knows me will tell you I always speak my mind as I see fit, but within the rules. If the rules are not adhered to, and lets face it it is a child/family orientated site. No I am not taking sides when you join the rules are given to you, ok we all take a few liberties now and again but if bans have been given they must have been just cause, this is my last word on this subject save to say,"would you like to be a moderator, I certainly would not" they can't win whatever they do.
16-05-2007, 00:27
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Re: why has my thread been closed
16-05-2007, 00:27
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by Ianto.W.
All I can say is the mods have a thankless job to do and have to monitor the site, without wanting to appear patronisiong as anyone who knows me will tell you I always speak my mind as I see fit, but within the rules. If the rules are not adhered to, and lets face it it is a child/family orientated site. No I am not taking sides when you join the rules are given to you, ok we all take a few liberties now and again but if bans have been given they must have been just cause, this is my last word on this subject save to say,"would you like to be a moderator, I certainly would not" they can't win whatever they do.
EXACTLY the rules was not adheared to,the real perpatrater was not dealt with.Wrong people got banned.The rules state you can not have more than one name on here but somebody has.One name banned but allowed to post rubbish under another name.And the certain Mod knows he is doing this.No names at all mentioned but how can they explain themselves?If they dont wanna do it here PM me.But they probably haven't the 'Bottle' to do it. 
16-05-2007, 00:29
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by mthead
EXACTLY the rules was not adheared to,the real perpatrater was not dealt with.Wrong people got banned.The rules state you can not have more than one name on here but somebody has.One name banned but allowed to post rubbish under another name.And the certain Mod knows he is doing this.No names at all mentioned but how can they explain themselves?If they dont wanna do it here PM me.But they probably haven't the 'Bottle' to do it. 
Now from what I have seen and heard.....that is the full of it
that was her gripe........the wrong person got banned and the other is still able to post end of.
16-05-2007, 00:49
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Re: why has my thread been closed
They wont explain thier actions,how can they ?They have power on here  But they dont have in real life.I'd like the person involved to PM me please to explain.I'm doing nothing wrong with requesting this totally polite.Unless they want to do it face to face at next meet 
16-05-2007, 03:06
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Geez, ya step away from Accyweb for an afternoon and alll heck breaks out. Guess i can find out next week but am also very curiousas to what went on. Can't believe we'll lose our lovely ladies for more than a day or too eh? Miss ya already girls!
Must admit it is delightful to see Ginger and MTHead stepping in and being more verbous than I've ever seen em before!
16-05-2007, 05:09
Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by shillelagh
I feel sorry for ging & mthead
So do I, they might actually have to give their women folk some now that they are going to bed at night instead of staying on here 
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16-05-2007, 05:20
Re: why has my thread been closed
I know some users don't like what has happened recently but it is in the rules.
Look here for the rules.
Below are a few of them, I can't find the one that used to say banned users will be banned again if they return with a new user name so maybe that no longer applies. Maybe a mod could confirm this so we know, most of the falling out was to do with someone returning and it might now be allowed.
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Last edited by Neil; 16-05-2007 at 05:29.
16-05-2007, 05:37
Re: why has my thread been closed
I hate that no edit after 10mins.
I also wanted to say that that threads like this about why a thread is closed are not really allowed because they question the mods decision in open forum. If you want to know why a thread is closed/deleted you should really ask the mods in a PM.
If we are not careful the site will start to fall to bits, the only threads we will have will either be closed or ones asking why one was closed.
We all know the mods on this site enjoy a good laugh with the rest of us and actually allow many posts that are a little too iffy, I have even been known to post the occasional iffy post myself  . Even though they do allow a little rule bending we have to accept that rules are here for the good of the site.
I personally like all the members who have been banned and I am sure the decision to ban them can't have been and easy one.
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16-05-2007, 06:03
Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by pink
neil shut up  isee all my threads from last night where deleted, bloody marvellous
I am sorry if you don't agree with my opinion but I like AccyWeb and I believe that things are only deleted/edited for the good of the site (except the football section, its like the Bermuda Triangle, things disappear in there for no apparent reason)
Site Forum Rules/ Site Disclaimer can be seen from this link
16-05-2007, 06:10
Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by pink
neil its me ya div, and people know its me, i'll be banned again later 
I knew that before I posted, I instantly recognised you from this
Originally Posted by pink
neil shut up 

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16-05-2007, 06:15
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Re: why has my thread been closed
cant see you staying away that long lol
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