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16-05-2007, 06:26
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by Neil
I am sorry if you don't agree with my opinion but I like AccyWeb and I believe that things are only deleted/edited for the good of the site (except the football section, its like the Bermuda Triangle, things disappear in there for no apparent reason)
totally agree with you Neil , lots of stuff degenerates into doorstep gossip , (if you want to natter use your cell phones or find a chat room) 
16-05-2007, 08:34
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by Neil
(except the football section, its like the Bermuda Triangle, things disappear in there for no apparent reason)
I've never had a problem with anything in there,and that says alot with me not being one of the Stanley fans.They have always been friendly enough to me and I've never had anything disappear.Can't speak for everyone though 
16-05-2007, 08:39
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Well, I have just read the five pages on this post, and I think it just a load of garbage. Somebody broke the rules. When you joined the site you agreed to abide by the rules. The moderators are in place to oversee the site, and if the rules are broken, the punishment for the misdemeanour is in place. So why not just accept the punishment, put the whole argument to bed and let us all get back to the harmonious gathering that we really are.
16-05-2007, 08:42
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by T.C.
Well, I have just read the five pages on this post, and I think it just a load of garbage. Somebody broke the rules. When you joined the site you agreed to abide by the rules. The moderators are in place to oversee the site, and if the rules are broken, the punishment for the misdemeanour is in place. So why not just accept the punishment, put the whole argument to bed and let us all get back to the harmonious gathering that we really are.
The rules also state one member one account and a certain perpetrator is still on.That the grievance one rule for one and another rule for another.
16-05-2007, 08:48
Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by steeljack
(if you want to natter use your cell phones or find a chat room) 
Thats why we have anything goes.
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16-05-2007, 08:52
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by mthead
The rules also state one member one account and a certain perpetrator is still on.That the grievance one rule for one and another rule for another.
Exactly it should be fair all round & has unfortunately created a deal of confusion, annoyance & trust in forum rules 
16-05-2007, 08:58
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by T.C.
Well, I have just read the five pages on this post, and I think it just a load of garbage. Somebody broke the rules. When you joined the site you agreed to abide by the rules. The moderators are in place to oversee the site, and if the rules are broken, the punishment for the misdemeanour is in place. So why not just accept the punishment, put the whole argument to bed and let us all get back to the harmonious gathering that we really are.
I'm afraid reading this thread as an individual thread leaves you in the dark as to what has really gone on. I agree with Neil earlier in that there are ways and means of complaining but the real issue for everyones annoyance is still there.
Not only is a person who has been banned several times already using another name but he has also hijacked a young girls account and is posting as her. If you feel comfortable with that then by all means stick to your guns but I think it leaves a bitter taste in peoples mouths and a great deal of mistrust.
16-05-2007, 09:50
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Re: why has my thread been closed
I don't feel happy at all that rules have been broken, or that a banned member is impostering another member, but surely there are clauses in the rules that cover this, and it should be dealt with by the moderators?
16-05-2007, 09:59
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Re: why has my thread been closed
It is reaching a point that dispite all the good people on here there are those who flout the rules so ften with multi logins and trying to do it just to wind people up. Those that try to show that person banned is back seems to end up frustrated and angry and therefore lashes out even when they dont mean to. Certain subjects are so tinder dry that it dosnt take much to inflame it. We need to take a step back from it and see if the rules can be tightened without the Mods copping a load of earache over it. Maybe there are not enough mods for certain areas and that mods from other sections could step in to lighten the load a bit.
Too much infighting spoils the sight and will encourage some shy members to abandon it and others not to join. Not looking for scape goats just an even playing fielsd so that we can all get back to the banter that we used to have. Without the banter and the characters that help make this site it will deteriate and become a shadow of its former self. I will admit that I gave serious consideration to pulling back for a while last night but decided that would defeat the purpose and would not help matters.
Lets just pick a day to start from scratch and try and get this all behind us. Chuck the badness retrieve the madness I say and lets rock.
16-05-2007, 10:05
Re: why has my thread been closed
Good post Spuggie
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16-05-2007, 10:06
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Re: why has my thread been closed
I've read all of this thread and have avoided posting up to now but finally feel like chucking in my two pennorth.
It ain't easy being a moderator and they have to make sure of what they are doing before they do it - which is why they ask that people do not question their actions.
When people do question their actions (which they know is against the board rules) they know they run the risk of being banned.
Now I know that there is an accusation that one of the members on here is not who they claim to be - but there is also the possibility that the person was misinformed and that they actually are who they claim to be and haven't the foggiest idea what this is all about.
It needs to be got to the bottom of and I believe that is what the moderators are doing, they are not just ignoring things and letting people get away with flouting the board rules.
Can't we just let them get on with it to the best of their ability and trust that they are acting in the best interests of AccyWeb as a whole?
16-05-2007, 10:11
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Fair point spugster, i've noticed accyweb has gone downhill a lot lately with a bad aurora about for some months & lost its fun madness [i remain to stay mental regardless hehehe] but as with owt in life a reinforcement of the forum rules & boundaries should be reset & stuck to. Im mearely confused by the whole situation especially yesterday which happened very fast. People are going to run amuck if they aren't told what they have done wrong & have that explained - maybe if a moderator could speak on behalf of the moderators to answer this issue so thus not keeping it going round in circles & update on whats happening with the banned people & as with Accrington Barbie as to whether the claims have been established etc, so that everyone is clear of the rules & blah blah.
Lack of communication will always be a breakdown of social/interactive/working & personal relationships - even forums.
Last edited by accymel; 16-05-2007 at 10:13.
16-05-2007, 10:15
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Lets just pick a day to start from scratch and try and get this all behind us.
Lets get started then, how about a day ending in 'Y' 
16-05-2007, 10:19
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by lancsdave
Lets get started then, how about a day ending in 'Y' 
So thats every daY then 
16-05-2007, 10:28
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by accymel
So thats every daY then 
Well it would avoid any arguments about which day we choose 
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