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16-05-2007, 13:56
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Insulting & Nasty Posts
Posts that are just insulting or nasty are not allowed on this website.
hmmm isn't this where this all began?
and if so why hasn't this person been banned for this floutation of the rules coupled with the whole double login thing it seems a sure-fire case for dismissal to me
as far as i'm concerned this is an open forum and as such people have the right to the freedom of speech and unfortunately some people have chosen to take this away from other people in this instance
by posting on this site we all leave ourselves open to criticism (believe me i've had my share)
so why should the mods be any different? if you do or say something on here that you know others won't like, be prepared to take the hits like the rest of us
the only reason the mods don't is because they have the power not to, if we all had the power to delete posts and ban people who say something we don't like there wouldn't be an accyweb!
most of us are grown adults and can look after ourselves in an argument or discussion and that is what accyweb is here for and it's about time the site stopped being so political about things and get itself back to where it was as somwhere it seems to have lost it's way
well i've had my say and judging by recent events it could be my last for a while we'll just have to wait and see 
16-05-2007, 14:09
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Re: why has my thread been closed
A moderator decision shouldn't be open to debate. They have a difficult enough job as it is.
16-05-2007, 14:14
Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
A moderator decision shouldn't be open to debate. They have a difficult enough job as it is.
I agree Willow, if people don't like that then they should leave. It is one of the rules you agree to when joining.
Site Forum Rules/ Site Disclaimer can be seen from this link
16-05-2007, 14:17
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Re: why has my thread been closed
The moderators are here to do a job. I've had posts deleted in the past & I've sent an email / pm to a moderator to find out why. They have explained their decision & that was the end of the subject.

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16-05-2007, 14:23
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Re: why has my thread been closed
so are a lot of things which are flouted on here and more to the point are allowed to go un-moderated this is exactly the point that has been made one rule for one and another for everyone else
let's put it another way:
who polices the police?
are the police above the law?
are the government immune from criticism?
i think not just because you are in a position of power (no matter how small)
it does not give you the right to abuse that priveledge nor does it make you immune from criticism that is what happens in a dictatorship and not a democracy
this is a public open forum and as such it's members should be more than welcome to express their views publicly
16-05-2007, 14:26
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Re: why has my thread been closed
You are assuming that someone has been allowed to get away with something. You are not allowing for the possibility of 'innocent until proven guilty' - heresay does not constitute proof.
If you see a post which you believe flouts the rules there's always the report button. On a busy site like this the mods can't possibly read every post and equally they can't take sides in personal disputes.
16-05-2007, 14:29
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Re: why has my thread been closed
ahh but yes they can if a thread is abusive,nasty etc etc
16-05-2007, 14:31
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Which is, I think, what they actually do. 
16-05-2007, 14:42
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Re: why has my thread been closed
obviously not on this occasion
the fact remains that regular contributers to the site have been banned for voicing their opinion that the moderators failed to uphold these rules
this may or may not be the case but rather than banning people maybe they should have explained either publicly or via pm to the offended parties as to what they were actually doing about the situation then a lot of this could have been avoided instead they have chosen to shoot first and ask questions later.
16-05-2007, 14:45
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Re: why has my thread been closed
How do you know it wasn't explained via PM? I don't know what the moderators have said to anybody by PM.
16-05-2007, 14:49
Accy Red
Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by Cyfr
If you have a real point about a mod then make a thread in a productive manner without namecalling and he/she would have a hard time deleting it without getting a backlash!
It won't make a bit of difference. A mod was in the words of another member "abusing me", he made the mistake of then carrying it on under another name he uses on accyweb thus making known who he was, the thread was deleted !!! 
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16-05-2007, 14:55
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
How do you know it wasn't explained via PM? I don't know what the moderators have said to anybody by PM.
because i've spoken to the offended party
16-05-2007, 14:59
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Fair enough.
16-05-2007, 15:13
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by Bagpuss
It won't make a bit of difference. A mod was in the words of another member "abusing me", he made the mistake of then carrying it on under another name he uses on accyweb thus making known who he was, the thread was deleted !!! 
Well if a thread that was well constructed (not abusive) got deleted then to be honest I dont think thats fair. Moderators do a good job yes, but they shouldn't be allowed to silence peoples opinions or that creates a two tier system of people on AccringtonWeb.
The power should be used as little as possible, simply to remove really distatefull things, not to remove freedom of speach.
Of course this is all subjective and if this hasnt happened then I take it back. 
formerly cyfr
16-05-2007, 15:15
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Re: why has my thread been closed
Originally Posted by garinda
Sadly I wasn't keeping a dignified silence for a change, I missed it all. 
Nice that you are still around, you old dog. luv you. T.C. 
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