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Old 21-03-2007, 14:13   #16
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Re: Why is it so hard?

I very rarely tell anybody that i love them. I find it extremely difficult to show my feelings. Maybe it's the way i was brought up, or maybe it's because i'm generally a cold & heartless person.

"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"

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Old 21-03-2007, 14:14   #17
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Originally Posted by AccyJay View Post
I very rarely tell anybody that i love them. I find it extremely difficult to show my feelings. Maybe it's the way i was brought up, or maybe it's because i'm generally a cold & heartless person.

see i was brought up with my mum telling me she loved me all the time, maybe thats it jay
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Old 21-03-2007, 14:16   #18
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Re: Why is it so hard?

The first time i can remember my mum telling me that she loved me was on my 30th birthday. I can't remember my dad ever saying it.
"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"

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Old 21-03-2007, 14:16   #19
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Originally Posted by AccyJay View Post
I very rarely tell anybody that i love them. I find it extremely difficult to show my feelings. Maybe it's the way i was brought up, or maybe it's because i'm generally a cold & heartless person.

Dont talk crap jay yer a blue n white.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 21-03-2007, 14:21   #20
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Dont talk crap jay yer a blue n white.

So cold & heartless it is then
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Old 21-03-2007, 14:24   #21
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Re: Why is it so hard?

here ive sent ya some karma love jay
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 21-03-2007, 16:40   #22
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Re: Why is it so hard?

I'm more in line with AccyJay here. Rarely told or showed love but I count it more to my parents up bringing. My Dad's Mum was all German, and we were always told by my mum that's why my dad never showed his feelings.

Even though it makes 'em feel uncomfortable, I tell my dad and his sister (my old maid Aunt) that I love them. Forget about giving those two hugs though! It makes them both feel so uncomfortable.

I've only got more comfortable hugging after moving down to the southern part of the US.

Also was rather shocked when Mez gave me a hug straight up when I met her at the Stag. I didn't think that the English did that, especially with strangers. It was very nice and made me quite comfortable (would have really weirded me out if Mick had slid a hug my way though!)



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Old 21-03-2007, 16:51   #23
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Hi misskitty!

My advice is to do it now and do it often.

Since I lost Eileen last year, I have many comforting memories of the 27-plus year we were married and the love we constantly showed to each other. It is a hard fact, but all too often you don't get to say a last goodbye. Life just doesn't work that way. So, get busy making up and storing those good memories now. You will never regret making the effort and those memories are something you will treasure down the years.

It's not so much a matter of hugging or saying "I love you," if those words would make the recipient (or, for that matter, you) uncomfortable. Showing them that you care enough for them to make the effort and that you value them is the important thing. BTW, once you start, it becomes easier to get into the habit!

End of advice! misskitty, please let us know how it works out for you. And my best to you and young Jack!

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Old 21-03-2007, 17:27   #24
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Re: Why is it so hard?

My apologeze, I meant to say JUST DO IT KITTY LOVE!

Well Kitty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we're waiting!


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Old 21-03-2007, 17:36   #25
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Re: Why is it so hard?

After my previous husband died very suddenly, during a game of golf, being fortunate enough to meet someone and marry again, I won't let my present husband leave home without giving him a kiss and telling him I love him, unfortunately I find it hard to tell other people.
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Old 21-03-2007, 17:47   #26
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Re: Why is it so hard?

i must be very strange then, i love loving
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 21-03-2007, 17:49   #27
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Originally Posted by AccyJay View Post
I very rarely tell anybody that i love them. I find it extremely difficult to show my feelings. Maybe it's the way i was brought up, or maybe it's because i'm generally a cold & heartless person.

Well if thats case u aint the only one then hehehehe i must admit im abnormal for a girlie gee dont like an audience for even crying in front of folk i just run for somewhere private to have me emotional moments or maybe hard hearted i dont know but i dont do feeling well at all in fact my class act of fluffing up major there lol
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Old 21-03-2007, 18:18   #28
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Instead of ringing them to tell them you love them (without chit chat first because that makes you nervous about what your going to say) just pick up the phone and which ever one answers just say "I was thinking about you today, I never tell you how much I appreciated what you did when for me when I was younger" and then quickly try to slip a funny an anecdote in of something you did when you were younger .... on the lines of can you remember when I ....... Things like that usually break barriers down and if you feel confident enough when ending the call just say "love ya Gran/granps/Nan". If you get into the habit of just saying love ya at the end of every call to them it will become the norm.

They might be sat there after thinking whats up with our misskitty but inside they'll be so happy
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Old 21-03-2007, 18:22   #29
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Re: Why is it so hard?

I never noticed tinks >>must take notice of our phone calls mind u when someone love's me its only me kids but anyone else i'll be oh aye what are u after???!? hehehehehe
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Old 21-03-2007, 18:26   #30
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
I never noticed tinks >>must take notice of our phone calls

You must be just putting the phone down as I'm saying it, that's why you've been missing it
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