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Old 21-03-2007, 18:28   #31
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle View Post

You must be just putting the phone down as I'm saying it, that's why you've been missing it
LOL when i stay on its a bbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr noise unless thats code for it
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Old 21-03-2007, 18:35   #32
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Hummmph! I sent you a karma message telling you I loved ya ... it's ok I'm not offended you forgot .. no it's ok I'm not .... no really ...
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Old 21-03-2007, 18:41   #33
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle View Post
Hummmph! I sent you a karma message telling you I loved ya ... it's ok I'm not offended you forgot .. no it's ok I'm not .... no really ...
oopppss yes u did on valentines day oh gawd owd age excuse bit coming hehehehehehe Mind u theres one gabby that wuvvs me a little too much shes got no trouble showing affection hehehehe
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Old 21-03-2007, 18:44   #34
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Re: Why is it so hard?

LOL! To anyone getting worried about me and mel it's in a bezzy mate kinda love .......
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Old 21-03-2007, 18:45   #35
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle View Post
LOL! To anyone getting worried about me and mel it's in a bezzy mate kinda love .......
****** thats the dvd sales going down hehehehehe
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Old 21-03-2007, 18:46   #36
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Me and Ginger always say it to each other.

I always tell the kids I love them, not a day goes by without me telling them.

I was never brought up in a family that shared these kind of emotions. My parents never told us they loved us ( unless drunk)......but then again, like has been said on this forum, some people find it hard to say. I re-call my dad once being very sober and telling me he loved me....I could see how uncomfortable it made him feel, but I will never forget it. Just wish I had told him more.

I still find it hard to tell my family I love them, because it's not the norm in our family. Yet I can say it to Ginger and my kids all the time.
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Old 21-03-2007, 18:54   #37
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Re: Why is it so hard?

There is an expression of "It's what you do, not what you say" and I have always agreed with this statement, as hek! a husband can say that one minute and beat the sh1t out of you the next .. but not in your case Miss Kitty, sure they love you to bits.

I don't ever remember my parents actually uttering the 3 little words, but never thought about it to be honest .. just knew that what they did for us, they truly loved their two children. My brother has never said these words to me, but know that he does because of the kind things he has done for myself and my family ... so not always important to actually utter it.

I, like Flashy, say it all the time to my children and grandaughter, so much so that on the closing of a telephone call to my son he says "Love you too Mum, when I hadn't actually got around to saying it in the first place ! Feel sure once you have said it your Nan would reply, "Well, love you too of course".

Like Margaret's suggestion of a card with it written down .. good starter.
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Old 21-03-2007, 18:59   #38
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Wow thankyou for all your replies (some are v sad,and some made me laugh!)
I will do it-your posts will give me the courage...hopefully.
Even when i imagine doing it i get all flustered
but i must remember all you peeps who said for you it is now too late-i really feel for you guys x
Lil' Jack is sick of me cuddling him and telling him 'i love you'-although he has picked it up and this month just started ASKING for hugs!(v strange-he wasn't keen on hugging from about 6 months) and lovingly pats me whilst hugging me-its soo sweet.
I shall keep you updated on the situation.
(btw i do phone them,not often enough, but i do!and i do send cards and things showing i care-i just cant SAY i love you).

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Old 21-03-2007, 19:36   #39
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Re: Why is it so hard?

I do agree with what u say Kate i'd rather be shown love affection of the nice kind than to be told - trust that much more, anyone can mutter words that they may or maynot feel whereas showing is a direct way with the word as reinforcement of that feeling, as u said also the downside is that bit about hubby could say that word then reinforce it with a hit - now u get the crux of why women/men can stay in violent relationships cos a hit is association of love to them, now u know how powerful it is.
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Old 22-03-2007, 11:12   #40
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Re: Why is it so hard?

miss kitty, you are not alone, my parents never say it to me but i know they do, but they always say it to my kids, i dont tell them i love em either only in cards etc, its the way ive been brought up i suppose, but i always tell my kids i love em every day and that they are beautiful!!
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Old 23-03-2007, 09:36   #41
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Re: Why is it so hard?

Originally Posted by panther View Post
miss kitty, you are not alone, my parents never say it to me but i know they do, but they always say it to my kids,
I find that strange-they say it to your kids,but not you??
I can understand if parents say it to all the family or none of them but not to some but not others
My other nan was telling me just before Jack was born to tell him how much i love him as well as show it, because apparently it just wasn't the 'done thing' when she brought up my dad and his 4 brothers-and she now regrets it.Whenever she tries to hug them or tell them she loves them they get so embarrassed and uncomfortable its like torture so kind of defeats the object.Its kinda sad

Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling,Edna Ferber.

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Old 23-03-2007, 09:39   #42
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Re: Why is it so hard?

i dont know, maybe cuz my kids say it to them?? iv no idea, true though it is kind of sad!
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Old 23-03-2007, 09:41   #43
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Re: Why is it so hard?

think thats cos they aint embarassed saying it to children, where an adult they would be, a lot of the older end are like that, brought up in a differant era, i personally never leave my daughters without saying, Love you.
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