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Old 26-01-2007, 00:01   #16
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Re: Why is life so sh t

I get down, like everyone does.

It's an oft quoted retort that there is always someone worse off than yourself, but it's true.

The trick is to turn the negatives into positives.

I used to get bored having a day off from work, because I loved my job so much.

Three years ago I was devastated to be told I have an incurable, degenerative illness, and that I would never work again. A bit of a slap in the face for me, to say the least.

On the positive side, it's not going to kill me. I never need to worry about setting the alarm clock again. When the weathers good I can sit in it all day. I've been able to spend more precious time with my family, rather than the frantic weekends of old. I can spend all day reading, with no guilt if the mood takes me. I have the luxury just to live, and be.

In summary-
Shock diagnosis now equals unexpected holiday.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Accrington Web
Old 26-01-2007, 00:04   #17
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Re: Why is life so sh1t

Originally Posted by Shady McGough View Post
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying "oh woe is me" but it's just so bloody annoying when bad things happen to the best people (and I'm not saying that's me. It's my partner who is a single mum and now unemployed)
I thought the two might be connected.

Sometimes fate plays us a hand, that can in the long run can work out for the best.

Your partner as many fine attributes, things will work out, I have a feeling in my water.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 26-01-2007, 00:44   #18
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Re: Why is life so sh t

I think its hug time
Not a full brick
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Old 26-01-2007, 04:00   #19
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Re: Why is life so sh t

Hey Shady, I hope "today" finds you feeling a bit better. I hate when I get depressed, takes all the joy out of life if I let it. I find the best cure to eventually get me through is focusing on the positive things going on in my life at the moment.

Sometimes, for me, it doesn't seem like there's much but there's always something that'll help me through. Then again sometimes it just takes time.

Thanks for sharing with your Accy mates. That alone is very helpful eh?


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Old 26-01-2007, 06:22   #20
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Re: Why is life so sh t

Know just how your feeling at the moment.2006 wasn't a great year but Xmas was a good one with family get togethers etc and hoped things wre on the up for 2007.Then 3 weeks in the wife gets note of impending redundancy(or not,as the case may be) & the next day my father dies.On top of this the boy can't seem to get a job for love nor money.The only thing to do is stay positive.There's always an upside to every downside....somewhere along lifes path we'll have a reversal of fortune
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Old 26-01-2007, 08:40   #21
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Re: Why is life so sh t

A few years ago, I was made redundant and, like your partner Shady, I was a single mum. I panicked like hell cos the job I'd had fit in well with school hours and I thought it would be difficult to find anything similar. As it turned out, I got a new job after about 3 months which worked out to be a lot better than the old one, better conditions etc, anyway just trying to say that although it may look bleak now I'm sure something will turn up. Keep your chin up
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Old 26-01-2007, 09:04   #22
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Re: Why is life so sh t

Liek Accymad, each time I've had to change jobs for one reason or another its always meant a progression. Think of it as an opporetunity to reevaluate your life and try to be positive as it does help. Sometimes we need a kick up the bum to better ourselves, sometimes they come when we least expect/need them.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

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Old 26-01-2007, 10:10   #23
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Re: Why is life so sh t

I agree with what most people have said on here, keep positive and see this as one door closing and a new one opening, hope your girlfriend finds a job soon, good luck.
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Old 26-01-2007, 10:33   #24
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Re: Why is life so sh t

You'd better get your suggestions for Sparks in then - you're going to need the cash!!!!

Life is sh!t - and that's coming from someone who always wears her rose tinted glasses - but it's wonderful in equal measures. I've been made redundant three times in the past and it's the worst feeling in the world so you have all my sympathies. I don't see life as a challenge or a fight but more as a roller coaster - you're just in a dip at the moment but you'll be on top again soon.

If I hear of anything I'll let you know. And if you're desperate you can always scrounge off your friends!!!!!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 26-01-2007, 10:57   #25
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Re: Why is life so sh t

You know January is the worst month - so smile its nearly over
February is nearly as bad - but at least its short
Then hey March - SPRING - things can only get better
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Old 26-01-2007, 11:56   #26
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Re: Why is life so sh t

Yep Life is a Bitch.

What annoys me the most is that I would be better of NOT working ,I have worked since the age of 13 and been at my current employer for 9 years.

But I am still overdrawn every time i get paid.

On benefits I would get My rent paid, council tax paid, probably some Tax Credit benefit + beiong able to in my free time make money via cash in hand jobs.

Anyway Life sucks, but if you let it get down you loose, I always see it as a challange a Fight so to speak and they arnt taking me down.

Chin up bud, things can only get better.
Everything is OK
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Old 26-01-2007, 13:22   #27
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Re: Why is life so sh t

[quote=Gayle;374940]You'd better get your suggestions for Sparks in then - you're going to need the cash!!!!

Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth always works for me...

Cheer up buddy, if you didn`t have the lows you could never experience the highs!
" Crashes "
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Old 26-01-2007, 15:01   #28
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Re: Why is life so sh t

Life is often tough Shady. There are times when everything seems to be going well the something goes wrong as if it's just trying to keep you on your toes.

The worst times in my life seemed like the bottom of a very dark pit at times but I'm still here and I'm still surviving. When my first husband died and left me with 2 young children to bring up on my own I never eve contemplate the possibility that I would ever marry again. I missed him so much it felt like part of me had been ripped out. I think I survived on automatic pilot for a while. Life does go on though and even when it looks the worst there's some sort of solution out there.

It may well be Lindsay finds a better job. There may be a different solution. One day you may both look back and ee that you've grown stronger from the experience and I thik that's really the answer, to look for what there is that can be a positive interpretation and learn from it.

When I was on my own I learned a lot of things. I learned I could survive and I could do a lot of things.

When you're down people often throw out corny old sayings like "when life throws you lemons, make lemonade" and they don't sound very helpful at the time do they? I remember somebody once saying that life is like a journey on an old steam train. Sometimes there's a lot of smoke and steam, if you open the windows you may get soot in your face or even a bit of grit in your eye. You may trvel through smoky towns ad heavily built up industrial areas but now and again the countryside opens up and you get a beautiful view. It isn't about enduring the grime and muck until you get to the next bit of lovely scenery. It's about enjoying the actual train ride.

It will probably never be easy all the time. There'll always be ups and downs and challenges alongside the good stuff. Enjoy the good stuff, learn from the challenges and just keep soldiering on. Remember wrought iron has to endure a lot of beating and hammering and some pretty hot fire but it ends up a lot tougher than cast iron.

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Old 26-01-2007, 20:03   #29
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Re: Why is life so sh t

Whilst waiting for "things to get better" in the last 24 hours a friend has been run over by a car on a zebra crossing and my mum's cat has died.I must have done something really bad in a previous life !
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 26-01-2007, 21:15   #30
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Re: Why is life so sh t

I wouldn`t buy that lottery ticket tomorrow if I were you!
" Crashes "
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