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Old 28-09-2005, 12:39   #1
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Why no statues in Accy?

As far as I'm aware, there is not a single statue in Accy. There are the war memorials, of course, but no statue to any named monarch, soldier, politician, industrialist or "celebrity".

This seems to me to make Accy unique amongst similar towns in England. Even Clayton had the bust of Edward VII; there are more than a few in Blackburn; Colne has its Wallace Hartley...Burnley has a few...but what have we got? Nowt!

Does anyone know why this is so? Surely we have had people of note, certainly in the 18/19centuries and possibly the early 20th, to justify a memorial statue. Or are we just a cynical lot? My own opinion is that a good statue is a far more attractive proposition, than say,a cog wheel in concrete or that other piece of loonacy, a panopticon. And if funds were to be made available, who should it be?
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Old 28-09-2005, 12:47   #2
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

If a statue went up in Accy it would be spray painted at a minimum and proberly have it in pices inside a week. Sad sign of the times that it could end up costing more to look after it than erect it. Would be nice though Tealeaf a statue of a prominent historical figure connected to Accy. Heres hoping.

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Old 28-09-2005, 12:51   #3
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

got to agree with your opinion tealeaf, i always make a point of looking at statues wherever i come across them, youve got me thinking now=( people of note?)
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 28-09-2005, 12:58   #4
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

shhhh lets move away from the subject of statues we could end up looking at PB for the rest of our days if he gets wind of this idea
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Old 28-09-2005, 13:06   #5
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

Thats a statue I would have no objection to the teens defacing

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Old 28-09-2005, 13:12   #6
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
If a statue went up in Accy it would be spray painted at a minimum and proberly have it in pices inside a week. Sad sign of the times that it could end up costing more to look after it than erect it. Heres hoping.
Not neccessarily so. In terms of vandalism & street crime, Accy is not that much different than other towns. I have however, rarely seen a statue being vandalised; other structures,yes - certainly some of the more weird pieces of contemporary art.A big imposing statue on a good solid plinth, is rarely touched, other than the head getting covered in pigeon sh*t, but thats about it.

I'm still puzzled on why we ain't got one.
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Old 28-09-2005, 13:40   #7
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

Originally Posted by chav1
shhhh lets move away from the subject of statues we could end up looking at PB for the rest of our days if he gets wind of this idea
If it was a memorial stone to him it might just be worth it!

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Old 28-09-2005, 13:41   #8
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

If they added statues people would only complain that council money wasn't spent wisley enough as it is
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Old 28-09-2005, 13:41   #9
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

Pick any one from the following

1. Because no one has suggested it before
2. Because there isn't anyone of note that the people of Acc want to recognise in this way
3. Because our Council is not 'into' public art of any sort
4. Because no one has got their a**e into gear and raised money for one
5. Because any that have been suggested have been rejected by the Council

I took a walk around Burnley a few weeks ago and counted 12 pieces of public art - some your traditional style sculputures of people and some a little more contemporary but none of them offensive and all of them are interesting and add colour to the streets. I agree with you Tealeaf (for once), I love most types of public art whether it's more traditional or something more controversial - quite simply they brighten the place up.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 28-09-2005, 13:56   #10
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

i think a statue of a fireman with a plaque of those who died in the line of duty would be a nice thought for a statue if we were to have one

better than some halfwit coucilor or polotition an day in my book

i think even todays kids would show respect for people who lost their lives saving others and leave the statue alone

Last edited by chav1; 28-09-2005 at 13:58.
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Old 28-09-2005, 14:01   #11

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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

I like that idea Chav and thanks for the thought pal.
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Old 28-09-2005, 14:48   #12
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

I was originally thinking of a statue (or the lack of one) to a named individual, rather than a collective monument to a group. Sticking up statues was the trendy Victorian to do and there were certain rules and symbols which were strictly adhered to..they sprung up all over the place..yet not in Accy! Or maybe we had one,once, and it was moved somewhere else. This is more of a question than a criticism.

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Old 28-09-2005, 15:06   #13
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

What about Robert Peel. Wasn't he local? He started the police force, didn't he - isn't that why they're called Bobbies?

You'd have thought the Victorians would have put up a statue for him.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 28-09-2005, 15:20   #14
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
What about Robert Peel. Wasn't he local? He started the police force, didn't he - isn't that why they're called Bobbies?

You'd have thought the Victorians would have put up a statue for him.

Errrrrrrrrr...No. Robert Peel was from Bury. His grandfather was from Church/Ossy. Interestingly, though, the Town Hall was originally built as the Peel Institute (otherwise known as the Mechanics Institute), and that was in its way a memorial to Robert Peel (politician). There are numerous statues to Peel around the country, the best known one being in Tamworth, Staffs.
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Old 28-09-2005, 15:32   #15
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Re: Why no statues in Accy?

Blackburn has some really interesting ones with water features and lights in them. I like the one on the bus station of a mum with child in tow that has dropped her teddy bear !
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