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Old 12-08-2008, 18:29   #46
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Long term contraception might seem like a good idea, but is it really?
Maybe then the girls will have no fear of pregnancy and will not get the male partner to use condoms...then we have the spectre of STD's raising their ugly head....Chlamydia being a very common one which will affect the future fertility of these that when they want to have a a stable relationship, they may find that their reproductive equipment is damaged beyond repair.

If a girl is mature enough to enter into a sexual relationship then she has to be mature enough to take the appropriate precautions.....after all it is her who will end up holding the baby...literally, if she doesn't.
Originally Posted by Loz View Post
Think a contraceptive implant would be a good idea as long as they were educated about STD's.
I have an implant and have suffered no side effects whatsoever,its painless to insert and lasts for 3 years when you can get another one if you want.
Anything which cuts down on teenage pregnancies and STD's can only be a good thing surely?
I had the contraceptive implant and it did not agree with me at all, my daughter has tried the injection and that didn't do her any favours, as for STD or STI's as they are now known it has been reported that these are extremely high in people of 50 plus at the moment due to the fact that they are coming out of long term relationships and playing the field so to speak, so its not just the young who need educating about the risk of STI's

The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed .......Sebastine Chamford
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Old 12-08-2008, 19:18   #47
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
How many of you guys were "accidents" .... I know I was, my mom told me .... I made it this far, tho I sometimes wonder why I bothered

My son was an accident too .... his mother and I were married at the time, but unfortunately to different people This accident is now teaching engineering at the University of Saskatchewan on a post-doctoral fellowship.
I realised that I was unwanted when they wrapped my sandwiches in a road map and put me on the wrong bus to school
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Old 12-08-2008, 19:25   #48
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
I realised that I was unwanted when they wrapped my sandwiches in a road map and put me on the wrong bus to school
They tied a pork chop around my neck and sent me out to play with a pit bull
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Old 12-08-2008, 21:04   #49
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by panther View Post
Why are these girls have to get benefit in the first place?......because the boy dont want to know, ...again its the girls who always get the blame....what they should be doing if fanging hold of the males and snipping them, as well as dealing with the someone takes two, so BOTH should be dealt with!
was gunna give you karma for that but gotta spread it around so iou
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 12-08-2008, 21:25   #50
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
They tied a pork chop around my neck and sent me out to play with a pit bull
I wondered why you finished up in Canada.
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Old 13-08-2008, 00:52   #51
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by Royboy39 View Post
I wondered why you finished up in Canada.
Lucky I wasn't born here .... they would have dipped me in honey and sent me out to play with the bears
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Old 14-08-2008, 15:07   #52
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

I don't know any young mums that have given up their babies even if they weren't planned. All my friends that have children seem to be really doting mothers who love their children very much.

I think this idea is not only completely against human rights but completely immoral. Who is to say when a girl should or shouldn't have consentual sex with someone or have a child?

I think some people should be ashamed of themselves, and i'm certainly not referring to the young mothers or their children that so many people seem to take upon themselves to insult and humilate.
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Old 14-08-2008, 16:25   #53
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

So because you don't know anybody Blazey it means it doesn't happen?
Don't be so naive.
I unfortunately know quite a few young girls who don't give a damn about their kids just where their next drink is coming from.
We have young kids of 3 and 4 years old wandering into the garage on their own because their parents don't watch them and don't notice they have gone!
I'm not saying all young mums are bad but they are out there and i feel so sorry for the kids,what chance do they have in life?
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Old 14-08-2008, 17:47   #54
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by Loz View Post
So because you don't know anybody Blazey it means it doesn't happen?
Don't be so naive.
I unfortunately know quite a few young girls who don't give a damn about their kids just where their next drink is coming from.
We have young kids of 3 and 4 years old wandering into the garage on their own because their parents don't watch them and don't notice they have gone!
I'm not saying all young mums are bad but they are out there and i feel so sorry for the kids,what chance do they have in life?
I know a few people like that too Loz, dont deserve to have kids, waste of space they are.....damn right scum!!
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Old 14-08-2008, 17:59   #55
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by fibi View Post
I had the contraceptive implant and it did not agree with me at all, my daughter has tried the injection and that didn't do her any favours, as for STD or STI's as they are now known it has been reported that these are extremely high in people of 50 plus at the moment due to the fact that they are coming out of long term relationships and playing the field so to speak, so its not just the young who need educating about the risk of STI's
My point in highlighting the risk of STD/STI was that, through a non barrier contraception being used for these young girls....who perhaps then feel they are protected from unwanted pregnancy, they may find that in later life they are sterile because of their 'unsafe' sexual activity.
I am aware that STD/STIs are now common in the older age you pointed out.....but it really isn't going to affect their ability to procreate.

Many contraceptive agents do not agree with women.... they just have to keep on trying to find one that agrees with their own body chemistry.
All methods of contraception have failure rates(female sterilization has a failure rate of 1 in 3)...but by far the biggest failure is that people fail to use contraception.
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Old 14-08-2008, 19:50   #56
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

If it was such a massive problem I think I would at least know one person who has dumped their unwanted baby into a home.

There was an article in The Times yesterday which suggested that the pill affects a womans ability to naturally find a suitable partner. I don't know if anyone read it but it was very interesting!
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Old 14-08-2008, 20:24   #57
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

What an emotive subject!

We all know, or think we do, of young girls who get pregnant on purpose so they can get a Council flat/benefits/etc. Some of us can remember the Bad Old Days when becoming pregnant, while unmarried, was shameful and had to be hidden.

While I would hate to see a return to the days when mothers were forcefully parted from their babies it did, at least, mean that girls thought twice, followed by another 3 times, about casual sex that might result in pregnancy. I would never want to see a child brought up in poverty but I do think the benefits available to the reckless young mother are an encouragement to disregard the consequences of promiscuity.
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Old 14-08-2008, 20:45   #58
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by Less View Post

Sterilisation? What happens about the poor girl that is temporarily sterilised and perhaps would have resisted her basic instincts but when she reaches our version of maturity then finds that for her this form of contraception has left her completely sterile for ever?
The word sterilisation in the article is a bit strong. Long term contraception is what they're talking about. Once long term contraception is stopped....the next injection not given, the implant taken out, the girl will be able to have a baby if she was capable of having a baby before.

No contraceptive except a hysterectomy will leave a girl sterile for ever.
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Old 14-08-2008, 20:50   #59
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

But Lilly, contraception of this nature may give rise to reckless sexual activity....which may in turn leave a young woman with only IVF as an option to have a family.
Chlamydia does irreparable damage to fallopian tubes.
I am speaking from long experience.
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Old 14-08-2008, 20:58   #60
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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
But Lilly, contraception of this nature may give rise to reckless sexual activity....which may in turn leave a young woman with only IVF as an option to have a family.
Chlamydia does irreparable damage to fallopian tubes.
I am speaking from long experience.
I take your point, Margaret.

Reckless sexual activity may result in Chlamydia which in turn causes fertility problems but the root cause of infertility in these circumstances is the reckless sexual activity.

Less seemed to think that the contraception itself could leave girls permanently infertile.
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'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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