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31-01-2007, 18:32
Resting in Peace
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by flashytart
i had to go to a mosque with Reece's school....i wasnt impressed, all us women had to wear a headscarf...... 
I wouldn't be impressed either flashy .. any headwear to me is a no, no. Flattens me hair you understand and makes it curl .. no way, so no mosque visits for me I'm afraid. Anyway, why do women have to cover their heads in the first place .. what's so horrible about it ?
As for turning men away in shorts .. to me men in shorts should be shot a dawn anyway, so can see the reasoning behind this ... 
31-01-2007, 18:35
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
i have extremely curly hair kate....it wasn't a pretty sight  especially with it being long aswell
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
31-01-2007, 18:45
Resting in Peace
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by flashytart
i have extremely curly hair kate....it wasn't a pretty sight  especially with it being long aswell
And red like mine flashy, so we 'ain't got much going for us have we ? (well, I think we have at least .. I don't think we are ginger mingers).
Got these straighteners now which help a little .. problem is keep burning me scalp ...  Ok thread wander .. just a sideline of women's talk.
Think that guy is pretty disgusting too .. ! Sloppy sod. Must have known there were holes in 'em when he dressed that day, couldn't possibly have happened during the course of the day, like us women sometimes with our tights. Wonder what his underpants are like \______/
31-01-2007, 19:51
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
31-01-2007, 19:57
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by mani
his shoes arent the cleanest either
the guy has no class, just a slob . end of story
31-01-2007, 20:00
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
ermmmm i have long curly hair!!! nowt wrong with that, people spend loads to have there hair curly!! 
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
31-01-2007, 20:01
Resting in Peace
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by chav1
if you ever come to my place of worship you will be made to wear a veil as well
And where would that be sire ?
Steeljack: nail on the head ... full stop.
31-01-2007, 20:14
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by katex
And red like mine flashy, so we 'ain't got much going for us have we ? (well, I think we have at least .. I don't think we are ginger mingers).
Got these straighteners now which help a little .. problem is keep burning me scalp ...  Ok thread wander .. just a sideline of women's talk.
Think that guy is pretty disgusting too .. ! Sloppy sod. Must have known there were holes in 'em when he dressed that day, couldn't possibly have happened during the course of the day, like us women sometimes with our tights. Wonder what his underpants are like \______/
mines out of a bottle  ...*shaz walks off in a huff* 
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
31-01-2007, 20:15
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by chav1
carry on ya lil git....chavs just been round to mine and commented YET AGAIN on my hair being curly...there's just no pleasing some folk.........I'LL GET YA ONE DAY MATE 
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
31-01-2007, 20:31
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by katex
I wouldn't be impressed either flashy .. any headwear to me is a no, no. Flattens me hair you understand and makes it curl .. no way, so no mosque visits for me I'm afraid. Anyway, why do women have to cover their heads in the first place .. what's so horrible about it ?
In a Jewish temple, the men should all wear a head covering.
Be it a church, mosque, or temple, it is a place of worship first and foremost. As such, it is their right to set the dress code for folks wishing to worship or just to have a look around. It is also their right to prohibit the use of mobile phones, MP3 players, flash photography - or any photography. Folks who don't wish to conform should sightsee somewhere else.
When in darkness or in doubt, visit Oswaldtwistle!
31-01-2007, 20:46
Resting in Peace
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by Billcat
In a Jewish temple, the men should all wear a head covering.
Be it a church, mosque, or temple, it is a place of worship first and foremost. As such, it is their right to set the dress code for folks wishing to worship or just to have a look around. It is also their right to prohibit the use of mobile phones, MP3 players, flash photography - or any photography. Folks who don't wish to conform should sightsee somewhere else.
Of course Billcat, no argument there, just wondering why women should have to cover their heads and what is the reasoning behind that ?
Why do they have to take off shoes too ?
31-01-2007, 21:10
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by katex
Why do they have to take off shoes too ?
Have to check up why on the head coverings.
The rule on shoes I know. The Islamic faith sets great store in cleanliness, especially in the Mosque. Pork is, therefore prohibited. Modesty in clothing is advocated. When dining, the washing of hands is an important ritual. Also, communal dishes are often served. Use of the left, unclean hand is a big social gaffe.
Shoes are considered necessary, but unclean - especially the soles (if you've ever gone walking where people have taking their dogs, this is easy to understand). Therefore, they are not worn into the mosque. Just as a trivial aside, it is considered very bad manners to cross your knees when sitting in conversation with a Moslem, as you end up prominently showing them the sole of your shoe.
When in darkness or in doubt, visit Oswaldtwistle!
31-01-2007, 21:19
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Think he should treat himself to a new pair of socks!
31-01-2007, 21:36
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by katex
Of course Billcat, no argument there, just wondering why women should have to cover their heads and what is the reasoning behind that ?
Katex, talk about a complex subject! Some put it down to scripture, some to the desire of some men to subjugate women.
Most mosques require headcoverings. Many islamic countries require that women (and, often, men as well) to wear their regional Islamic garb whenever in public.
Similarly, many Christian Churches require women to wear headcoverings in church. Some require it of women at all times when out in public.
In the Jewish faith, the Hasidic sects generally require married women to wear a wigs, or snoods, or tichels and to reveal their hair only to their husband.
Very complex, a lot of controversy, and many conflicting opinions. Probably enough information for several doctoral dissertations! Just glad that I am not the one who will be writing it!
Oh well, one simple rule...when in Rome, do as the Romans.
When in darkness or in doubt, visit Oswaldtwistle!
31-01-2007, 21:38
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Re: Why you should never go to a mosque...
Originally Posted by grego
Think he should treat himself to a new pair of socks!
Perhaps the pair he wore to the mosque were the "Holey of Holies?"
He certainly was not praticing "Safe Sox!"
....ducking weaving to avoid the tomatoes and brickbats......
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