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Old 26-03-2005, 22:54   #31
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Re: Wife swap

Some of it was,but a lot goes on that people dont see.
Things were rough b4 we did it!

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Old 26-03-2005, 23:04   #32
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Re: Wife swap

Originally Posted by jason
Some of it was,but a lot goes on that people dont see.
Things were rough b4 we did it!
I thought that would be the answer. So how has it changed your life for the better?
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Old 26-03-2005, 23:11   #33
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Re: Wife swap

It changed a lot of things,i was a strong person b4 the show but i am a lot stronger now and the only things that matter to me are my kids.

I got woken up to a lot of things,my homelife,my worklife etc etc.......I decided it needed changing and that is exactly what i did.

A lot of people just take life for granted,but you cant,you have to make it better for yourself and your family,no-one is perfect and no-one has a perfect life.......if someone came into anyone elses life they would show them another way to do things,but it may not work for that person,BUT IT DID FOR ME.
Some people do not like change.......i didn't before the show,but it made me realise that things had to change.
Going through the motions is no good for anyone,especially when you have children.

The press intrusion was phenomenal after the show as we were the first couple to ever split up in the show.

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Old 26-03-2005, 23:16   #34
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Re: Wife swap

So you don't regret doing it?
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Old 26-03-2005, 23:22   #35
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Re: Wife swap

Sometimes when i look back on the scrapbook with all the press and magazines cuttings.......when i feel a little down.

.......But i dont regret doing the show because as i say,it changed my life..........dramatically.

Becky and i are really really good friends,we have to be for the kids,and who knows what the future holds!!

We set up the max and paddy forum together as we are fans of the show,so we got our heads together and decided to do that.It brought us a bit closer believe it or not (because we was in constant contact),the kids see Becky most days,i never ever stop her seeing them.

Would you do the show?.................or anybody else?

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Old 26-03-2005, 23:25   #36
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Thumbs up Re: Wife swap

God yeah, I would do the show but I don't think there's alot of men that could put up with me !!
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Old 26-03-2005, 23:27   #37
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Re: Wife swap

LOL...................I said that about Becky!!

Here the the pics of the families incase anyone is trying to remember!!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg wife swap 1.jpg (11.6 KB, 26 views)
File Type: jpg wife swap 2.jpg (10.5 KB, 21 views)

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Old 27-03-2005, 00:22   #38
white rabbits

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Re: Wife swap

i am glad your happy jason ,,contentment is worth more than winning the lottery, and your kids have got a great dad ,,
Not a full brick
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Old 27-03-2005, 00:28   #39
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Re: Wife swap

Thank you G.C.

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Old 27-03-2005, 17:07   #40
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Re: Wife swap

Just noticed i am in the sunday sport today,no not with my breasts out lol.

I fanyone has this paper,have a look on page 38.

The story goes...............

LOUDMOUTH wife swap star Becky Fairhurst has ben blasted by her hubby for ditching three kids to clinch a job as a tv reporter.
The busty blonde,29,has been snapped up by scouse comic paul o'grady to be an obnoxious interviewer to the stars on his new itv show.
But foul-mouthed Becky has walked out on kids Kiowa,3,Ziegan,4,and Tyler,11 to give her the time to take up her new job.
Becky and her 20st beer guzzling partner Jason Hill made history last year when they became the first ever wife swap couple to split up following the show.
Angry Jason,31,has revealed that the peroxide blonde left him holding the babies after moaning that she never had enough time to do her own thing.
He added,being on the show made her stronger,but it has also made her more selfish.she decided she wanted to enjoy being single again and go out every night.

I have not spoken to the sport newspaper at all,so wherever they got that from is bulls**t.
I am not 20 stone the cheeky ba****ds.......i'm a healthy 13,yes i like my beer.who doesn't!!
It was my decision to finishe work and take the kids,becky never dumped them on me.
She went for a screen test in leeds for the Paul o'grady show,i should know....i took her, but she hasnt heard anything about it.So whoever gave them the story she got the job it is news to us!
At least they put me as 31 and not my real age of 32!

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Old 27-03-2005, 17:20   #41
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Re: Wife swap

Luckily Jason it's only The Sunday Sport not many people read the stories they only buy it for the pictures They are a law unto themselves honestly!! Never mind let's hope Becki has got the Paul O'Grady job!
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Old 27-03-2005, 17:32   #42
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Re: Wife swap

Really having a go at Burnley today, this in the News of the screws

I know many people dont buy The Sun or The News Of The World (NOTW), but today there is an article on page 45 of the NOTW and it can only be discribed as disgusting.
There is a report that is apparently trying to put Labours new imigration law to the test. Personaly it reads more of an attack on Burnley.
Its is written by a reporter who is from Burnley claims that he grew up on an estate where outsiders are treated with 'distain' especially those ten miles away in Blackburn.
It also says 'Burnley is about as multi-cultural as an eskimo village purched on the north pole'
It says there are more non-white faces on the pitch at Turf Moor than in the entire crowd.
It says that 'one worthy tells me he has seen school buses with all asians at the back and all whites at the front. And that hasnt happened in America for 50 years.'
It says white peolpe dont want to mix, we dont know each other and dont like what we dont know.
There may be groups of Asians at the end of a bus and whites at the other, but this is because they are with friends, in the years I have been using buses in Burnley I have never seen an Asian asked to sit at the back of the bus.
People may not take to outsiders, but which society does??

Then there is a small article saying that Coal, Cotton and Soccer was what brought Burnley together. Now only soccer is left. And Dave Edmundons says " We want to play a big part in the areas regeneration that includes everyone'
Itr goes on to say HE has signed Burnleys first Asian player and if he turns out like Jimmy Mc it could be just what the town needs said one white race activist.
Then there is a comment from Edmundson which I find shocking and disgusting, in one quick sentance he manages to offend every person in the country who have a skin head by saying "When Amir Khan wrapped himself in the Union Flag, even the skinheads cheered"

Meaning what exactly Mr Edmundson??

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Old 27-03-2005, 17:52   #43
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Re: Wife swap

I'll be talking to my solicitor tomorrow!!..........cant find an email address for the sport,can anyone else?
How dare they call me when they dont know me.............I have never been 20 stone and never will be.They really should get their facts right!I'll be asking for a retraction and an apology!

Bazf....what is the reporters name?as i know a couple in Burnley.......didnt i didn't get the notw today for once.

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Old 27-03-2005, 17:58   #44
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Re: Wife swap

Just goes to show you can't trust the Press to print facts,if there's nowt to report they make something up,be they nationals,tabloids or the Non League Paper!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 27-03-2005, 18:16   #45
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Re: Wife swap

Jason try here.

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