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Old 22-08-2007, 17:13   #1
Yank in King Art's Court!
LancYorkYankee's Avatar

Wildlife Bay Rescue!

Would like some opinions or chat from a bit of a dilemma over here. I have in my robe pocket 5 baby opposums (disgusting little varmints IMO). Any suggestions at what point you let nature just take care of itself? As an avid animal lover, it's very hard to either see or here nature at work (it aint pretty).

For example hawks and foxes making off with various critters, snakes with full stomachs, cats being cats, and/or just the survival of the fittest.

Now these little munchkins are very fit. The mom either got hit by a car or killed trying to protect them. The new puppy really surprised me in this as she got me into the woods with her barking. There I found her hovering over one. As soon as I gathered that she was off and brought me another, then another, and we all (2 dogs, a cat an myself discover the last two.

Right now, I figure I will get em some warm milk, some soggy cat food, and put em in a pen. I really hope they're old enough to eat solid food! UGH!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA BE DR. DOOLITTLE!!!!


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Old 22-08-2007, 17:16   #2
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Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

hope they are Rabies free
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Old 22-08-2007, 17:24   #3
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Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

I had do a websearch to find out more about them

Wikepedia -
""Like raccoons, opossums can be found in urban environments, where they eat pet food, rotten fruit, and various human garbage. Though many humans mistakenly consider opossums to be rats, opossums in fact are not closely related to rodents at all, rarely transmit diseases to humans, and are surprisingly resistant to rabies, due mainly to their lower body temperatures when compared to most placental mammals
Although it is found throughout the country, the Virginia Opossum's appearance in folklore and popularity as a food item has tied it closely to the American Southeast"""

I dont fancy eating one . They look like they may get dangerous when they get bigger - look at those teeth!!!!!
If you are too kindhearted to let nature take its course, it would be best to raise them well away from the house and your other animals, but being a 'country boy' you will already know that.
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Old 22-08-2007, 17:48   #4
Yank in King Art's Court!
LancYorkYankee's Avatar

Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

Just got back from a cat attack on my guineas. They are large enough to protect themselves from predators and are somewhat contained within the garden fencing. However, one of the cats (probably angry over missing out on that southern delicacy of opposum) decided to have a bit of fun with the guineas. In there stupidity, 2 of them flew into a patch of cactus and refused to come out, although they were screeching for assistance.

Now I've got all these microscopic cactus thorns all over me arms. I actually thought this was rather funny after just writing the Dr. Doolittle thread.

Well found info Margaret. Yes, they are viscious looking adults although much more bark then bite. And no, I don't know anyone who has even thought of eating one. Probably more the mountain hillbilly type).

The young ones are climbing around a food dish hissing at each other. They won't eat solid food and they would take warm milk in a syringe. Their mouths/snouts are very long compared to baby rabiits or squirrels.


Just to clarify, I wouldn't trade my life for all the tea in China, maybe for all the tea in Yorkshire though! Didn't want to be thought of overwhinging this way! :>)

Last edited by LancYorkYankee; 22-08-2007 at 17:57.
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Old 22-08-2007, 18:40   #5
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Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Would like some opinions or chat from a bit of a dilemma over here. I have in my robe pocket 5 baby opposums (disgusting little varmints IMO). Any suggestions at what point you let nature just take care of itself? As an avid animal lover, it's very hard to either see or here nature at work (it aint pretty).

For example hawks and foxes making off with various critters, snakes with full stomachs, cats being cats, and/or just the survival of the fittest.

Now these little munchkins are very fit. The mom either got hit by a car or killed trying to protect them. The new puppy really surprised me in this as she got me into the woods with her barking. There I found her hovering over one. As soon as I gathered that she was off and brought me another, then another, and we all (2 dogs, a cat an myself discover the last two.

Right now, I figure I will get em some warm milk, some soggy cat food, and put em in a pen. I really hope they're old enough to eat solid food! UGH!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA BE DR. DOOLITTLE!!!!

What's the problem? Nature is taking care of itself. You are part of nature I presume? If you want to look at it from a christian perspective, it's just one of god's creatures taking care of some more of god's creatures. I dare say I wouldn't look at it in that particular way myself, but, hey, if more people had that caring attitude about the creatures we share the planet with, the Earth wouldn't be in such a mess.
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Old 22-08-2007, 19:09   #6
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
What's the problem? Nature is taking care of itself. You are part of nature I presume? If you want to look at it from a christian perspective, it's just one of god's creatures taking care of some more of god's creatures. I dare say I wouldn't look at it in that particular way myself, but, hey, if more people had that caring attitude about the creatures we share the planet with, the Earth wouldn't be in such a mess.
Aw Eric, don't know if I should kiss you (in a brotherly way mate) or strangle you (in a brotherly way also mate). My farm is becoming more like a zoo. Which isn't all bad. Good comments!

Also, being part of nature, I could just deliver ther little nutkins to the extra large Black Rat Snake in the chicken barn! They have taken to the warmed up soymilk in a smaller syringe.

As shown in Margaret's pics, these really are animals that their mother can love!


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Old 22-08-2007, 20:35   #7
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Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

Never mind doing a Dr Doolittle set up a small rural zoo.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 23-08-2007, 02:37   #8
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

In rereading this, what the heck did I mean by "Wildlife "Bay" Rescue?" Now why am I asking you guys eh? Sorry!

Anyhow, yes, charging for my zoo would be an interesting idea. However, can't begin to imagine the multitude of permits, zoning approvals, wildlife licences (and worst the fines for first even have any captive wildlife), increase homeowners insurance to protect the visitors etc.


By the way, the pup found yet another little weasel off in another part of the woods, cold and hungry!

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Old 24-08-2007, 17:55   #9
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Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

First, see if there is a wildlife rehabilitator in your area who would take on these little guys.

If possums need fluids more than they need nutrition at first. Try infant Pedialyte. Keep them warm. They will need more than soy products. Not nourishing enough. Try Multimilk, Nurtur-all, KMR or Esbilac. Later on, mashed foods......boiled eggs, kitten chow, papaya, potato and Gerber baby foods. Add NeoCal Glucon or crushed calcium lactate tabs.

Good luck! I've got quite a little zoo going on down here myself.
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Old 24-08-2007, 23:18   #10
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Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

way i see it brian ya aint much of a choice, yer lumbered mate.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-08-2007, 02:38   #11
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
First, see if there is a wildlife rehabilitator in your area who would take on these little guys.

If possums need fluids more than they need nutrition at first. Try infant Pedialyte. Keep them warm. They will need more than soy products. Not nourishing enough. Try Multimilk, Nurtur-all, KMR or Esbilac. Later on, mashed foods......boiled eggs, kitten chow, papaya, potato and Gerber baby foods. Add NeoCal Glucon or crushed calcium lactate tabs.

Good luck! I've got quite a little zoo going on down here myself.
Yeah, I've been supplementing with peanut butter. Make it alot easier if I drive on down Barb and drop 'em on your doorstep! The nearest rehabilitator is quite a ways off. Plus, I like the challenge and also, they are just opossums. They did take a liking to one of the cats as they wouldn't let go once they grasp on to her fur (she was in NO WAY amused). Speaking of not amused, that'd be my darling wife who's got yet another box of baby animals in the bedroom!


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Old 28-08-2007, 18:34   #12
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Re: Wildlife Bay Rescue!

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Make it alot easier if I drive on down Barb and drop 'em on your doorstep! Brian

No more, please! Actually, our little mothers are very attentive - and seem to avoid mishap. "La ragazza" - our current resident raccoon mama, has just presented us with 3 new babies. Scarlet, (resident doe), with a fine new fawn. I think it's a male. Rhett, maybe? If not, Melanie.

Possums are so ugly....bless their little hearts. I never could cotton to them.
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