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Old 10-05-2010, 21:48   #61
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Will Gordon go????

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
what i can't grasp is why when parties have leadership elections, those that have crap support have to drop out n the main 2 go forward to the next vote, why this can't be the case in any hung parliment? twould save this pratting about n the country would then have a government voted in by the MAJORITY of the voting electorate, job sorted.
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Old 10-05-2010, 21:55   #62
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Re: Will Gordon go????

Originally Posted by Less View Post
My God! You live in a fantasy world full of perfection, Can I join?
it'll never happen, why do ya think i said sod it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 11-05-2010, 05:39   #63
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Re: Will Gordon go????

The Germas tend to hold their voting days at a Weekend (Sunday), so 90% of the populace are at home with nothing to do, thereby in theory increasing voter turnout. Still due to apathy & disillusionment a lot of people still don't bother.
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Old 11-05-2010, 09:29   #64
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Re: Will Gordon go????

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
The Germas tend to hold their voting days at a Weekend (Sunday), so 90% of the populace are at home with nothing to do, thereby in theory increasing voter turnout. Still due to apathy & disillusionment a lot of people still don't bother.
To be honest Dave I've always wondered why we don't vote on a Sunday, think the rest of Europe vote on Sunday, and if this election had have been maybe Rev Kev wouldn't have stood on principal
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Old 11-05-2010, 09:30   #65
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Re: Will Gordon go????

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
what i can't grasp is why when parties have leadership elections, those that have crap support have to drop out n the main 2 go forward to the next vote, why this can't be the case in any hung parliment? twould save this pratting about n the country would then have a government voted in by the MAJORITY of the voting electorate, job sorted.
they already are
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Old 11-05-2010, 11:14   #66
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Re: Will Gordon go????

The whole thing's just become a joke in my view. It's just one big Dutch auction, with both major parties desperate to grasp power and trying to outbid each other by offering the Lib/Dems whatever they want. Neither the Tories nor Labour campaigned for a change in the voting system and as they gained around 50% of the vote between them, obviously the British public don't want it either. So why should they have it foisted on them just to placate the Lib/Dems?

This graphically shows (to the minority who didn't grasp it before) just how the politicians of all the big three do not give a toss about what we want.
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Old 11-05-2010, 11:18   #67
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Re: Will Gordon go????

They are like three little lads behind the bike shed bartering for the last Rolo

PS - would have said 'fag' but it has nasty public school connotations

Last edited by MargaretR; 11-05-2010 at 11:20.
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Old 11-05-2010, 11:46   #68
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Re: Will Gordon go????

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
The whole thing's just become a joke in my view. It's just one big Dutch auction, with both major parties desperate to grasp power and trying to outbid each other by offering the Lib/Dems whatever they want. Neither the Tories nor Labour campaigned for a change in the voting system and as they gained around 50% of the vote between them, obviously the British public don't want it either. So why should they have it foisted on them just to placate the Lib/Dems?

This graphically shows (to the minority who didn't grasp it before) just how the politicians of all the big three do not give a toss about what we want.
You are spot on.....again. This unseemly wrangling is disastrous for the country in terms of how the rest of the world see us.......we have lost all credibility as a nation of integrity....and our financial situation is suffering while these clowns(except that clowns can be funny...and this isn't) divvi up.

What do they think the electorate think about all this...well, in truth they really couldn't care less.
If I could, I would get on the next boat out of here.
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Old 11-05-2010, 13:28   #69
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Re: Will Gordon go????

I think Labour are missing a trick big time here. Rather than trying to compromise themselves, in the same way the Conservatitives are by kow towing to the Lib Dems, they should just bite the bullet, stand back and let the others get on with it.

Because sure as eggs is eggs neither a Conservative Minority Government nor any kind of Cons/Lib Dems allegience will work for very long, they have too many differences to work together. The result of either of these options will surely mean another election before long, at which a Labour Party with a new, hopefully vibrant leadership, may prove a more appealing proposition to the electorate...and they wouldn't have to sell their voters short in the meantime....just requires a bit of nerve and patience!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 11-05-2010, 13:39   #70
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Re: Will Gordon go????

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
just requires a bit of nerve and patience!
It also requires a bit of integrity, so I wouldn't bank on it, Taggy!
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Old 11-05-2010, 13:44   #71
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Re: Will Gordon go????

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
It also requires a bit of integrity, so I wouldn't bank on it, Taggy!
True....i'm certainly nor banking on it....i think they are already showing the aint got much!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 11-05-2010, 13:54   #72
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Re: Will Gordon go????

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
True....i'm certainly nor banking on it....i think they are already showing the aint got much!
The only ones who are showing a bit of integrity are the likes of John Reid and David Blunkett who are saying, in effect, "let's do the decent thing and go into opposition". Think, as you say, they're also showing a bit more nous than the rest, too, because the British public will not easily forgive whichever party goes into some grubby deal with the Lib/Dems, just to get their grubby mitts on power. Apparently the auction's now swinging back in favour of the Tories. All I can say to David Cameron is, "be careful what you wish might come true!".
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Old 11-05-2010, 14:35   #73
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Re: Will Gordon go????

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
The only ones who are showing a bit of integrity are the likes of John Reid and David Blunkett who are saying, in effect, "let's do the decent thing and go into opposition". Think, as you say, they're also showing a bit more nous than the rest, too, because the British public will not easily forgive whichever party goes into some grubby deal with the Lib/Dems, just to get their grubby mitts on power. Apparently the auction's now swinging back in favour of the Tories. All I can say to David Cameron is, "be careful what you wish might come true!".

Yep thats exactly right....but i'm afraid we all know about the political gravy train, people will do "almost" anything for the power and the privalidges, and it does look...well IS actually rather pathetic and desperate, and people can see through this!

A bit of humility and a period of opposition, particularily in the light of the balance of power would not do Labour much harm at the moment, and would give them more credence and credit, long term....but a bit like the bankers and their bonuses...they dont look long term nowadays i'm afraid, and they treat the rest of us with total contempt!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 11-05-2010, 18:29   #74
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Re: Will Gordon go????

think yer both, taggy n wynonie being taken fer a ta ta by the garbage in the media. " Cameron will do virtually owt, fer power" as i said in another thread the other day, seems he is, also said cameron n clegg would jump into bed together, my view aint changed. all i say if this comes to pass- ya reap what ya sow.
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Old 11-05-2010, 18:37   #75
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Re: Will Gordon go????

He's gone round to the palace for a brew and hand his notice in
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