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Old 03-04-2007, 16:42   #1
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Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

Being the breadwinner was once a proudly masculine role.

These days men are happy sharing the responsibility - and housework - with their wives or partners, a survey has found.

There's only one problem. The women are dreaming of a man who earns enough money so they can stay at home.

Men like the idea of spending more time with their children and sharing the huge financial burden families today face.' said FHM spokesman Chris Bell.

'The problem is, women are now changing their minds. More and more women want to give up their careers when they become mothers.'
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Old 03-04-2007, 16:59   #2
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

when will you learn women are always wright
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Old 03-04-2007, 17:01   #3
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

Many women have little choice but to work AND raise a is an economic necessity.
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Old 03-04-2007, 17:06   #4
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

Originally Posted by mani View Post
'The problem is, women are now changing their minds.

Where does NOW come in to it, it's always been the case
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Old 03-04-2007, 18:09   #5
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Many women have little choice but to work AND raise a is an economic necessity.

I'm one of those old fashioned (or maybe now it's ultra modern?) women who would much prefer the man to be the breadwinner and the woman to be the homemaker. When I was a child my mother had to work due to circumstances beyond her control and it seemed like all my friends had a mother at home. She left for work about 6:30am and I had to kill time until I could get into school. Other kids weren't even awake at that hour of the morning and I remember feeling very lonely on those dark winter mornings. I'd have loved to have had my Mum at home.

Even though it hasn't always been easy financially I have been able to be here for my girls thanks to circumstances which at the time I may not have thought were ideal but which worked out for the best in the end.

With unemployment being a problem wouldn't it be wonderful if people could earn enough so that women who wanted to stay home could do and there would be vacancies for people currently unemployed?

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Old 03-04-2007, 18:42   #6
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

Originally Posted by mani View Post
Being the breadwinner was once a proudly masculine role.

These days men are happy sharing the responsibility - and housework - with their wives or partners, a survey has found.

There's only one problem. The women are dreaming of a man who earns enough money so they can stay at home.

Men like the idea of spending more time with their children and sharing the huge financial burden families today face.' said FHM spokesman Chris Bell.
I wouldn't take too much notice of a survey in FHM. The partner for most of their readership will be their right hand.
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Old 03-04-2007, 18:56   #7
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

its a womens perogative not to make her mind up about anything
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Old 03-04-2007, 19:08   #8
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

women dont have minds they just run on instinct..

thats why they cant shut their mouths and never listen properly, theres nothing to tell teh gob to shut up so their ears can listen
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Old 03-04-2007, 19:09   #9
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

i listen to you often enough dont i? ya git
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 03-04-2007, 20:16   #10
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

Silly survey!

Why? Because, it should not be a one-size-fits-all world.

The real question is what best suits the needs of the individual. While there are many who may prefer traditional roles, there are many who do not. Neither is wrong.

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Old 03-04-2007, 20:21   #11
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

My good lady wife, will share her household duties with anyone, save herself.
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Old 03-04-2007, 20:28   #12
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

Originally Posted by Billcat View Post
Silly survey!

Why? Because, it should not be a one-size-fits-all world.

The real question is what best suits the needs of the individual. While there are many who may prefer traditional roles, there are many who do not. Neither is wrong.
That's the trouble with surveys in general. I totally agree with you.

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Old 03-04-2007, 21:17   #13
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

I didn't go back to work, apart from some "casual" periods, until my youngest child (who is now 31) was 10 years old. My oldest was 22 by then. My husband earned a sufficient salary but we weren't well off and there were no holidays abroad, no 2nd car, no designer clothes and a good deal of D-I-Y on the house - which had a mortgage to pay on it.

I loved being a full time mum but by the time I went back to work, and was able to buy an ancient car because my husband had a company one, the "little one" was almost ready for High School and my husband worked, largely, from home which meant he was usually there when she got in from school. I went back to a job I enjoyed and I was able to provide the "icing on the cake" with what I earned - and buy a slightly newer car. I guess we were very lucky.

I think a lot of women in stable marriages/partnerships, with young children, work to provide that "icing" rather than working for sheer necessity. It's not a case of wanting a husband who can afford to keep them, it's a husband who can keep them supplied with all the trappings that a dual income provides. Our way of life, 30 - 40 years ago, isn't what they want or expect today.
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Old 03-04-2007, 22:09   #14
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
I didn't go back to work, apart from some "casual" periods, until my youngest child (who is now 31) was 10 years old. My oldest was 22 by then. My husband earned a sufficient salary but we weren't well off and there were no holidays abroad, no 2nd car, no designer clothes and a good deal of D-I-Y on the house - which had a mortgage to pay on it.

I loved being a full time mum but by the time I went back to work, and was able to buy an ancient car because my husband had a company one, the "little one" was almost ready for High School and my husband worked, largely, from home which meant he was usually there when she got in from school. I went back to a job I enjoyed and I was able to provide the "icing on the cake" with what I earned - and buy a slightly newer car. I guess we were very lucky.

I think a lot of women in stable marriages/partnerships, with young children, work to provide that "icing" rather than working for sheer necessity. It's not a case of wanting a husband who can afford to keep them, it's a husband who can keep them supplied with all the trappings that a dual income provides. Our way of life, 30 - 40 years ago, isn't what they want or expect today.
I think you have summed the situation up well witht his post. It is a sign of our times that holidays abroad and a second car are all now considered the norm.
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Old 03-04-2007, 22:12   #15
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Re: Will women PLEASE make their minds up!

Jesus I would give up work tomoz and be a full time mum if I got the chance. Not saying it is easy being a mum, but I would love to have all the time in the world to get through housework, kids, homework, etc

The daily juggling act can become very hard work.
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