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Old 28-01-2006, 20:37   #16
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Will you pass your MOT.

Mad hatter, I like the phrase....If it ain't broke don't fix it......and this scheme does seem to work well in Oz......used by both young and old......the caravan was always whether that had anything to do with the bag of freebies, I'm not sure.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Accrington Web
Old 28-01-2006, 20:39   #17
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Re: Will you pass your MOT.

you dont half talk about some strange things in accy land!
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Old 28-01-2006, 20:40   #18
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Re: Will you pass your MOT.

funny I was thinking that very phrase myself.
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Old 28-01-2006, 20:40   #19
God Member

Re: Will you pass your MOT.

Strange? in what way is it strange?
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Old 28-01-2006, 20:44   #20
Beacon of light

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Re: Will you pass your MOT.

I DO know what you mean Doug......but there are things that these generic care workers (if properly trained and monitored) can do that will leave time for trained medical personnel to do things that only they can do.

We had some very good auxiliary nurses on our unit and we were active in the training and monitoring of their role.......we saw them as more than just people who could deliver basic care needs.....our auxiliary nurses would escort patients to basic observations and other similar things.
it motivated them and made them feel more integrated in the team......they were always encouraged to work with a trained member of staff....and were only permitted to do the things that they were comfortable with and trained to do. I know some nurses felt threatened by this.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-01-2006, 20:48   #21
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Wynonie Harris's Avatar

Re: Will you pass your MOT.

The proposed MOTs are a typical example of this government's obsession with "spin".

In fact, these check ups are already available via "well man/well woman" clinics. But more importantly, do you think those most in need of them will actually bother going?

No, Bliar and his cronies are frantically trying to divert attention away from the fact that they have raised taxes, partly, in order to pour millions into the NHS. But because that money has been squandered on pointless red tape and ruinous PFIs, many health authorities are cutting back on operations, beds etc because of their debts.

Still, yet another regurgitated idea looks good for the electorate, doesn't it?
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Old 28-01-2006, 20:49   #22
God Member

Re: Will you pass your MOT.

Ah the escort to theatre by the sexy nurse, If it wasn't for her holding my hand I'd have never gone through with it. with The things they tell you COULD happen it's a wonder anybody has an opp.
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Old 28-01-2006, 20:52   #23
God Member

Re: Will you pass your MOT.

Never heard of well clinics, not much good to me if I've never heard of them are they. Where are they?, are they free? Why can't the gov integrate these as part of this new thing
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Old 28-01-2006, 20:56   #24
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Will you pass your MOT.

I agree with you Wynonie......the Wellness clinics don't hit all the people who need to be fact the people who do need to go to the clinics do not attend. I don't mean this in a derogatory sense......... but the lower socio-economic groups are the ones who need this service the most because, frequently their life styles are the ones that cause the most concern for health. The people who attend the Wellness clinic are those who are already doing what they can to improve their health.
That is why I think the mobile check up centres work well in Oz......all kinds of folk are picked up just as they do their daily shopping or pick up their benefits etc. The fact that they give out freebies is an additional draw too I'm sure.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-01-2006, 20:58   #25


Re: Will you pass your MOT.

I know Margaret I was an Auxiliary for eight years working on geriatric wards. I usually undertaking most of duties the EN would normally do. Things where fine until they introduced the Grading scheme and then everyone got all professional, the Royal Collage and the protection of title issues arose again. Overnight I was reduced from an equivalent Grade “C” to a Grade “A” and a lot of the work we use to do went undone due to the lack up take of Qualified Geriatric vacancies.

Today I work as an advisor to the private care sector and earn the equivalent of a Grade E Nurse, I’m not bragging but it’s a indictment of how the NHS as failed to keep pace with reality.

On - Stanley – On
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Last edited by Doug; 28-01-2006 at 21:00.
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Old 28-01-2006, 20:59   #26
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Will you pass your MOT.

Well, MH......we had a couple of young and pretty Auxiliaries.....and on our unit the patients usually walked to theatre.....I suppose you could still have had your hand held though.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-01-2006, 21:02   #27
Beacon of light

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Re: Will you pass your MOT.

The NHS was very short sighted in doing away with the EN grade. I knew some En's who had been auxiliaries for so long that they were just given the qualification.....and again I don't mean that to sound my mind they had earned that because of their experience.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 28-01-2006, 21:04   #28
Beacon of light

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Re: Will you pass your MOT.

NA's are encouraged to do NVQ's and this enables them to increase their grade and consequently their pay......all the tinkering that has been done hasn't improved the situation for patients.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 28-01-2006, 21:05   #29
Beacon of light

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Re: Will you pass your MOT.

oops.....I think I am thread wandering here... better stop before I get my hands slapped.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 28-01-2006, 21:07   #30
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Wynonie Harris's Avatar

Re: Will you pass your MOT.

Doug, I could tell you all sorts of things about the NHS as Mrs H works in it.
And as you say, well clinics are very good for those of us who care about our health.

However, I haven't time because I'm going up the pub to get ratted...
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