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28-12-2011, 15:47
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Being a lifelong non smoker. I fully agree that the smoking ban has killed most of our pubs and WMC's. They should have kept a smoke room and just banned smoking at the bar area and lounge. The smoking ban is a joke .The smokers stand in the pub doorways and you have to walk past the smoke to go in. Bring back Smoke rooms
28-12-2011, 15:59
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Originally Posted by maxthecollie
Being a lifelong non smoker. I fully agree that the smoking ban has killed most of our pubs and WMC's. They should have kept a smoke room and just banned smoking at the bar area and lounge. The smoking ban is a joke .The smokers stand in the pub doorways and you have to walk past the smoke to go in. Bring back Smoke rooms
not only that the non smokers stand outside with the smokers bocking the exits so in a way the smoking ban has created a fire hazzard.
ooh the irony lol
havnt smoked for almost 2 months now but would welcome smoking in pubs back becase those that ccomplained their clothes stank the next day dont seem to be going out either now.I guess they secretly miss the aroma of stale tobbacco the next day 
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
28-12-2011, 16:45
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
According to the BBC this morning, the supermarkets have just 100 days to organise themselves before they have to take fags off display. I can see the day coming when they will only be available on prescription. What sort of country are we creating for ourselves????
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
28-12-2011, 18:38
Resting in Peace
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Originally Posted by gynn
1. The wholesale price of beer and spirits to WMCs which has to be passed on to the consumer.
2. The economic climate that makes drinking out a luxury that many have to forego.
3. The increased costs of heating, lighting, rates etc
4. The smoking ban.
5. The lack of appeal of working men's clubs to young people.
6. Cheap supermarket alcohol.
Each of the above has been an extra nail in the coffin not just of WMCs, but also many local pubs.
I think your number 5 is the real crux of the gynn
28-12-2011, 18:42
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Originally Posted by maxthecollie
Being a lifelong non smoker. I fully agree that the smoking ban has killed most of our pubs and WMC's. They should have kept a smoke room and just banned smoking at the bar area and lounge. The smoking ban is a joke .The smokers stand in the pub doorways and you have to walk past the smoke to go in. Bring back Smoke rooms
Totally agree with that sentiment max, I quit smoking in 78 and am totally against smoking, but the total ban was a nonsense, a well ventilated smoke room would have quite sufficient to my mind
29-12-2011, 08:06
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
Well bully or you Graham, a few years ago....so that was before you sold you constituents out for the bright lights of Westminster. Good of you to take your snout out of the trough to reply to this, however it would be nice to see you responding to the thread regarding yourself.
I think personal comments only undermine your case by the way. I have always said their is a lack of credible or coherent argument from the right.
I am proud to have voted to defend workers rights and environmental legislation (which is what this was all about if you followed it closely). It is always disappointing when working people cross over to the dark side, persuaded to support the arguments of the Daily Mail / Tories / Fat Cats but that is something you have to live with.
Keeping on thread - as someone who often goes in Peels 4 WMC's - and lives in Peel Ward (23 years), I think it is a ridiculous statement to say i am out of touch.
Their is a great danger that I have said many times, we are moving from real community activism towards a concept described by some as keyboard warriors. That not only is reality is disappearing but a human side of life where we actually care for each other.
Last edited by g jones; 29-12-2011 at 08:10.
29-12-2011, 08:30
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Is this list complete? It's fascinating to chart the history of WMC's and important to support them.
Sadly missed;
Pioneer Club
Old Band Club
Top Club
Middle Club
King Street Club
Miners Club
Spring Hill Club
Still here;
Willow mt
Bottom Club
Bold St
Sydney St
Brooke's Club
Glebe St?
Popular Club
Rishton WM
Globe Bowling Club
Free Gardeners
Stanhill WMC
Still with us but privately owned
Stanley St
Platts Social Club?
Marlboro WM Club
29-12-2011, 08:41
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Dyers @ Finishers?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
29-12-2011, 09:09
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Dyers and Finishers is now a private club Stanley Street Club
29-12-2011, 09:35
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Originally Posted by maxthecollie
Dyers and Finishers is now a private club Stanley Street Club
Yep correct max, am losing the plot. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
29-12-2011, 09:38
Resting in Peace
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Originally Posted by cashman
yep correct max, am losing the plot.:d
29-12-2011, 09:51
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Originally Posted by jaysay
Yep but unlike some, i hold me hand up.  
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
29-12-2011, 10:23
Resting in Peace
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Originally Posted by cashman
Yep but unlike some, i hold me hand up.  
Luckily I haven't got so bad yet  
29-12-2011, 16:24
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Was the Catholic club not a WMC or was that private
29-12-2011, 16:42
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Re: Willow Mount W.M.C.
Originally Posted by g jones
I think personal comments only undermine your case by the way. I have always said their is a lack of credible or coherent argument from the right.
I am proud to have voted to defend workers rights and environmental legislation (which is what this was all about if you followed it closely). It is always disappointing when working people cross over to the dark side, persuaded to support the arguments of the Daily Mail / Tories / Fat Cats but that is something you have to live with.
Keeping on thread - as someone who often goes in Peels 4 WMC's - and lives in Peel Ward (23 years), I think it is a ridiculous statement to say i am out of touch.
Their is a great danger that I have said many times, we are moving from real community activism towards a concept described by some as keyboard warriors. That not only is reality is disappearing but a human side of life where we actually care for each other.
That's all very well, Graham, but you have still not explained why you appeared to have no problems with a referendum on EU membership, then a couple of weeks later voted against it.
Would you care to go over to the "Did Graham Jones do the right thing?" thread and explain...or are you going to carry on avoiding the issue indefinitely?
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