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Old 20-06-2021, 09:51   #16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Wine snobbery

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Less that is a lovely picture.....
The picture is well, picturesque, however please forgive me if this turns out to be a bordello and not the place we actually visited.
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Old 20-06-2021, 09:52   #17
God Member

Re: Wine snobbery

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1254707]L

I do not know who come up with the descriptions of the posh wines, but I think in the main, they are phooey.....and phoney too.
If someone tells you that a wine tastes of something and you believe them...then that is what you will taste.
That said.....I could not care less about their opinions....if I am having a glass of something, it has to be because it is what I like...rather than some written codswallop that is meant to make those who can taste those things f

the emporar,s new clothes come to mind.
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Old 20-06-2021, 09:57   #18
Beacon of light

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Re: Wine snobbery

Originally Posted by Less View Post
The picture is well, picturesque, however please forgive me if this turns out to be a bordello and not the place we actually visited.
It matters not what it is I need the picture.
That it took you back to a memorable time...perhaps an incident that made you all that matters Less.
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Old 20-06-2021, 12:54   #19
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Re: Wine snobbery

I know nowt about wine, but a quick flick round the web found this bottle in an auction house website sale result which sold for £1300. It would choke me.
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Old 20-06-2021, 14:44   #20
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Re: Wine snobbery

i call bottles like that chateau dickheads.
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Old 20-06-2021, 21:27   #21
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Re: Wine snobbery

Cashy, they do not care what you think about them, because if they can spend that on one bottle of wine then they do not circulate in our orbit.
Personally, I would rather have a mug of builders brew and a slice of cherry cake.
See, I told you I was a pleb.
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Old 21-06-2021, 03:43   #22
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Re: Wine snobbery

Guinness I was reading again the first post you wrote when starting this thread and I have a question for you. Why do you belong to a wine club when you evidently don’t have much respect for the opinions of those running it? It would be so much easier to just visit your local bottle shop and buy what you enjoy drinking. You could even buy wine that you are not familiar with and give it a try without waiting for someone else to do this for you. You say you are a tightwad, well it seems to me that you are actually wasting money by being a member of that club.

If you are really interested in wine, why not buy a couple of books about the subject and educate yourself on the making of wine right from the preparation of the soil the grapes grow in to the end result. You would learn why the different blends, the different flavours, which grapes are used for the different wines, and perhaps it would help you understand why the different prices (although I agree that some are very much overpriced to my way of thinking). There is so much that goes into producing the bottle that eventually lands on your table, I think you might find it very interesting.

I wonder if by telling us that you belong to a wine club, and then belittling the choice of wine (drain cleaner?) and the description made by whoever runs the club, might in fact be a wee bit of snobbery on your part.
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Last edited by dotti34; 21-06-2021 at 03:50.
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Old 21-06-2021, 10:18   #23
God Member

Re: Wine snobbery

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Personally, I would rather have a mug of builders brew and a slice of cherry cake.
See, I told you I was a pleb.
from one pleb to another B and M do a great cherry cake with plenty of cherries in it.
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Old 21-06-2021, 10:19   #24
God Member

Re: Wine snobbery

[QUOTE=Mark2009;1254724]I know nowt about wine, but a quick flick round the web found this bottle in an auction house website sale result which sold for £1300. It would choke me.

in the words of the yorkshireman, How Much.
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Old 21-06-2021, 17:35   #25
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Re: Wine snobbery

Originally Posted by Mark2009 View Post
I know nowt about wine, but a quick flick round the web found this bottle in an auction house website sale result which sold for £1300. It would choke me.

Market influences mate, if folk want something that badly they'll pay over & above the odds if it is the only way they can get their mitts on it, more so if it is a limited resource.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 21-06-2021, 18:19   #26
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Wine snobbery

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Market influences mate, if folk want something that badly they'll pay over & above the odds if it is the only way they can get their mitts on it, more so if it is a limited resource.
Nah, it's out and out snobbery, they will sell their left testicle just to put it in their cellar so that they can say they have it.
But they won't open it, they wont share the joy with friends, it doesn't matter, the damned thing is probably corked anyway.
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Old 21-06-2021, 21:22   #27
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Re: Wine snobbery

[QUOTE=monkey hanger;1254744]
Originally Posted by Mark2009 View Post
I know nowt about wine, but a quick flick round the web found this bottle in an auction house website sale result which sold for £1300. It would choke me.

in the words of the yorkshireman, How Much. known as the Barnsley war cry!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 21-06-2021, 21:27   #28
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Re: Wine snobbery

Originally Posted by Less View Post
But they won't open it, they wont share the joy with friends, it doesn't matter, the damned thing is probably corked anyway.
You are is a case of buying it so that you can swank about it.
And isn’t that a sad thing...that it will not be opened to celebrate a birth, an engagement, a coming of age, a recovery from ill health, something that is a landmark event and deserves a toast.
It will languish in a dark cellar, when the liquid sunshine should be liberated to give pleasure.
The grapes would die in shame.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 22-06-2021, 09:40   #29
God Member

Re: Wine snobbery

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
You are is a case of buying it so that you can swank about it.
And isn’t that a sad thing...that it will not be opened to celebrate a birth, an engagement, a coming of age, a recovery from ill health, something that is a landmark event and deserves a toast.
It will languish in a dark cellar, when the liquid sunshine should be liberated to give pleasure.
The grapes would die in shame.
just the same with many in the classic car movement. open the garage door on a nice weekend day to wash and show off their toy. then they,ll go to a show with it on the back of a trailer, drive it off, back on and trailer it home. do not get me started as well on the snobbish attitude of jaguar and MG owners that look down on us lesser mortals with more massed produced vehicles.
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Old 22-06-2021, 09:51   #30
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Wine snobbery

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
just the same with many in the classic car movement. open the garage door on a nice weekend day to wash and show off their toy. then they,ll go to a show with it on the back of a trailer, drive it off, back on and trailer it home. do not get me started as well on the snobbish attitude of jaguar and MG owners that look down on us lesser mortals with more massed produced vehicles.
Psst, don't tell anyone but I'd have any model of either of those brands if only I could afford one, Yes, I'm a make do and mend car snob.

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