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Old 22-11-2005, 16:14   #1
I am Banned


Women blamed ....for rape

And they wonder why so few ever report it with attitudes like this outragious judgment just hope it never never happens to the people in this stupid survey on how ignorant & damaging it is!!! It wrecks the victims & their families lives!!

Women 'get blame for being raped'

Monday November 21, 08:02 AM

A third of people in the UK believe a woman is partially or completely to blame for being raped if she has behaved in a flirtatious manner, according to "shocking" research.
More than a quarter also believe a woman is at least partly responsible for being raped if she wears sexy or revealing clothing, or is drunk, the ICM study found. One in five thinks a woman is partly to blame if it is known she has many sexual partners, while more than a third believe she is responsible to some degree if she has clearly failed to say "no" to the man.

In each of these scenarios a slightly greater proportion of men than women held these views - except when it came to being drunk, when it was equal. In fact, more women (5%) than men (3%) thought a woman was "totally responsible" for being raped if she was intoxicated.
Support groups described the findings as "alarming" and "appalling".
The national charity Victim Support urged criminal justice professionals and healthcare workers to "consider how best to educate people about the terrible impact of rape, with a view to changing these attitudes."
The opinion poll, commissioned by Amnesty International, also revealed that the vast majority of the British population has no idea how many women are raped every year in the UK.
Almost all, 96%, of respondents said they either did not know the true extent of rape or thought it was far lower than the true figure.
Only 4% even thought the number of women raped exceeded 10,000. The number of recorded rapes in 2004/5 was more than 12,000 and the 2001 British Crime Survey estimated that just 15% of rapes come to the attention of the police. Amnesty International UK director Kate Allen said the poll, part of its Stop Violence Against Women campaign, had uncovered "disturbing attitudes".
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Old 22-11-2005, 16:24   #2
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

I heard about this on the radio yesterday, and even brought it into the thread about the death penalty.

The findings are very disturbing.
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Old 22-11-2005, 16:44   #3
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

I agree that it is very disturbing. Nobody would judge a man who had had a few sexual partners if he was raped. Likewise nobody would say that he'd asked for it if he was intoxicated or had been flirting.

Imagine the scenario....... A high court judge is walking home from his private club after a night out with the boys. He has had several whiskies and is obviously intoxicated. He pulls out his mobile phone to make a call and is attacked from behind and robbed.

Who's fault is it???
Has he asked for it???
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Old 22-11-2005, 16:47   #4
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

Please pay attention to detail!!!!!!

Obviously it is the womens fault!

If she didn't exist or didn't happen to be in the place at the same time as the potential rapist this would not have happened.

Who else can be blamed? It can't possibly have been the blokes fault, she's living and breathing DOESN'T THAT MAKE HER FAIR GAME?

Well actually no, if I shop lift it is because I want to shoplift!
If I steal a car it is because I want to steal a car!
If I rape and physically abuse a woman it is because I, and no one else wanted to do it!

Sex is a very perculiar thing, we all often want it but if you can't or won't control your base instincts then I'm afraid you are lower than alot of animals, I like most if not, all men would like to father the world, however I like most most men consider this to be just a little bit over-ambitious.

That is why most of the time most of the women can walk the streets in relative safety!

However there are some men that can't understand this, they are the danger, not women that have been drinking, wear short skirts or didn't quite say no in the right language (a knee to the groin I believe gets the message across, though I'm happy to say it hasn't been needed for me yet!).

No matter how many surveys they do, and no matter how much she might appear to want it, there is no excuse for raping a woman!

If you have a silver tongue she will be happy to use and abuse you!
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Old 22-11-2005, 17:02   #5
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

It would seem that if this is a true reflection of peoples attitude to this kind of crime, then society is in a far worse predicament then people seem to think.

In the case of rape I do not think that it is simple to rememdy with harsher prison sentances etc. (Though this would not go a miss).

I believe that the heart of the problem rests with the legal system and the attitudes of those with in it.

I have no idea as to the actual figures of convictions for this crime but from what I can remember of past articles on the subject it is a notoriously difficult crime for which to gain a conviction. Partially due to it being difficult to prove (which is perhaps a more resonable reason) though more worryingly as a result of the attitude towards the crime held by certain members of the legal system.

There was a case some years ago, (the name of the judge I can not remember though some on here may) where a young girl was raped. The case was dismissed because the judge in question described the girl as being (no angel). I can remember the judges comments as I was so shocked by them.

Perhaps someone can remember his name!
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Old 22-11-2005, 17:05   #6
I am Banned


Re: Women blamed ....for rape

I agree so much with the strong apposing of this survey opinions here, & even worse if a family member aka sister, mother & wife then the real horror is your worse nitemare thing is you see it on the news but cant beleive it could happen to one of your own ....unfortunately it does

Myths of this survey that what a women wears reflects her fate is totally unfounded & bears no relation, some men dont understand the word NO! & that alot of attacks are violently meditated with weapons used & no pubs, drink etc again bears no weight, there is no standard thing day or night!

This survey does not bear any details nor respect the fact that men can be raped by men also, maybe rarer but still happens....but how much of that is under reported. Marital rape happens yet tho being a wife its your duty would be there preferred reasoning, yet again its still rape & no should mean no altho this is the most hardest thing to report & to get justice for in courts as harder to prove but if its not mutually consentual its still RAPE! The biggest increase is date rape & drug rape via retinol or simular substances being very difficult to report right away.
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Old 22-11-2005, 17:07   #7
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

I have a daughter and would hate to think that when she is older on out on the town some drugged up pye eyed guy with more testoserone than an elephant in musk thinks he can attack her because of the way she dressed. Women like men should be allowed to dress how they please and go out on the town in safety. Just because the have a short skirt on and a close fitting top dosnt make them any diffrent from guys in tight jeans and tea shirt. Both are dressing how they want and does not make them a target. Besides most men if attacked and asaulted by a woman or a woman's gang wouldnt report it.

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Old 22-11-2005, 17:14   #8
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

on the news last night it showed a line of girls walking down the street,one girl had all her bum showing and even flashed a bit more flesh to the camerman...
she is certainly taking one hell of a risk.espeically when there are perverts like gary glitter on the loose...
Not a full brick
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Old 22-11-2005, 17:21   #9
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

Women who have suffered the hurt and humiliation of being raped are usually left questioning themselves of "why me? What did I do?" without these stupid statistics reaffirming that in their own heads they were in some way to blame!

Though violent rape is most shocking and reported in the media, the truth is most rape is committed by someone known to the victim which makes the degradation even worse.
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Old 22-11-2005, 17:31   #10
I am Banned


Re: Women blamed ....for rape

The thing that worries me & is soooo damaging is that this could send a message out to potential victims into not reporting it at all, & those that have should be praised & commended for standing up to this evil depraved people as it takes a huge amount of courage by shed loads to go throught the justice system often going through that night all over again & facing the defendant again also to be visciously cross examined by his defence lawyers!!
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Old 22-11-2005, 17:33   #11
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

It's a vicious circle though, many victims feel they must have been to blame so don't report it.
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Old 22-11-2005, 17:42   #12
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

i think there should be stronger punishment for rape but i also think women who cry rape get off too lightly especialy as the man who she accuses life ends up ruined and once labled a rapist it sticks with them for ever despite been innocent

women who cry rape to try covering up one night stands or pregnancys to their parents etc are just as much to blame as peopel who come out with stupid comments like she was begging for it coz she was dressed sexy


also anyone caught in possesion of the date rape drug should be given 20 years automaticly as its pretty obvious why it is in their possesion unless of course they are a vet and it is in the vet clinic

Last edited by chav1; 22-11-2005 at 17:45.
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Old 22-11-2005, 17:48   #13
I am Banned


Re: Women blamed ....for rape

Yeh Chav worst kind are cry wolfers they should be made to shadow a domestic violence officer or be ordered to do community service at rape crisis centres so they can see the real horror & what their actions of wasting resourses that a real victim needs most causes!!
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Old 22-11-2005, 17:50   #14
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

I do agree chav, it's unfair that someone who is accused of rape is named before any verdict it given.

Any women who falsely accuses a man of rape should serve a custodial sentence in a mental health institution.
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Old 22-11-2005, 17:55   #15
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Re: Women blamed ....for rape

How often are those that cry wolf have their names protected?

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