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29-12-2008, 10:38
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by polly
There is no need to attack blazey; she cant help being young, inexperienced, naive and idealistic, she will learn with time and experience.
oh well that makes everything hunky dory then.  i don't think so.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
29-12-2008, 10:56
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Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by polly
There is no need to attack blazey; she cant help being young, inexperienced, naive and idealistic, she will learn with time and experience.
....and by listening to the Opinions of others!!
Best Regards - Taggy
29-12-2008, 11:31
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Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by blazey
I've been made redundant before and it wasn't nice, but I've just got on with things and I'm sure many other people do the same.
That's confused me  . Have you not gone from school to college to university ? If you were made redundant then presumably it was some sort of saturday job which is not quite the same as the redundancies we are talking about here.
29-12-2008, 11:43
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Re: Woolworth's
Ive been made redundant 3 times, luckily though this was when I was still living at my parents, and yes had debts etc which still needed paying but at least I wasnt relying on this income keeping a roof over my head or a family fed. Even then I found it very stressful and upsetting and also worrying as to how long I would be out of work for etc.
I really do feel for the staff and hope that they can all get themselves sorted out quickly with new jobs etc (although given the current rate of unemployment I know it will be a very difficult time for them all)
29-12-2008, 12:28
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Re: Woolworth's
I like a few on here have been found surplass to requirements on a few occasions and hated it. Though I have picked up other work there is always that niggling thought that it will happen again as its already started at my place. There is little work about and as there are more bodies per job it is now an employers market again. It could have been a Saturday job evening job part time or full time. When you lose your job it takes a lump out of you and a bit of independence and self relience and belief disappears.
There is no such thing as a job for life anymore as such. As we try to improve our chances it is possible to be over qualified, over the hill, over enthusiastic etc etc etc. In the current climate it will be down to luck if you find the job you want, but my belief is that "if a job puts coin in the pocket or purse then its better than none."
I will take any job that puts coin in my pocket regardles of the wage. Ok there will be more minimum wage jobs now but even that helps give some self respect. If anyone wants a job they will find one, may not be what they want but once in a job it can be easier to find another one. So I hope that those that are left jobless at Woolies will find something. It will not be easy and the job centre/benefit agency are as useful as they want to be depending on what side of bed they get out of.
29-12-2008, 12:35
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Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Ok there will be more minimum wage jobs now but even that helps give some self respect.
Unfortunatley those of us with that sort of self respect end up worse off financially than actually being on benefits. Strange world we live in 
29-12-2008, 12:39
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Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by lancsdave
Unfortunatley those of us with that sort of self respect end up worse off financially than actually being on benefits. Strange world we live in 
Have to agree with that Dave. I know people who wont work because benefits are worth more to them. Even the addition of working tax credits etc on top of a wage wont make them get a job. There is nothing worse than putting in a shift and finding out others are better off for doing nothing. An overhaul of the system is needed ie back to scratch and redo it learning lessons from what has gone. That would be another thread tho.
29-12-2008, 13:00
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Re: Woolworth's
In the 60s and early 70s there was legislation which was called 'the wage stop'.
This restricted National Assistance payments to what wages were locally.
Here is a link to more detail
Poor Parents: Social Policy and the ... - Google Book Search
I was never called on to administer it but recall the comments of work colleagues who did.
The weekly benefit was restricted to match the wage of a council labourer.
It mainly affected large families where the additions for several children caused the assistance rate to get quite large.
The effect was to put those children in poverty conditions and that is why it was abolished.
02-01-2009, 12:49
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Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by blazey
I've been made redundant before and it wasn't nice, but I've just got on with things and I'm sure many other people do the same. It might take a bit of time but people learn to adapt to cope with the rough times and eventually the sun shines through the clouds again. Let's just hope the government pulls us through all this mess and makes amends. I'm not getting my hopes up for that being any time soon though.
Yes but did you have a mortgage and children to support.... I really don't think some members of the younger generation could cope....
A lot think food comes in little boxes to nuke, and would not know how to start from scratch..... ( no their fault mind ) they have not been shown how to:
Maybe school should go back to the old ways... and teach kids how to make do and mend:
02-01-2009, 13:16
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Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by magpie
Yes but did you have a mortgage and children to support.... I really don't think some members of the younger generation could cope....
A lot think food comes in little boxes to nuke, and would not know how to start from scratch..... ( no their fault mind ) they have not been shown how to:
Maybe school should go back to the old ways... and teach kids how to make do and mend:
In a throw away society make do and mend is an anathemar and is treated with destain. Ok I admit I use nukable grub as I stay on my own though I am an able cook. I can sew as well and do find uses for bits and bats. Unfortunately for some who have been waited on hand and foot since they were squeezed into the world reality will hit em like a double decker bus. I am not saying all are like that but a good percetage will be.
Parents dont seem to have the time or want to spend what time they have preparing their cherished offspring for the big bad world. To me that is sad as some of the best time had with kids is when doing things together. Hell when my daughter is over and curry for tea is mentioned its a fight as to who is going to make it.,whether from scratch or if running late the jar. She is twelve and quite proud of the fact she is a better cook than her gran and all she did to start with was watch me.
Because of what is happening ther is now a chance that what I went through as a teen like many others in the 80's is going to resurface. It was bad enough then but there is a chance that though shorter this recession will be deeper and more painful. Just look at the stores that are shutting apart from Woolies and the numbers heading for the dark box of unemployment. Some will with luck find something else but many will struggle and suffer because of it. This problem will rip families apart at all levels and increase stress. Those still in work will fear that they might be next and moral will fall with the end result that products and services suffer because of it.
02-01-2009, 14:14
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Woolworth's
was passing woolys in dingletown this morning, 75% was empty just shelving, big sign on window saying 4 days to go.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
02-01-2009, 17:17
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Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by cashman
was passing woolys in dingletown this morning, 75% was empty just shelving, big sign on window saying 4 days to go.
I passed the one in Accrington today and it said 5 days to go, I dont know what was on the shelves, as I didnt go in but it looked packed.
I also noticed that Birthdays in the Arndale has closed down and Card Factory on Broadway is practically empty and has Closing Down signs in the window.
02-01-2009, 19:35
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Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by Lolly
I also noticed that Birthdays in the Arndale has closed down and Card Factory on Broadway is practically empty and has Closing Down signs in the window.
Thats probably because of the card shop opposite Birthdays, cheaper!
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
02-01-2009, 21:46
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Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by panther
Thats probably because of the card shop opposite Birthdays, cheaper!
That may be so but sadly the choice has narrowed again. At this rate we will be doing our cards with the comp and printer. 
03-01-2009, 10:11
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Re: Woolworth's
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
That may be so but sadly the choice has narrowed again. At this rate we will be doing our cards with the comp and printer. 
You mean you don't already do that SPUGGIE 
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