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Old 05-02-2008, 15:20   #16
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
She also suggest putting jobcentres on council estates. With a bit of luck she will be visiting one after the next elections where she will find the term jobcentre is actually nothing like what it sounds.
Have u seen the callibre of jobs in the jobcentre nowadays obviously that woman hasnt had to rely on jobcentreplus, it gets worse every year Jobcentre Plus - have a laugh even worse when u have to be limited to local because of transport issues - theres not that much choice or number of jobs going


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Old 05-02-2008, 15:22   #17
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Cool Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Not sure about all this, it’s the most vulnerable that lose out, i.e. kids, elderly relatives etc. Reduce or remove benefits form those that can work but chose not too, on the other hand how many would like to work but can’t get a job because of immigration policies operated by the HM Government.

Some Answers:

3 years National Services – 16 to 25 year olds.

5 years National Services (Front Line) – 16 to 35 year old Criminals.

End of the right to work for unqualified Immigrant workers irrespective of country of Origin.

Introduce National Works Projects for “Fit and Able” unemployed with skill building included.
It’s all very well glibly advocating National Service as the panacea for youngsters’ wayward ways but think on this.

This country can’t afford to pay our regular troops a wage that is commensurate with their work so there is no chance of any form of National Service.

As for sending criminals, our armed forces do not want criminals in their midst. In any case one volunteer makes a better soldier, sailor or airman than ten pressed men.

Apart from that our forces need men and woman who are capable of handing complex and expensive machinery who can be relied upon to do their job without hesitation. The days of canon fodder on the front line are over.

Just remember this – you can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

As an employer, would you give a hardened criminal a job? No? Then don’t foist them on the cream of the fighting forces of the world.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at

Last edited by jambutty; 05-02-2008 at 15:26.
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Old 05-02-2008, 15:42   #18
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
It’s all very well glibly advocating National Service as the panacea for youngsters’ wayward ways but think on this.

This country can’t afford to pay our regular troops a wage that is commensurate with their work so there is no chance of any form of National Service.

As for sending criminals, our armed forces do not want criminals in their midst. In any case one volunteer makes a better soldier, sailor or airman than ten pressed men.

Apart from that our forces need men and woman who are capable of handing complex and expensive machinery who can be relied upon to do their job without hesitation. The days of canon fodder on the front line are over.

Just remember this – you can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

As an employer, would you give a hardened criminal a job? No? Then don’t foist them on the cream of the fighting forces of the world.
I have to agree with this completely. Why should dedicated soldiers be lumbered with people that dont really want to be there and will just cause problems?
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Old 05-02-2008, 16:00   #19
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Blazey you are talking a load of codswallop as usual. Cocooned as you are in university, which mine and others of my era’s taxes paid for, you have no idea of the real world.

Far too many employers only pay the minimum wage because that is all the law says that they have to, in the full knowledge that if it was left to market forces they would HAVE TO PAY MORE. No one blames the employer for paying less than the real going rate. So don’t blame the worker for not wanting to work when more can be had on state benefits.

The real blames lies with the top 10% grabbing 90% for themselves.
No idea of the real world? I am at university even though I studied at subject at college which said I'd be a criminal, pregnant and on the dole by 20. I have had to cope with the stereotypes of being from a single parent family and I know EXACTLY what its like to have to struggle for money, so dont get all high and mighty with me about your bloody pension

All I'm saying is that its bad to promote benefits as being an easier option when they aren't at all. One lad showed me up infront of my entire class at college by saying 'you should make your mum get a job.' just because I had it a bit easier by getting £30 a week EMA which went on travel and supplies, whilst he drove around in his brand new car paid for by daddy and complained non-stop, all because people like you say its easier to be on benefits. Well it isn't easier, it's a load of crap. What would you know about being a single mother in todays society living off benefits? Because I'm pretty damn sure I know a lot more than you about what its like today.

Then at uni I have to cope with snobs, one of which being my own friend who thought it odd that I didnt assume she had an ensuite bathroom at home. There IS pride of being able to fund things for yourself even if it is less than benefits. If you think otherwise then its the older generation that are letting society down, not the youth who are being taught no better.
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Old 05-02-2008, 18:06   #20
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

I think caroline flint would have a job finding any council houses, most have been taken over by H/A, or the running has been handed over to H/A, i think it would be a waste of money trying to get some people to work and to say that they would loose their house isnt fair, we are all entiltled to a roof over our head even if you dont work,
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Old 05-02-2008, 18:23   #21
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

I honestly think that national politicians of all parties have no idea what its like in places like Hyndburn and when they visit they never seem to be ushered round council estates (housing assoc) they just pick a nice photo shoot for the local press then on to the next photo call. But I'm sure if Ms Flint comes to Hyndburn she will be give a warm welcome.

Last edited by jaysay; 05-02-2008 at 18:25. Reason: error
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Old 05-02-2008, 18:27   #22
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Angry Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
No idea of the real world? I am at university even though I studied at subject at college which said I'd be a criminal, pregnant and on the dole by 20. I have had to cope with the stereotypes of being from a single parent family and I know EXACTLY what its like to have to struggle for money, so dont get all high and mighty with me about your bloody pension

All I'm saying is that its bad to promote benefits as being an easier option when they aren't at all. One lad showed me up infront of my entire class at college by saying 'you should make your mum get a job.' just because I had it a bit easier by getting £30 a week EMA which went on travel and supplies, whilst he drove around in his brand new car paid for by daddy and complained non-stop, all because people like you say its easier to be on benefits. Well it isn't easier, it's a load of crap. What would you know about being a single mother in todays society living off benefits? Because I'm pretty damn sure I know a lot more than you about what its like today.

Then at uni I have to cope with snobs, one of which being my own friend who thought it odd that I didnt assume she had an ensuite bathroom at home. There IS pride of being able to fund things for yourself even if it is less than benefits. If you think otherwise then its the older generation that are letting society down, not the youth who are being taught no better.
Like many people you assume that you know it all. Well let me put you straight on a few points.

I grew up as a child of a single parent family in the days when there was no social security only National Assistance, which was a pittance. I spent time living in a workhouse because we had nowhere to go.

When we eventually managed to get a home of our own my mother was obliged to take in lodgers to pay the rent. She was unable to work because of ill health gained, if that is the right word, by the ravages of WWII.

I left school at 15 to work down the pit as, for want of a better description, a pseudo pit pony. For my efforts my wage of £3 –1 –3d went towards the family budget. I got 5 shillings as my pocket money but I was allowed to keep my overtime earnings. And overtime I did. Up to 20 hours a week in a hell hole shovelling coal dust away from a conveyor so that it wouldn’t clog up the works. And that was after six hours of pushing a tub of coal weighing several hundredweight from the coal face to the ‘chain’ some 200 yards away.

I volunteered to join the Royal Navy at the age of 16 years and 10 months and served until my 30th birthday. It was my good fortune that I was not involved in a major conflict but nonetheless we still lost three good guys in Cyprus when the EOKA terrorists were trying to get rid of the British.

I have done my bit for my country. What have you done except take, take, take?

In later life I spent some 15 years as a single parent and also holding down a full time job for most of the time. So I know all about the trials and tribulations that life can chuck at someone.

I know everything about being a single father and in those days the benefits were nowhere near as generous as they are today. So I have every right to get all high and mighty. Certainly more right than you do.

So before you shoot your mouth off try to remember you are not the only person on this planet.

However I never stated that it is easier on benefits. But hey! Why let the truth get in the way of your tirade. I stated, “So don’t blame the worker for not wanting to work when more can be had on state benefits.”

The jobless didn’t lay down the benefit rules. You can hardly blame them for using the rules if they allow the work shy to prosper.

The older generation laid down the foundations that have been abused by greedy employers in their quest for more and more profits.

So you think that there is pride in being able to fund things yourself do you? Let me see – pride – arrogance, conceit, smugness, superiority, self-importance. That says it all for me.

Pride comes before the fall.

The greater majority of the older generation worked hard so that you and your generation can live as you do.

Notice - not a single swear word anywhere.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 05-02-2008, 18:42   #23
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

LMAO..... god that gave me a laugh.

They say that people that commit crime can be evicted out of their Council houses. YET people that are causing Anti-social behavior are reported, and nothing is done COS THEIR HANDS ARE TIED!! hmmmm summet not quite adding up
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 05-02-2008, 18:44   #24
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Like many people you assume that you know it all. Well let me put you straight on a few points.

I grew up as a child of a single parent family in the days when there was no social security only National Assistance, which was a pittance. I spent time living in a workhouse because we had nowhere to go.

When we eventually managed to get a home of our own my mother was obliged to take in lodgers to pay the rent. She was unable to work because of ill health gained, if that is the right word, by the ravages of WWII.

I left school at 15 to work down the pit as, for want of a better description, a pseudo pit pony. For my efforts my wage of £3 –1 –3d went towards the family budget. I got 5 shillings as my pocket money but I was allowed to keep my overtime earnings. And overtime I did. Up to 20 hours a week in a hell hole shovelling coal dust away from a conveyor so that it wouldn’t clog up the works. And that was after six hours of pushing a tub of coal weighing several hundredweight from the coal face to the ‘chain’ some 200 yards away.

I volunteered to join the Royal Navy at the age of 16 years and 10 months and served until my 30th birthday. It was my good fortune that I was not involved in a major conflict but nonetheless we still lost three good guys in Cyprus when the EOKA terrorists were trying to get rid of the British.

I have done my bit for my country. What have you done except take, take, take?

In later life I spent some 15 years as a single parent and also holding down a full time job for most of the time. So I know all about the trials and tribulations that life can chuck at someone.

I know everything about being a single father and in those days the benefits were nowhere near as generous as they are today. So I have every right to get all high and mighty. Certainly more right than you do.

So before you shoot your mouth off try to remember you are not the only person on this planet.

However I never stated that it is easier on benefits. But hey! Why let the truth get in the way of your tirade. I stated, “So don’t blame the worker for not wanting to work when more can be had on state benefits.”

The jobless didn’t lay down the benefit rules. You can hardly blame them for using the rules if they allow the work shy to prosper.

The older generation laid down the foundations that have been abused by greedy employers in their quest for more and more profits.

So you think that there is pride in being able to fund things yourself do you? Let me see – pride – arrogance, conceit, smugness, superiority, self-importance. That says it all for me.

Pride comes before the fall.

The greater majority of the older generation worked hard so that you and your generation can live as you do.

Notice - not a single swear word anywhere.
Better to work hard and risk a fall than have never stood on your own two feet.

I never assumed you weren't from a family on benefits, I said you haven't experienced it in this generation to be able to make such a claim. The members of this forum whinge about Polish people having all the factory jobs and then contradict themselves by favouring living off benefits anyway.

Labour, conservative, bnp... whoever you vote for will make no difference, as neither party can work miracles. But I for one refuse to sit down and accept I can live happily on benefits if I choose when I could be working towards something else. University ISN'T all funded, I will leave university with easily £20000 debt and still have to fund more education and training. If it wasn't for loans I wouldn't be here, because grants dont even cover enough for the living costs never mind the books, travel, food etc. And I will have to pay it back, and whilst doing that I'll be working and paying taxes that go towards pensions and care homes for elderly people that sit at the pc all day claiming living off benefits is better than working for under £6 an hour.

Would you be more satisfied if I got pregnant and dropped out of uni, is that whats more accepted in accrington? Is that what you expect of your grandchildren?
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Old 05-02-2008, 19:01   #25
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

For what it's worth here's my opinion; if you are too idle or illegal to get a job and pay your own rent then I don't see why you should get a free house and money handed to you to pursue your " career " of doing nowt . You should be made to accept a job, be it street cleaning or anything else. IF you are genuinely incapacitated, retired,or a carer for a family member/partner you should be given the option of council/ association housing.
The system is used and abused by millions of dole dossing benefit cheats as it stands now.
I pay for them to be sat on their arses watching Jeremy Kyle and laughing at the rest of us who work hard for a living , hey, guess what? I am fed up of it and having rows with scum in my shop who want to spend their "healthy start " vouchers on anything except baby milk.
This country need a drastic rethink on all the handouts that go to the least deserving.
End of rant.
Time for a pancake.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 05-02-2008, 19:19   #26
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
For what it's worth here's my opinion; if you are too idle or illegal to get a job and pay your own rent then I don't see why you should get a free house and money handed to you to pursue your " career " of doing nowt . You should be made to accept a job, be it street cleaning or anything else. IF you are genuinely incapacitated, retired,or a carer for a family member/partner you should be given the option of council/ association housing.

This country need a drastic rethink on all the handouts that go to the least deserving.
End of rant.
Time for a pancake.
thats exactly what it should be, only problem is they usually target "soft options" to make the figures look good.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-02-2008, 20:37   #27
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

I wish someone would give these youngsters a job while they still know everything
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Old 05-02-2008, 20:53   #28
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

If it is done properly as Lyndsay says, and includes immigrants, then it doesn't seem that terrible, I do get fed up, coming home at 6,7, and 8 at night, having passed all the work dodgers sat outside the pub, to find the shirkers across the back are having another booze party because they don't have to get up for work.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 05-02-2008, 20:54   #29
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Hmmm not sure about this one yet, need to look into it a bit more before I make my judgement on it...well got to becareful what I say... I work in housing

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 05-02-2008, 21:11   #30
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
If it is done properly as Lyndsay says, and includes immigrants, then it doesn't seem that terrible, I do get fed up, coming home at 6,7, and 8 at night, having passed all the work dodgers sat outside the pub, to find the shirkers across the back are having another booze party because they don't have to get up for work.
we have the same every weekend our neighbours having parties, their kids are all young teenagers who also party(drink), it is annoying when i know they are not working and their is no reason why they cant, yet spend all day drinking, when we both work and have to pay for everything that they dont, its like they are laughing at us if you know what i mean,

lyndsey do you not shout at them for not using their vouchers for babymilk, are they not embarraced for asking if they could use it for something else,
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