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Old 05-02-2008, 21:25   #31
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
For what it's worth here's my opinion; if you are too idle or illegal to get a job and pay your own rent then I don't see why you should get a free house and money handed to you to pursue your " career " of doing nowt . You should be made to accept a job, be it street cleaning or anything else. IF you are genuinely incapacitated, retired,or a carer for a family member/partner you should be given the option of council/ association housing.
The system is used and abused by millions of dole dossing benefit cheats as it stands now.
I pay for them to be sat on their arses watching Jeremy Kyle and laughing at the rest of us who work hard for a living , hey, guess what? I am fed up of it and having rows with scum in my shop who want to spend their "healthy start " vouchers on anything except baby milk.
This country need a drastic rethink on all the handouts that go to the least deserving.
End of rant.
Time for a pancake.
Oh how i agree with this post.Close to where i live, 20 brand new council houses have been built + majority of people moving in are doleys or single mothers.Assuming these houses were sold privately i would guess they would go for approx £100,000,so why should they just be given away to people who will pay no rent when people like myself work but cannot afford a mortgage.There has to be a way of making these people put something back into the community.
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Old 05-02-2008, 22:34   #32
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

I agree lindsay, there are to many spongers and people with ohh bad backs these days, I know people who were single parents 18 years ago there kids are grown up now and they still dont work. I think benefits should be stopped when the dependents are no longer dependents. like you say i to am sick of carrying them,
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Old 05-02-2008, 22:37   #33
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

I think there are a damn site more people in private rented being paid by the state than council houses.

Doesn't the state also still pay mortgage interest for out of work houseowners ?
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Old 05-02-2008, 22:44   #34
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I think there are a damn site more people in private rented being paid by the state than council houses.

Doesn't the state also still pay mortgage interest for out of work houseowners ?
yes they still pay the interest on the mortgage, i wish i could just afford a mortgage, but we cant get one for the price of housing now, its cheaper for us to rent, the private rent is alot more per week compared to council or h/a housing, though it doesnt matter to those that get it paid for them
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Old 05-02-2008, 22:56   #35
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Let's have another reality check; I work over 37 hours a week for a reputable company; I rent my house from a private landlord, I am a single parent and I am 40 years old and I know I would struggle to get a mortgage on a property on my own. I am by no means inadequate in terms of potential or finance really, but the housing market as it is means I can only rent- I have no deposit to put on a house and my earnings as a single parent would equate to nothing. Yet if I had a one night stand, got pregnant ,jacked my job in due to "stress and anxiety" I would no doubt get a nice big house and lots of "healthy start " vouchers. Not what I want and it shouldn't be the ultimate goal in life for all wannabee " Vicky Pollards" out there .
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Old 05-02-2008, 23:19   #36
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

I've got 2 queries about recent posts...

the first is that I thought benefits DO stop when a child is no longer dependent.

secondly I thought 'healthy start' vouchers went to all mums. my boyfriends mum told me she had got the milk tokens when she had young children and she was married. She used to remind him that when he used to whinge on about vouchers for single parents and how it was all too easy blah blah blah.
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Old 05-02-2008, 23:21   #37
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I've got 2 queries about recent posts...

the first is that I thought benefits DO stop when a child is no longer dependent.
Child benefit does.
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Old 05-02-2008, 23:23   #38
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
Child benefit does.
Well what else continues? Housing benefit? Isn't that available to couples without children too even if one of the couple works?

What other benefits are there?
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Old 05-02-2008, 23:33   #39
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Well what else continues? Housing benefit? Isn't that available to couples without children too even if one of the couple works?

What other benefits are there?
Income support, housing benefit, council tax benefit, jobseekers allowance. To the my knowledge, none of these stop if you don't have dependant children. People on a very low wage can claim working tax creidt too.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 05-02-2008, 23:38   #40

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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Wow! What a thread! For me lots of emotions here, certain posts drive me completely mad. In my position I sometimes struggle to be able to speak my mind, and to be fair, if i did I would probably be in trouble. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhh....... I'll just say that most of what blazey has said I agree with..... And by the way, market value in general is not minimum wage, its far below in england these days!

My job kind of involves moving things from 'expensive england' to cheap "anywhere bloody else" and as long as people in the UK are happy to rely on benefits instead of working, my job is secure. In case you hadn't noticed I spend most of my time abroad, this is thanks to our lazy lot, and the minimum wage. Feel free to blame it on the rich creaming more off, but the whole of life revolves around cashflow, and if people elsewhere will make you more money then give them a chance! The UK is doomed, the UK is lazy!
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Old 05-02-2008, 23:46   #41
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by Roy View Post
will make you more money then give them a chance! The UK is doomed, the UK is lazy!
Wow what a statement and true beyond belief.
My Parents told me at an early age....Get off you arse and earn a decent living otherwise pack your bags.....
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Old 06-02-2008, 05:31   #42
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

In the early 60's when I left school you had a choice-down the pit -in the mill or if you were lucky you got an apprenticeship.
Now they don't exist.-Eastern Europeans come here for a better life,the life we lead in the 50's Do we want to go back to 8 people living in a 2 up 2 down Terraced House, I don't think so.
The jobs people of my age were trained to do no longer exist in this country,so can we stop lumping the can knots with the will knots.
No one repairs tv's videos or dvd's it's cheaper to buy a new one.
In some cases It's cheaper to buy a new printer than buy the ink.
It's a throwaway world,us oldies aren't needed anymore
Which poses the question-Why stop us smoking and killing our selfs off.
On a more serious note there are many couples who rent not one but two houses/flats just in case they fallout with each other -all paid for by the Taxpayer.
Maybe these are the kind of people you should be targeting.
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Old 06-02-2008, 08:20   #43
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Work or lose your council home, could be work or lose your benefit.
I know of someone that went to sign on to continue to receive his benefit since he has a heart condition and is not fit to work, otherwise he would be working.

He was told "we have to get you back to work or you will lose your benefits" followed by "we have a job on some pens digging"

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Old 06-02-2008, 09:14   #44
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
The members of this forum whinge about Polish people having all the factory jobs and then contradict themselves by favouring living off benefits anyway.

That is a bit of a sweeping statement Blazey, as the vast majority of the people on this forum that I have met are actually working or retired after many years of working and in no way favour living off benefits.
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Last edited by lettie; 06-02-2008 at 09:20.
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Old 06-02-2008, 10:08   #45
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I've got 2 queries about recent posts...

the first is that I thought benefits DO stop when a child is no longer dependent.

secondly I thought 'healthy start' vouchers went to all mums. my boyfriends mum told me she had got the milk tokens when she had young children and she was married. She used to remind him that when he used to whinge on about vouchers for single parents and how it was all too easy blah blah blah.
I have never had any healthy start vouchers for my kids, you dont have to be a single parent to recieve them you just have to be unemployed or doing voluntary work, maybe both of your boyfriends parents were unemployed or not paid for their work when they recieved them, on the other hand if your on a low income you can get a certain amout of money off your milk at the health centre, i think its £1 or £2, but im not sure if they still do this
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