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Old 06-02-2008, 10:09   #46
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Angry Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

I havnt posted much on here,but having read this thread i am compelled to post.
I used to live in a twin valley house and our neighbours where lazy sit on their bottoms and get some one else to pay for it kind of people.We had alot of trouble with them(smashing our car up,excessive noise parties etc)The HA wouldnt do any thing abut it.
I was told in a quiet corner by a neighbourhood group member that they wouldnt do anything because it would cost them money and atleast with them in the house they where still getting there rent.
So it just goes to show if your getting benefits you can get away with more because there rent is guaranteed.Where as if you are working and paying your own way,you have to deal with the lazy lay abouts,Because you are a liability to them!!
Didnt mean to go on quit as much but it just annoys alot.This country is doomed and if i could afford it i would be on the first plane out of here.
Bernie x
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Old 06-02-2008, 10:09   #47
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by lettie View Post
That is a bit of a sweeping statement Blazey, as the vast majority of the people on this forum that I have met are actually working or retired after many years of working and in no way favour living off benefits.
how can that be so lettie? when blazey knows it all.
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Old 06-02-2008, 11:19   #48
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by lettie View Post
That is a bit of a sweeping statement Blazey, as the vast majority of the people on this forum that I have met are actually working or retired after many years of working and in no way favour living off benefits.

Don't let the facts get in the way of generalisation
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Old 06-02-2008, 12:36   #49
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by mumtotwo View Post
I havnt posted much on here,but having read this thread i am compelled to post.
I used to live in a twin valley house and our neighbours where lazy sit on their bottoms and get some one else to pay for it kind of people.We had alot of trouble with them(smashing our car up,excessive noise parties etc)The HA wouldnt do any thing abut it.
I was told in a quiet corner by a neighbourhood group member that they wouldnt do anything because it would cost them money and atleast with them in the house they where still getting there rent.
Bernie x
Oh so so so so wrong!! the not doing anything bit I mean...if only you knew the problems we have persuing these cases...otherwise how would we(twin valley) have won an award for tackling Anti social behaviour!!??!!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 06-02-2008, 13:26   #50
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by jackyalex View Post
I have never had any healthy start vouchers for my kids, you dont have to be a single parent to recieve them you just have to be unemployed or doing voluntary work, maybe both of your boyfriends parents were unemployed or not paid for their work when they recieved them, on the other hand if your on a low income you can get a certain amout of money off your milk at the health centre, i think its £1 or £2, but im not sure if they still do this
Ah well perhaps its self employment thats done it? My boyfriends dad a joiner, and I have a friend at uni who is from what I consider a wealthy family but she still gets a lot of things I get due to her dad being self employed, so the income is considered different.
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Old 06-02-2008, 13:30   #51
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by lettie View Post
That is a bit of a sweeping statement Blazey, as the vast majority of the people on this forum that I have met are actually working or retired after many years of working and in no way favour living off benefits.
The government makes sweeping statements and generalises people, thought we were conditionalised to it. Maybe I can generalise even better than Labour, so maybe I should run against them in the next election and you can just give me all your votes instead and I can make generalisations about unemployed, immigrants, working class, upper class and we can turn the forum into an international one and call it Blazeyweb instead.

Shame I am so rubbish at politics, though I don't really think that matters much judging on Gordon Brown and his puppet show. Surprising how many people vote for labour and then whinge about it afterwards. Maybe they've brainwashed you all? Would explain a lot
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Old 06-02-2008, 14:18   #52
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Better to work hard and risk a fall than have never stood on your own two feet.

I never assumed you weren't from a family on benefits, I said you haven't experienced it in this generation to be able to make such a claim. The members of this forum whinge about Polish people having all the factory jobs and then contradict themselves by favouring living off benefits anyway.

Labour, conservative, bnp... whoever you vote for will make no difference, as neither party can work miracles. But I for one refuse to sit down and accept I can live happily on benefits if I choose when I could be working towards something else. University ISN'T all funded, I will leave university with easily £20000 debt and still have to fund more education and training. If it wasn't for loans I wouldn't be here, because grants dont even cover enough for the living costs never mind the books, travel, food etc. And I will have to pay it back, and whilst doing that I'll be working and paying taxes that go towards pensions and care homes for elderly people that sit at the pc all day claiming living off benefits is better than working for under £6 an hour.

Would you be more satisfied if I got pregnant and dropped out of uni, is that whats more accepted in accrington? Is that what you expect of your grandchildren?
I’ll grant you that I do not have first hand experience but with 4 children and 11 grandchildren most of whom are experiencing today’s living problems I have second hand experience.

What you do with your life is no concern of mine but at least you got the OPPORTUNITY to go to university. People of my generation and the following one NEVER got that opportunity unless ‘daddy’ had loads of money and they had real grey matter that enabled them to go to a Grammar School. The pressure of contributing to the family finances forced many kids to go to work at 15. Bright kids who, but for the lack of family funds, could have done well for themselves at university.

I will not condemn a man or woman who tries to do the best for themselves and their family if it means that total benefits add up to more than they would get at work.

The government can work ‘miracles’ if they got their priorities right and stopped wasting billions.

You are just a SNOB!
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Old 06-02-2008, 14:35   #53
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Angry Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by jackyalex View Post
yes they still pay the interest on the mortgage, i wish i could just afford a mortgage, but we cant get one for the price of housing now, its cheaper for us to rent, the private rent is alot more per week compared to council or h/a housing, though it doesnt matter to those that get it paid for them
As far as I know the rent for private accommodation is not paid in full. The amount that is paid is the amount that the Council would charge for similar property.

Where do you think all this private accommodation came from? Most would be repossessed when the mortgage holder was no longer able to pay the mortgage and was sold off for the best price to clear the outstanding mortgage. There are many reasons why someone could not keep up the mortgage but for many it would be down to job losses, because of ‘downsizing’ to increase profits.

Buying repossessed property to rent out is big business these days.
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Old 06-02-2008, 14:40   #54
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Angry Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
Income support, housing benefit, council tax benefit, jobseekers allowance. To the my knowledge, none of these stop if you don't have dependant children. People on a very low wage can claim working tax creidt too.
This ‘Working Tax Credit’ really says it all and is an admission from the government that the workers are not getting a fair wage.
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Old 06-02-2008, 16:56   #55
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

We had video footage of it happening,4 months worth of log sheets of the abuse we had and there where 3 other houses,that where saying the same thing.
We phoned the police out 4 times and was still told,every one needs some where to live!
We are now living in private rented and couldt be happier
Bernie x
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Old 06-02-2008, 18:05   #56
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post

You are just a SNOB!
Believe me jambutty she is NO snob
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Old 06-02-2008, 20:11   #57
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
I’ll grant you that I do not have first hand experience but with 4 children and 11 grandchildren most of whom are experiencing today’s living problems I have second hand experience.

What you do with your life is no concern of mine but at least you got the OPPORTUNITY to go to university. People of my generation and the following one NEVER got that opportunity unless ‘daddy’ had loads of money and they had real grey matter that enabled them to go to a Grammar School. The pressure of contributing to the family finances forced many kids to go to work at 15. Bright kids who, but for the lack of family funds, could have done well for themselves at university.

I will not condemn a man or woman who tries to do the best for themselves and their family if it means that total benefits add up to more than they would get at work.

The government can work ‘miracles’ if they got their priorities right and stopped wasting billions.

You are just a SNOB!
There are mature students in their 50's who are on the same course as me, making up for the fact that they couldn't go to university then. So at least you have the ability to go now and learn something. Its not my fault you didn't get to go is it?

I get the impression that a lot of the abuse aimed at me for being a student is just some sort of bitter resentment because I'm just somewhere you were restricted from going. I mean, i'm treated like the devil incarnate for being at university and being a student, yet I find it highly unlikely that you'd treat your children and grandchildren the same if they were at university.

As Panther says, I am not a snob. I think she misunderstands the use of the word though but nevermind. I just think its a disgrace to advocate being on benefits instead of working for less than £6 an hour and I have no doubt that if I had started this thread and made such a statement I'd be getting abuse hurled at me.
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Old 06-02-2008, 20:21   #58
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by blazey View Post

As Panther says, I am not a snob. I think she misunderstands the use of the word though but nevermind. .
lol...chelle stop trying to act clever you numpty, all these big words you come out with, funny how ive never HEARD you say them.......try being yourself for a change, ya never know people may start to like ya
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Old 06-02-2008, 20:39   #59
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

Originally Posted by panther View Post
lol...chelle stop trying to act clever you numpty, all these big words you come out with, funny how ive never HEARD you say them.......try being yourself for a change, ya never know people may start to like ya
I am liked, though I guess it depends who you think I want to like me? Do you think it matters to me if you and jambutty like me? And where was the 'big word' in the sentence you quoted. You haven't spoken to me for 3 years. What would you even know about me? You might be my godmother, but you dont know a single thing about me.
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Old 06-02-2008, 20:42   #60
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Re: Work Or Lose Your Council Home

i know alot about ya, more than you think
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