I don't particularly believe in open offices, but now find myself in a position where I have no choice, reasons being:-
Your input of work drops down by at least 30%.
Someone insists on wearing strong perfume that makes me cough, sneeze and generally nauseous.
Gentleman next to me clears his throat every 15 seconds .. like Chinese torture waiting for the next one.
The Noise: can't always hear the customer talking to me, but they can certainly hear the cacophony of my colleagues walking past laughing, joking, sometimes swearing.
They listen to conversations you are having with customers and try to interrupt to make comments or after you have put the phone down.
Insist on telling you the whole conversation they have had with a customer.
Have to listen several times to holiday stories, weekend stories, etc., as members of staff appear at different times.
Arguements constantly as to the heating .. some want it on, some don't, some want the windows open, some don't.
Certainly would not have a very personal conversation with anyone .. all ears prick up.
One of them insists on coming to chat when I am trying to get a particular difficult order on the system .. make mistakes.
The crunching of crisps, cracking of boiled sweets irritates me no end.
Have to listen to grumblings constantly with regard to what they sometimes consider the shortcomings of the management ..
The list goes on and on and I am guilty myself of most of the above,
however, I would not now be without the fun, laughter, cameraderie, genuine sympathy you get if any troubles and team work now that we all display .. actually most times do look forward to Mondays (although would never admit it

Oh yes, and the crummy DVD's we are allowed to play as background music at Chrismas.