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Old 26-03-2005, 15:28   #1
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Angry Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

The gypsies are at it again! My neighbour has just been swindled out of £300 that he thought was for a lap top PC and a digital camera. It was the old 'swap the bag' routine, he's just paid for the most expensive bottles of lemonade ever.!! There are 3 of them, all lads in their 20's driving an old small red car something similar to a Peugeot or Ford Fiesta.
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Accrington Web
Old 26-03-2005, 15:32   #2
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
The gypsies are at it again! My neighbour has just been swindled out of £300 that he thought was for a lap top PC and a digital camera. It was the old 'swap the bag' routine, he's just paid for the most expensive bottles of lemonade ever.!! There are 3 of them, all lads in their 20's driving an old small red car something similar to a Peugeot or Ford Fiesta.
Great to warn everyone about this but I have to say, your neighbour's a bit daft for buying something off a stranger like that. I heard about someone else who paid about £300 and ended up with a bag of bricks. A bargain is never really a bargain, it's always best to be careful of offers like that.
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Old 26-03-2005, 15:32   #3
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

People will never ever learn!!

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Old 26-03-2005, 15:36   #4
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

I agree with you PurpleLass I would have more sense than to buy off them but they have just totally took the mick out of a vunerable old man, who has just recently had a triple by-pass.
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Old 26-03-2005, 15:37   #5
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

Good Thread.
The more people that read of these cons, the sooner they'll stop, [or move onto the next one!]
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 26-03-2005, 15:38   #6
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

He had more money than sense then if he paid £300,people are warned about these folk every single day in the media!

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Old 26-03-2005, 15:41   #7
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

Originally Posted by garinda
The more people that read of these cons, the sooner they'll stop, [or move onto the next one!]
Thanks garinda that's why I've posted about this and given details of the lads and car, hopefully it never happens to anyone on here but to be forewarned is the best weapon!
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Old 26-03-2005, 15:42   #8


Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

Everyone likes a bargain and we all like something for nothing, but just how do you justify shelling out £300 pound for something hidden under cover of a bag or anything else. These people aren’t gypsies Tinks, their common criminals who feed on the greed and stupidity of those who want something for nothing. I’m sorry that your neighbour has lost out to these ba****ds, but maybe his loss will help others to bring these people down.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 26-03-2005, 15:43   #9
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

They will move on to the next one. But, there are always going to be vulnerable people out there who will fall for it. Think it's great that you've posted it.
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Old 26-03-2005, 15:45   #10


Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
I agree with you PurpleLass I would have more sense than to buy off them but they have just totally took the mick out of a vunerable old man, who has just recently had a triple by-pass.
I hadn’t seen this post. I’m sorry to hear that yet again those most vulnerable are being targeted.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 26-03-2005, 15:47   #11
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

Originally Posted by Doug
I hadn’t seen this post. I’m sorry to hear that yet again those most vulnerable are being targeted.
I know Doug, he's a silly owd bu**er! They have befriended him for about a week before doing the dastardly deed this morning!
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Old 26-03-2005, 15:53   #12
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

That's even worse. My Grandma was once targeted by a chap who started to visit her. When we all questioned her about it she said that he was just being friendly. Fortunately, no one believed him and someone challenged him, and that was the last we saw of him. I think everyone has to be completely on their guard these days.
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Old 26-03-2005, 16:00   #13
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

i was once offered a widesreen tc from a gypo hanging out of a transit van

i told him i was blind and didnt need a tv

the chances of these people getting caught are slim and even if caught nothing will be done as usual

thanx for mentioning it though as although i would never buy anthing from a van especialy a van with a gypo in it others may have been temted by a bargain and now will know not to bother
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Old 26-03-2005, 17:40   #14
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

Thanks for the warning, i would not fall for that trick myself. Mind you i have no money so that helps.
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Old 26-03-2005, 17:47   #15
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Re: Worlds Most Expensive Lemonade!

I'm always being offered three piece suites and odd things by strange men in large vans with Irish accents. (the men that is, not the vans).

I just tell them "No thank you"

One day at Busman's house we noticed one of the people in the street had bought a settee and easy chair and whilst the men were getting it out of the van they put others in the roadway. My initial thought was that it was dangerous in case a car came round the corner but what I hadn't anticipated was the neighbouring cat climbing up onto it and doing a lengthy piddle. Phwah! That one must have stunk the van out when they put it back in! I pity whoever ended up buying it.

Of course it's easy to say don't trust anybody hawking stuff cheap from door to door but this is awful where they befriended the poor man and won his confidence before conning him.

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