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Old 02-07-2006, 08:22   #1
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Worth every penny????

Can anyone offer any form of justification for the BBC's recent decision to pay Jonathon Ross £18 million of Licence Fee payers hard earned cash?

I thought that ITV's decision to pay Lorraine Kelly over half a million a year was excessive, but ITV earn their money through advertising not public subsidy and they are thus at liberty to spend it any way they choose, but this Ross contract takes the biscuit! What is so uniquely wonderful about the foul-mouthed Ross that makes him worth £18 Million of public money? It will be remembered that it was Ross who, at the recent children's party at Buckingham Palace, gleefully informed HM The Queen in front of an assembled audience of children and millions of television viewers that the English football team had just "Stuffed Equador".

Am I alone in thinking that there is something wrong here?

At a time when there are millions of people who would give their right kidney for a chance to appear on television, why do all the presenting jobs appear to go to the same handfull of "faces"?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 02-07-2006, 08:46   #2
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Re: Worth every penny????

[quote]....another thing that makes me think bad thoughts is that Jonathon Ross gets the equivalent of £750 per minute for his Saturday morning show on Radio 2, that is on top of the contract for his chat show on BBC1.[quote garinda.]

I've already been moaning about this.

I like him, but it's just so obscene when what he's paid comes from the licence fee we pay.
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Old 02-07-2006, 09:00   #3
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Re: Worth every penny????

There should be some way that it's index linked to their viewing figures. So the really popular hosts and presenters get paid per viewer, (I bet he hasn't got 18 million viewers) that way we are voting by watching and if we don't watch then we don't feel too bad about them earning a lot because it's not actually our money that's doing it.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 02-07-2006, 09:37   #4
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Re: Worth every penny????

I think Wossy is bwilliant.

I think his unique way of bringing his interview techniques down to a level of meaningless pub-like conversation is great - especially with the arsey 'A' list Hollywood celebs.

He does do a lot more than most of the on-screen people at the BBC with Film 2006, his show on Radio 2, and of course Friday Night With... - but £18m a year?? Ever so slightly excessive methinks - a lot of that money could've gone into producing some decent new ideas for BBC programmes - anyone seen 'Grownups'? My word what a load of wubbish.
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Old 02-07-2006, 09:37   #5
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Re: Worth every penny????

Suppose it's just a matter of ring fencing him A-B so as he doesn't move to another channel.

No, I don't think he is worth this sort of money either, his swearing and straight forward remarks do not appeal to me. Even his wit is not up to what it was.

Don't like him on the Radio either, not a patch on our Terry Wogan, Steve Wright and must admit Chris Evans is doing an excellent job on the 5 o'clock slot.

What I like about 'Parkie' too is that he listens to his guests and lets them speak, whereby Jonathan does most of the talking on his. Want to tell him to shut up and let his guest speak please. Ah well, that's show business I suppose.
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Old 02-07-2006, 18:40   #6
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Re: Worth every penny????

maybe now he has more than enough money the ranker will see a speech therapist
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Old 02-07-2006, 19:46   #7
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Re: Worth every penny????

I enjoy watching his chat show I think he's quite funny, not sure anybodies worth that salary though.
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Old 02-07-2006, 22:27   #8
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Re: Worth every penny????

Don't forget that as well as a wife and children he also has to support Four Puffs and a Piano.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 02-07-2006, 22:36   #9
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Re: Worth every penny????

agree he aint worth that kinda dosh can take or leave him meself, but would argue that his 18 million is not as obscene as svens 7 million.
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