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Old 22-02-2007, 14:38   #1
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mani's Avatar

Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

customer service guy on the phone?

I got a call from sky tv regarding a payment dispute i have but i couldnt understand the hell what he was saying as his scottish accent was too strong

so he fired off a few numbers and said ok i was like err well let me see

if i call up and they put me on the same guy would it be wrong of me to ask for someone who didnt have a as strong accent?
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Old 22-02-2007, 14:43   #2
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

You could tell him politely you are finding it difficult to understand him & could he speak & little slower & clearly, i had same problem with tech support in India but i did that & got the problem sorted without offence, & because rather than get upset & slowed it down she actually surprised me by thanking me for 'my' patience which was nice to have understanding on both sides & was pleasant I presumed she had that problem a lot. I suppose if it is that bad im sure you could ask, as have spoken to sky myself at least once a month, there have been some strong scottish accents, i suppose im getting used to it LOL!!!

Last edited by accymel; 22-02-2007 at 14:46.
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Old 22-02-2007, 15:30   #3
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

ask for somone who can speak english , it could have been a lot worse though you could have got a scouser
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Old 22-02-2007, 15:31   #4
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

I have difficulty understanding some Scottish accents too so I sympathise. I don't see why you shouldn't ask if there is someone else you may be able to understand better. I don't know if it's down to PC and equal opportunities/rights or whatever but I don't understand why people with strong regional or national accents do telephone answering type jobs. It must be difficult for them too when people don't understand what they are saying. I used to deal with a firm whose receptionist was deaf and had thingy on the phone which typed out the calls for her to read - but I struggled to understand her speech and found it embarrassing to keep saying pardon all the time. I felt like I was being ignorant. It wasn't that I didn't try to undertand her, I just couldn't no matter how I tried.

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Old 22-02-2007, 15:33   #5

Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

just say................ now then lad, i carnt understsand a bloody word ya sed... now can thee talk propper soas i con get yer!!!!
jimmy jimmy who?
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Old 22-02-2007, 15:37   #6
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

Have you seen that prog on TV where they show a clip of people speaking with a regional accent and dialect and you have to work out what they say? One week they had a couple from Blackburn and it sounded clear as day to me - the panel were totally flummoxed!

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Old 22-02-2007, 15:39   #7
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
it could have been a lot worse though you could have got a scouser
........... Ohhhh that made me chuckle ... sorry
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Old 22-02-2007, 18:23   #8
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

Originally Posted by jimmyjim View Post
just say................ now then lad, i carnt understsand a bloody word ya sed... now can thee talk propper soas i con get yer!!!!
LOL........thats probably how we sound to them!
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Old 22-02-2007, 19:27   #9
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

I hate it when I get a strong Indian or Hispanic accent on the phone. Then I politely ask to speak to a supe. Sometimes they are even harder to understand


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Old 22-02-2007, 20:37   #10
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

I dont think its unreasonable Mani, though if the call centre is in Scotland then you might have to get Spuggie to translate!
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Old 22-02-2007, 23:35   #11
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

Originally Posted by grego View Post
I dont think its unreasonable Mani, though if the call centre is in Scotland then you might have to get Spuggie to translate!
Oh a use for me at last. The call centre is based at Livingston and a mate of mine works there so I will ask her if they have any people with an English accent or a softer Scottish one and will let you know.

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Old 05-04-2007, 13:37   #12
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

Well just done my big multi task of paying bills & just rung sky to pay theirs - only thing was.............omg strange.............i couldnt understand a proper robot that took my call it was a bit like ...Dr Who's Cybermen voice give me a jock accent anyday LOL!!!!!!

Well eventually paid it
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Old 05-04-2007, 13:52   #13
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

hay hay calm down chav
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Old 05-04-2007, 14:47   #14
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

It's a lot easier in Canada ... we hve only 2 official languages and very few regional dialects (except for Newfoundland which is a lot like Ossy) ... altho in Nunavut it helps if you speak Cree ... Tansi keeya.
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Old 06-04-2007, 11:37   #15
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Re: Would it be wrong of me to ask for a different

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I don't know if it's down to PC and equal opportunities/rights or whatever but I don't understand why people with strong regional or national accents do telephone answering type jobs
did you actually think about that before you typed it ???
that has to be one of the daftest things I have read on this board..sorry willow but I dont know whether to be offended or laugh...and you actually sound quite ignorant as its got nothing to do with equal rights or pc'ness..never heard of a call centre being built purely for those who fall into the equal opportunites bracket ???
so you may have 15 years experience working in a call centre, worked your way up to a manager etc..basically been there seen it and done it but because you have a strong accent you shouldnt be doing it ??
the simple fact of the matter is that people - regardless of where they may come from and whatever accent they may have - have to work - if thats using a phone then so be it..just because you dont understand them is not their fault...look at the flip side of it...what about scottish people phoning a call centre down here and struggling to understand a heavy lancs accent ...does what you said apply there too ?....if that was the case there would be no telephones would ring or be answered as everyone who has a strong accent would have resigned..people will have a strong regional accent compared to someone else...and no one would understand anyone...the scenario could be that scousers cant understand a brummie accent, londoners cant understand a yorkshire accent and lancs people cant understand a scottish a I say theres a flip side to you know what I mean?
I am scottish and have a strong glasgow accent - I also answer the phone in work and I also contact various companies..should I leave my job incase someone doesnt understand me ?...yeah right..
and skys main call centres are in both in the chance of you getting someone who isnt scottish is pretty slim...

sorry to sound narked willow but that did get my back up slighty...

and for the original poster - why didnt you just tell the guy you couldnt understand him ?
I am sure he would have spoken more slowly for you..he proabably gets it 30 times a day...

Last edited by glasgow guy; 06-04-2007 at 11:43.
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