24-03-2006, 14:21
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Would you stop at an accident?
I know it sounds cruel but Chav has got a point. I once stopped at a road traffic accident at Intack. It was several years ago, a man had been knocked off his motorbike by a car. I was a student nurse at the time and had just finished work.
The man had an obvious fractured femur and the car driver was too distraught to get out of the car. My mate called for an ambulance and directed the traffic around him. I kept him talking and made him as comfy as possible until the police and ambulance arrived.
He was a nice fella and I hope he made a good recovery. I never heard anything else about the incident after I'd made a statement. Our legal department do advise us not to stop at accidents, as people will often try to sue if they know that you have any kind of nursing or medical background. They advise that if we feel that we have to stop, then we must not declare ourselves as nurses.
I also helped out when a man got run over on Church Street he was obviously drunk and luckily didn't sustain any serious injuries. I have been very lucky so far in that I have had no complaints, but from some of the complaints that we hear about, I would certainly consider just walking on by.
This country has shot itself in the foot by allowing this litigation culture to prevail. It is such a shame that you can no longer rely on a passer by for help when you need it the most. 
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..