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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 25-02-2007, 16:43   #16
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: Yet Another Government Failure

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
No you can't tar all single parents with the same brush - some make fantastic parents. My own mother in law brought up two boys on her own and they've turned out damn fine.

But the point is that there are some areas of the country where opting to be a young single mother is seen as a way out. They don't feel they have any chance of doing anything other than being a mum, claiming benefit and getting a house on the back of it.
I am away from my missus and going through a divorce but that dosnt meen that because she has my daughter she is a "Single Parent" as some would label her. I am there for my daughter whenever she needs me and I contribute to her upbringing. To me a single parent whether male or female is when the partner does a bunk breaking all ties including financial.

There are a lot of young people with this attitude up here and they dont see it as anything other than normal.

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