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Old 17-08-2007, 04:14   #1
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Young Policemen are thick , no life experience

Recently a new business opened up not far from where I live advertising itself through neon signage as an Acupuncture center.......the building is an old family home which has been remodeled as offices as have most of the adjacent being a smoker for too many years to remember, I think maybe this is a sign for me to quit , other friends have used acupuncture to quit ,why not me I go up to the front door and see a sign directing me to the rear entrance , I walk round back and see no 'regular' door , just sliding glass patio doors screened by curtains, and a door bell .
OK I'm thinking to myself this doesn't look very professional, infact it looks a bit dodgy , but I press the bell and after a minute I am invited inside by a well dressed mature lady of Asian (far-eastern) origin, who asks what I want, I explain I would like to know if they did acupuncture to stop smoking.
She replies ......"you no want massage ? "

Me........"no , I want accupunture to stop smoking , how much does it cost ?"

Her........"50 dollars per hour "

Me ......."You charge by the hour for accupunture treatment not by the number of treatments required ?"

Her......."Yes , 50 dollar an hour "

Me....."ok I will think about it , thankyou ."

Now ,everyone who knows me knows that I am not a prude , as long as it doesn't involve kids or frightens the horses I say go for it, but having a cat-house within 3 blocks of where I live is not on........

So to get to the subject .....the following day I am parking on the supermarket car park when I spot a sheriffs car , so I mosey over and ask this young guy if he has a couple of minutes to spare .......I explain the events at the 'acupuncture center' and say maybe he should mention it to his serjeant at the end of shift .........."Why ?" he asks ...........I explain my qualms about having a possible brothel in the area where I live, and maybe someone should maybe just keep an eye on it , .........Doh .....the light bulb finally clicks on , since Castro Valley is a relativly safe area many of the rookies are posted here to give them some confidence before sending them to other patrol areas of the county , but come on , give me a break , this kid had no idea what I trying to tell him without getting graphic ......thick

So the question is ...did I do right in mentioning my maybe unfounded concerns or should i have just let it slide

youth and innocence , no match for age and cynicism
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Old 17-08-2007, 10:13   #2
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Re: Young Policemen are thick , no life experience

thats why they send em to castro valley steeljack dont think kids would grasp it unless they had a earthy upbringing,lol wouldnt like a cat house near me,but fact remains they are in many places these days,personally i would have let it slide,not cos you are wrong,cos i think its pointless these days.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 17-08-2007, 10:51   #3
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Re: Young Policemen are thick , no life experience

I remember a house near me used to have a lot of coming and goings, a taxi would usually pull up, the male occupant would jump out go to the house and knock on the door and go in, then half hour later would be stood on the curb waiting for another taxi , then what confirmed my suspicions was one night we had a knock on our front door I answered and a man said he had got an appointment, I said you might need that house and pointed him in the right direction, I don't know many businesses that open at 10 :30 pm

Last edited by expat; 17-08-2007 at 10:57.
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Old 17-08-2007, 10:56   #4
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Re: Young Policemen are thick , no life experience

50 per hour ! can you pay by the minute I would be paying for 55 minutes when i didn't need too
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Old 17-08-2007, 11:04   #5

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Re: Young Policemen are thick , no life experience

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
So the question is ...did I do right in mentioning my maybe unfounded concerns or should i have just let it slide
You should have at least tried the service first. You might have liked to, then you would not have needed to speak to the Police. Or you could have tried to get a new customer discount.
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