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15-08-2011, 08:06
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Re: Accyweb Meet
15-08-2011, 12:55
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Re: Accyweb Meet
We had a great night and I suffered on Sunday - self inflicted of course, but it may have been a surfeit of TV screens that messed my head up. Met some new people and glad to see a lot of the regulars.
Well done Mick, and my thanks to everyone for warning me not to have a beer in the Arden - Littlepom loved the cheap doubles especially when we found that the Bombay Saphire was the same price as Gordon's
16-08-2011, 07:32
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Re: Accyweb Meet
Originally Posted by katex
I had a lovely night ... thank you Mick. Good to see everyone again and to meet Heth and her boyfriend. Lovely couple.
Just wish the bar staff at the Railway hadn't bombard me with their great offer on double bacardi/cokes. Seemed like a bargain at the time. 
It was nice to meet you too Kate, and others that I havent met before!
Me & t'other half were a bit rough on Sunday to say the least!
Like you say offer on doubles does seem a good idea at the time!! 
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16-08-2011, 13:33
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Re: Accyweb Meet
Originally Posted by cashman
Anyone sat next to me,looks miles better. 
Get out Cashy!
Your being a gentleman again! 
I’m not singing for the future.
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16-08-2011, 15:37
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Re: Accyweb Meet
the railway was better all round but for me...raised a question... Its quite cosy in the smoking area and as a result those who smoke got comfy outside, the question is... are the non smokers happier with the meet split?
It's good to see that at least one Accywebber [derekgas] has considered how the non-smokers felt about the meet moving to the Railway.
I can remember a time when as a smoker I felt like a social outcast and it was wrong. But then that old feeling returned as a non-smoker at the meet. In a big space like the smoking area in the Railway, the smoke isn't too bad but it still hovers and the smell still clings to your clothes and travels home with you. Passive smoking is also every bit as bad for our health. If we wanted to feel we were part of the Accy webbers was it up to us non smokers to join the smokers, even though some of us went through hell to pack them in and did so because we had been diagnosed with a smoking related illness that took as much hell to beat?
I was so disappointed that the smoking issue caused a split in the group. As leader of the group, Mick, I really feel it was up to you to rally everyone together. Instead you arrived at the railway, which incidentally did resemble a bookies with barely a space on any wall not occupied with a Television screen, parked yourself in the smoking area and for the time I did stay you never came to enquire of the non smokers once! They were Accywebbers as well as those you held court with in the alpine log house!
For those of us on Bitter, the JavaScript at the Arden was fine. Though I agree the venue wasn't ideal as regards space. I was concerned that the only message to say the meet had moved to the Railway was on Accy web. Yeh, like anyone gettin ready to go out is going to check Accyweb to see if there's been a venue change
Oh and BTW, Mick, HOW have you managed to upload photos to the gallery that no-one else is presently able to because there is a glitch that only Roy has the rights to access and correct?
It was good to meet and put faces to names. However, I'm sure y'all will think me a whingin git if I suggest that the next meet should be somewhere where there's a bit of music, room for dancin or even Kareoke. Sorry, but just sat around gettin slowly anihilated in a modern version of Yates wine lodge isn't my idea of fun. And yes, I will quite happily arrange the next meet if y'all will trust me and Mick isn't offended by my honesty, as no offence is intended. Just sayin it as it is and as someone who would like to feel they are as valued a member of the family as all the other Accy webbers 
16-08-2011, 16:51
Resting in Peace
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Re: Accyweb Meet
1) Most of the members that was in the Arden complained about the Drinks including the shorts not just the beer.
2) The area we where sat in was not big enough for the number of members that turned up.
3) It was a joint decision to move location and the only way to let anyone know we had moved was to post it on Accyweb
By the way there was no member missed the meet through the move.
4) Ever since the smoking ban came in we have had this problem.
5) i always move round the members and did so in the railway.
If i did not sit with the inside group once as you say can you please explain who took the photos below.
6) as for the gallery i am the admin of the gallery and i have unlimited server memory allocated to me than members have. but i don't have server access.
Oh and members that Donate to the site get more memory allocated to them than those that dont
7) most of the members don't like loud music and want to sit and talk not listen to music only now and again do we arrange music like "EasyStreet" in the stag.
Last edited by Mick; 16-08-2011 at 16:57.
16-08-2011, 16:59
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Accyweb Meet
Originally Posted by Mikejoed
It was good to meet and put faces to names. However, I'm sure y'all will think me a whingin git if I suggest that the next meet should be somewhere where there's a bit of music, room for dancin or even Kareoke. Sorry, but just sat around gettin slowly anihilated in a modern version of Yates wine lodge isn't my idea of fun. And yes, I will quite happily arrange the next meet if y'all will trust me and Mick isn't offended by my honesty, as no offence is intended. Just sayin it as it is and as someone who would like to feel they are as valued a member of the family as all the other Accy webbers 
Hey up whingey, next accyweb meet YOU can organise, then you will know it's perfect.
Give Mick a break will you?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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16-08-2011, 17:11
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Accyweb Meet
Originally Posted by Mikejoed
Oh and BTW, Mick, HOW have you managed to upload photos to the gallery that no-one else is presently able to because there is a glitch that only Roy has the rights to access and correct? 
Mick is an administrator, (check his avator), therefore he has more rights & access than mere mortals, plus he's chairman of the accyweb clique.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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16-08-2011, 21:16
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Re: Accyweb Meet
I have to defend Mick here for a change, I know for sure he went indoors twice at least, commenting that he should go and have a chat with the folk inside.
There were also a few comments about the fact the meet was divided, seemed to me that most of the smokers felt a tad selfish and ignorant, though I'm not sure why, there was also a conversation about the next meet being held in another 'favourite' location, where smoking is completely outdoors, the theory being that smokers would go out to smoke, but then return indoors, please don't think that the people who got comfortable in the smoking area were totally happy with the situation because they were not.
Oh, and please dont have me defending Mick again!!! 
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
16-08-2011, 21:50
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Accyweb Meet
well after reading that i can honestly say i think yer a whinging git Mikejoed, nice to meet yeh by the way, 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
16-08-2011, 23:01
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Re: Accyweb Meet
As I don't recall seeing you there Less you can hardly expect your defence of the evening to be valid. It's as plain as your face you're just creeping around Mick. And as it's supposed to be an open forum where all are welcome I don't think its a good idea to promote Mick as a leader of a 'Clique'
I don't have any qualms whatsoever about the great Job he does on Accy web. It's just that I think on this occasion the splitting of the group spoilt it for me personally. I thought a forum was about expression of free speech, within reason. I meant no offence and intended none. A little understanding from the non smoker's point of view might warrant some commiseration.
I didn't ask you to defend Mick, Derek. You were the only one I thought had given any consideration to the non smokers by your comment, which I quoted. Perhaps you were worried you might be implicated because I quoted your concern that I did think was genuine at the time. I can't believe you are now saying
There were also a few comments about the fact the meet was divided, seemed to me that most of the smokers felt a tad selfish and ignorant, though I'm not sure why
Talk about runnin' with the hare and huntin' with the hounds
Your points 1 - 3 I fully concur with, Mick. However, you may have wandered in to the non smokers inside, but as I said, you didn't do so before Atarah and myself had left. You'll recall we came and said our goodbyes to y'all before we left. If the meet was at another venue the smokers would have gone out for a smoke and returned to join the rest of the crew inside but because of the Railway's facilities it seemed easier for you to stay put. If the 'Selfish' thought crossed someone's mind just maybe there was a tad of it about. Shame because it was great to meet up with you all, for the short time it lasted in the Arden
Thanks for that Cashman, nice to meet you as well
I was a smoker myself and I know there can be nowt so self righteous as a former smoker but in this case it has nowt to do with that. When I was a smoker I would go outside, have a toot and come back in and join the rest of the gang. I wouldn't dream of going out with my non smoking friends and decide after the night got underway to sit in a separate room from them. Can't see why y'all can't see my point and that's as bad, if not worse than defending what really was an error of judgment. A forum is supposed to be 'Inclusive' not 'Exclusive'. No cliques, no favourites, just one big family where everyone is appreciated
OK I'm done whinging 
16-08-2011, 23:08
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Accyweb Meet
a forum is about expression of speech n i did. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
17-08-2011, 03:59
Re: Accyweb Meet
Originally Posted by derekgas
I have to defend Mick here for a change
Do you have a temperature?
Originally Posted by derekgas
I know for sure he went indoors twice at least
I almost believed you until I remembered he is an old fella drinking beer so must have been to the loo more than twice
Originally Posted by derekgas
Oh, and please dont have me defending Mick again!!! 
Thats more like it.
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17-08-2011, 04:05
Re: Accyweb Meet
Originally Posted by Mikejoed
I was so disappointed that the smoking issue caused a split in the group.
I am sure there was nothing stopping you going outside, I have spent many meetings sat outside with the dirty smokers.
Originally Posted by Mikejoed
As leader of the group, Mick, I really feel it was up to you to rally everyone together.
I think you are being a tad daft now. Mick is not the leader of any group. He might be admin on here and suggested people met in the Arden but that does not mean he is the group leader.
Originally Posted by Mikejoed
Instead you arrived at the railway, which incidentally did resemble a bookies with barely a space on any wall not occupied with a Television screen, parked yourself in the smoking area and for the time I did stay you never came to enquire of the non smokers once! They were Accywebbers as well as those you held court with in the alpine log house! 
Oops I was wrong for making my comment about you being a bit daft.
I should have said you are talking rubbish.
Have you stopped to think that just maybe those outside stopped outside because you were inside? 
Originally Posted by Mikejoed
As I don't recall seeing you there Less you can hardly expect your defence of the evening to be valid. It's as plain as your face you're just creeping around Mick. And as it's supposed to be an open forum where all are welcome I don't think its a good idea to promote Mick as a leader of a 'Clique'
The clique is a very long running joke and I have never seen Less creeping around Mick.
Originally Posted by Mikejoed
OK I'm done whinging
Good because you appear to be an expert at it.
I think you owe Mick an apology for suggesting he in some way spoilt the night just because he was sat outside.
Maybe your should have come bowling instead of the going to the meet with me, Rhonda and the kids. We had 4 children with us, one more would not have been a problem.
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Last edited by Neil; 17-08-2011 at 04:13.
17-08-2011, 04:53
Resting in Peace
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Re: Accyweb Meet
Just to add a note it was not me that picked the Venue ie the Arden it was another Accyweb member.
I do not pick the Venues now i make suggestions for meets but the members make requests too and after the venue is sorted i sort the rest out.
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