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Old 17-08-2011, 07:00   #106
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Well gotta put my 2 pennyworth in here.....there was plenty of room outside if anyone had chosen to join us, as was said there were more members outside than in.......and if anyone doesn't want to be a passive smoker then stay inside and stop whinging.....rant over
" The views or whatever I post on here are the ravings of a woman possessed, not the site"
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Old 17-08-2011, 07:44   #107
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Can i just mention all photo's of the meet have now been uploaded to the gallery ...just because i can

by the way there are 2 pages of them
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Old 17-08-2011, 07:56   #108
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Originally Posted by Mikejoed View Post
As I don't recall seeing you there Less you can hardly expect your defence of the evening to be valid. It's as plain as your face you're just creeping around Mick. And as it's supposed to be an open forum where all are welcome I don't think its a good idea to promote Mick as a leader of a 'Clique'
Nor did you see me at the first or any of the regular monthly meets that were held, but I was there where were you? If I'm busy on the night of a meet I don't turn up, simple as. My defence of Mick against a whiner such as you should not be necessary but the world like you and I isn't perfect.
I'm sure given the first chance you are the type of person that would want to join a 'clique', no doubt as moral leader.

I don't have any qualms whatsoever about the great Job he does on Accy web. It's just that I think on this occasion the splitting of the group spoilt it for me personally. I thought a forum was about expression of free speech, within reason. I meant no offence and intended none. A little understanding from the non smoker's point of view might warrant some commiseration.
It is hardly Micks fault that Government legislation says smokers have to sit outside.

there are plenty of threads about the smoking ban, find one and beat your drum as much as you like, don't go moaning at Mick just because you couldn't be bothered to nip outside to talk even for just a few minutes.
If the 'Selfish' thought crossed someone's mind just maybe there was a tad of it about.
More than a 'tad', you are enjoying your own bout of selfishness and using it to beat up Mick who never causes harm or discomfort for anyone.

I was a smoker myself and I know there can be nowt so self righteous as a former smoker but in this case it has nowt to do with that. When I was a smoker I would go outside, have a toot and come back in and join the rest of the gang.
I don't think you became self righteous after giving up smoking, I think you served an apprenticeship in it, well now you can stop your overqualified.

I wouldn't dream of going out with my non smoking friends and decide after the night got underway to sit in a separate room from them.
Before the smoking ban this wasn't a problem, but it isn't a problem the smokers created so don't blame them for stopping outside, they don't blame the non smokers for stopping inside, though there are usually a few non smokers that also sit with the smokers they claim it's a better atmosphere, (strange that isn't it?).

Can't see why y'all can't see my point and that's as bad, if not worse than defending what really was an error of judgment.
We can see your point, what you can't see is that it's neither the smokers or the non smokers fault, we have been split by legislation.

A forum is supposed to be 'Inclusive' not 'Exclusive'. No cliques, no favourites, just one big family where everyone is appreciated
Don't talk wet a forum isn't a family, it is a group of people that discuss and exchange views sometimes we agree and other times the arguments get heated.

As for inclusive, the effort you put in makes you inclusive, sitting at your keyboard and moaning about being excluded gets you what you deserve.

I notice you have already been told about the 'clique' being a long standing joke, I just wonder, how did I know you would raise to the bait?

OK I'm done whinging
Somehow I get the feeling you have only just started.

Look forward to seeing you at the next meeting, have you decided where it will be yet?
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Old 17-08-2011, 10:56   #109
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Re: Accyweb Meet

OK I'm done whinging
Somehow I get the feeling you have only just started.
No, I really am done expressing my view on this. It's been an interesting exercise that has revealed to me that there is a clique and unless you're part of it, your opinion doesn't matter. Sorry to have intruded.
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Old 17-08-2011, 10:57   #110
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Originally Posted by Mikejoed View Post
No, I really am done expressing my view on this. It's been an interesting exercise that has revealed to me that there is a clique and unless you're part of it, your opinion doesn't matter. Sorry to have intruded.
Then i am afraid yer living in La La Land.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 17-08-2011, 11:19   #111
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Originally Posted by Mikejoed View Post
No, I really am done expressing my view on this. It's been an interesting exercise that has revealed to me that there is a clique and unless you're part of it, your opinion doesn't matter. Sorry to have intruded.
Usual and fully expected sort of response.

Don't give up so easily just change your tactics, get to know the people you are in such a rush to condemn.

Don't expect us just to accept you, work on becoming a useful and informative member of the site.

But don't ever, ever pick on Mick, being an Administrator makes him an easy target, it's difficult for him to defend himself against ill thought out criticism. However he will always be defended against such unworthy comments.

Now perhaps after you have read this you can go away for a short while, have a sulk, think about it and come back with a more positive attitude towards your fellow members?

By the way I'm meeting Mick in the last orders this afternoon if you have the time or inclination to apologise, at the same time you might find I'm not as nasty as you have made me appear, (I'm worse).
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Last edited by Less; 17-08-2011 at 11:22.
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Old 17-08-2011, 11:32   #112
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Re: Accyweb Meet

By the way I'm meeting Mick in the last orders this afternoon if you have the time or inclination to apologise, at the same time you might find I'm not as nasty as you have made me appear, (I'm worse).[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah.....
" The views or whatever I post on here are the ravings of a woman possessed, not the site"
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Old 17-08-2011, 11:33   #113
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Originally Posted by LYNX1 View Post
Oh yeah.....
Are you coming down Mary?
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Old 17-08-2011, 12:08   #114
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Originally Posted by Mikejoed View Post
No, I really am done expressing my view on this. It's been an interesting exercise that has revealed to me that there is a clique and unless you're part of it, your opinion doesn't matter. Sorry to have intruded.
after reflecting on this fer awhile, it brings to mind another member, who i also met, was a nice guy to talk too, "But" disagree wi him at yer peril, he also decided there was a clique, never came to a meet as i can recall, but he was never wrong,so it musta been right. he cleared off in a strop,sulking, etc, would hope yeh got a bit more upstairs than him?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 17-08-2011, 13:14   #115
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Who wants to join my clique?
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Old 17-08-2011, 13:51   #116

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Re: Accyweb Meet

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Who wants to join my clique?
Ah bless is it lonely down there mate?
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Old 17-08-2011, 16:33   #117
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Are you coming down Mary?

Not today Less, was otherwise engaged but am sure I will see you on Saturday
" The views or whatever I post on here are the ravings of a woman possessed, not the site"
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Old 17-08-2011, 16:34   #118
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Originally Posted by LYNX1 View Post
Not today Less, was otherwise engaged but am sure I will see you on Saturday
Good luck for tomos.
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Old 17-08-2011, 17:18   #119
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Re: Accyweb Meet

i was one of the smokers that stayed outside all night .. so was spugs .. tho he went inside a few times ... anyway as where i was sat there was only one tv facing me .. just like at home ..... too many tv's are a bit scary for me as i do have orders to stay at least 6ft away from one .... and in fact you can count the spugster for having to stay 6ft away from them as well .. and i think if i had stayed inside i would have had a few problems at staying 6ft away from one ....
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 17-08-2011, 21:17   #120
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Re: Accyweb Meet

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Who wants to join my clique?
Can I pretty please??
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