28-07-2005, 08:34
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Re: An event you might like.....
It's going well.
I went to Accy Library and they've got some memorabilia that they'll loan to us to put a display (I need to put it in a secure glass case - anyone got any suggestions or anyone good at woodwork?).
We've found alternative entertainment so hoping to book that later today. Will let you know.
I've found a place to get old copies of newspapers from so there will be newspapers around for people to just pick up and read - thought that might be fun. Accrington Observer is proving difficult to get hold of so might have to be national papers like The Daily Sketch and The Times, etc.
Trying to decide whether to make it a ticket do - will still all be absolutely free but people will have to pick up a ticket in advance - any thoughts on that?
Also, suggestions on food might be a good idea. Paste sandwiches seem to be of the period but I'm sure that's not all they ate back then - any other ideas?
I'm still looking for pictures to include - come on you must have some. Surely you can all dig out pictures of your parents or grandparents from just after the war. Let me have them with a caption and they can go on the commemoration wall. All photos will be returned, or even better pm me and I'll let you have my email address to send them to. I really want this to work so please, please help me with this bit.
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