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Nightlife, Events, Days out To discuss events, nightlife, pubs etc.. in and around Accrington. Also days out and about, where to go, where have you been, let us know!

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Old 07-10-2011, 11:22   #1
God Member
Gayle's Avatar

Beer Street

Here's a show that some people on here might have a taste for.

Beer Street by Mikron Theatre Company
Friday 21st October, 7.30pm - tickets £10 (concessions £8)

…a heady draught of people, pubs, brews and brewing.
  • Written : Mike Lucas
  • Directed : Marianne McNamara
  • Music directed : Rebekah Hughes
A lively, rumbustious show telling the story of pubs and beer and the part they have always played in society. Mikron's 40th anniversary production happily coincides with the 40th anniversary of the Campaign for Real Ale.
Has the traditional pub managed to survive as the social centre of a community in this age of pubcos, trendy wine bars and chilled out café bars?

How has the smoking ban affected pubs?

How do we deal with the new generation of 'binge drinkers' and the associated health problems?

This fast-paced production will be full of fun, music and lively bar room chat.

Tickets available from the Civic Arts Centre
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The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Accrington Web
Old 21-10-2011, 11:26   #2
God Member
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Re: Beer Street

Picture this - you're sat at home tonight thinking 'shall we go out, I wonder what's going on in Hyndburn?' You can't decide what to do so you spend a boring night in watching repeats of Friends and the News.

But instead, you could be out at the Civic Arts Centre, Oswaldtwistle having a laugh a minute watching a show about beer and pubs. I wouldn't ordinarily bother if we get 50 people or just 10 people to watch a show but this time it matters. This is too funny to miss. I will feel bad for you if you miss out on this show.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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