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25-10-2004, 16:13
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Re: BELIEF in November
>>these people are trying to breath a bit of life back into the town by organising such events and all anyone seems to want to do is whinge and moan about him putting and advert on the site..grow up. Fair enough it isnt to everyones taste but at least there trying to do something about the demise of the town centre.<<
I have to disagree with statement. What "they" and the management of town centre pubs are trying to do is operate a business, to make money, "they" couldn't care care less about the state of the town centre and I think it is naive to pretend otherwise.
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25-10-2004, 16:42
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Re: BELIEF in November
in one way its good that a club round here can attract names like brandon block but would love to know how much they actually paid him . surely they d need to fill the place to make a profit . the main problem with accy pubs and bars etc is underage kids who cant handle there drinks yet and congregate in large numbers on church street in the early hours blackburn has the same problem on darwen street . then theres the drug problem but thats nationwide
25-10-2004, 18:02
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Re: BELIEF in November
Whilst I agree with Less, Tealeaf, A-Bob and Mez. The enterprising soul who put the advertisement (for that's what it really is) on the site, was (tongue in cheek) interpreting the site rules to his own benefit. That's enterprise and points out a hole in the site rules which need to be tightened regarding advertising of local events.
If this place on Willow St., can pay artists (and I use that word loosely), then they can pay for advertising (it's tax deductable!), or are they just trying to screw as much money out of the place as possible?
Down town Accy is a hell hole and likely to get worse, and such events (whilst wanted by most of the young 'uns) only makes the place worse for a large percentage of the people of Accy. If we had an ever present, visible, and large police force who ensured that the "Yobs" (could be anybodys son or daughter), knew that they couldn't mess with the cops or get away with anything illegal however minor. Then the culture of people being attacked and nearly kicked to death would soon stop.
Unfortunately society is currently only interested in profit...and what we see clearly reflects that.
So to breath life in the town (the breath of life is usless to a dead town)or advertise your wares (for profit) on this site...a commercial transaction is required (pay up lad). I hope Roy is able to amend the site rules to ensure all events advertised (free)on site are charitable ones, and should go through either him or a moderator first.
25-10-2004, 18:13
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Re: BELIEF in November
dont think its a larger police force we need more like one who has the interest of the community instead of being more interested in pulling drivers for petty offences . It seems the police force is scared of the youths today you only need to walk through oswaldtwislte on any night of the week to find them gathered in groups drinking
25-10-2004, 18:31
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Re: BELIEF in November
25-10-2004, 18:39
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: BELIEF in November
Originally Posted by rockrabbit
It seems the police force is scared of the youths today you only need to walk through oswaldtwislte on any night of the week to find them gathered in groups drinking
I find it shocking that the police gather in groups every night up ossy drinking, no wonder Accy town centre is in the state it is!
(Wanted, a tongue in cheek smilie, please put it here).
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25-10-2004, 18:43
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Re: BELIEF in November
Try this for size, Less....
I hope it proves sufficient... 
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!
Any ramblings, meanderings, thoughts or musings are mine and mine alone. Any opinions expressed are Lettie's!
26-10-2004, 17:51
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Re: BELIEF in November
i m saving my smiles for saturday night when ive a pint of smooth in my hand
27-10-2004, 14:12
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Re: BELIEF in November
Extract from Accrington Observer
Top DJs set to boost nightlife
NIGHTLIFE in Accrington is set to get a major boost from a series of special parties featuring top DJs and artistes.
Bosses at Opium and the Bees Knees are pulling out all the stops to breathe new life into the town.
It follows comments during a council meeting that Accrington’s nightlife was "dying on its feet", when it was claimed people were snubbing local pubs and clubs for cheap supermarket booze and nights out in neighbouring towns.
Now, in a bid to tackle the problem, Opium is set to launch a new night featuring some of the country’s leading DJs. Dubbed Belief at Opium, the event kicks off on Saturday night with top spinners Brandon Block and Alex P on the decks. Entry is £6 before 11pm and £8 afterwards.
Other DJs being lined up include Alison Limmerick (27 October), K-Klass (6 November) and John Kelly (13 November).
Talks are also taking place to book ace jocks Tall Paul, Judge Jules and Lisa Loud. The club is also launching a classics night on the third Saturday of every month.
Next week the Observer will run a fantastic competition for four people to get full VIP treatment, with champagne and a ride in a limo to the club.
A Belief spokesman said: "We want to build it up and get people talking about Accrington again.
"The more people we can attract into town, the more vibrant it can become. It is about working together as a whole team.
"We will be having meetings with other bars to get an interaction going and look at ideas such as special offers.
"We would like people to put messages on our website, which will also feature charts, tracks and photos."
Meanwhile, on Wednesday, the Bees Knees kicks off the first of its eagerly-awaited Northern Soul nights featuring legendary Wigan Casino Roadshow founder Russ Winstanley.
Boss Ross Freedman said: "Our daytime customers say they don’t come out at night as there is nothing for the older generation, so we want to redress the balance.
"Trade in Accrington has been going through a flat period but I think people are getting themselves sorted financially for the Christmas period.
"We are offering something different to the usual dance scene."
27-10-2004, 18:09
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Re: BELIEF in November
It is quite amazing to me that people will pay eight pounds to listen to someone playing recorded music. Now, if they were putting on live bands.................OK.
28-10-2004, 10:13
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Re: BELIEF in November
>>Meanwhile, on Wednesday, the Bees Knees kicks off the first of its eagerly-awaited Northern Soul nights featuring legendary Wigan Casino Roadshow founder Russ Winstanley.<<
I quite agree John. It also amazes me that some people never seem to know when to stop. Bit of a come down from Wigan Casino to Accy's Bees Knees.
The other thing that I find truly depressing about the whole business is that, given the inherent creativity in the People of this area, imitating what everyone else is doing is the only thing that town centre pubs can come up with to drum up trade. What about creating startlingly new trends rather than slavishly following everyone else? Are our young people so unsure of themselves?
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28-10-2004, 11:06
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Re: BELIEF in November
They should book up that DJ John Peel. I'm sure he can play some exciting sounds.
28-10-2004, 12:34
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Re: BELIEF in November
Dont know about booking up maybe digging up!!! I know its sick but hey you gotta larfff. 

28-10-2004, 14:33
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Re: BELIEF in November
Hey Mani,why are you wearing that stoopid Rabbit Suit?
29-10-2004, 19:34
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Re: BELIEF in November
kestrelx - take that stupid man suit off
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