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Old 21-02-2009, 20:59   #1
Senior Member+
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comet's hit hyndburn sports center

as you may know my daughter is a member of hyndburn comets majorettes a number of weeks ago they were invited along to the hyndburn sports center this afternoon to do a small display as part of a promotion day to make people aware of the activities available in the hyndburn area.
The idea I thought was a good one promote activities for kids and recruit for the club at the same time.
however what struck me was how poorly organised it was there seemed to be very little in the way of advertising for this event and consequently a virtually none existant turnout.
still it was great practice for the girls as the competitions start next month.
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Accrington Web
Old 21-02-2009, 21:57   #2
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Re: comet's hit hyndburn sports center

can boys join?
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 22-02-2009, 01:02   #3
Full Member

Re: comet's hit hyndburn sports center

Originally Posted by jedimaster View Post
as you may know my daughter is a member of hyndburn comets majorettes a number of weeks ago they were invited along to the hyndburn sports center this afternoon to do a small display as part of a promotion day to make people aware of the activities available in the hyndburn area.
The idea I thought was a good one promote activities for kids and recruit for the club at the same time.
however what struck me was how poorly organised it was there seemed to be very little in the way of advertising for this event and consequently a virtually none existant turnout.
still it was great practice for the girls as the competitions start next month.
I also attended ther event at Hyndburn Sports Centre as part of Accrington Girls and Ladies Football Club and must admit prior to the event there didn't appear to have been a great deal of publicity although there was a piece in the Observerr this week.

I'm not surewhat time "your slot" was but at 11am when we had half the sports hall we had 15 girls taking part in our fun football session for girls (5 -13 yrs) and I guess the Athletics probably had nearer 40 boys and girls in their group however we didn't have any for the over 14's which was supposed to run from 12 until 1pm

There seemed to be a lot of children around at the time we were there so perhaps much of the publicity was aimed at schools rather than the general public.

Personally I don't think it was badly organised as it's very difficult to organise such an event, we were told that 5 girls had registered prior to the event but on the day we had nearer 15 perhaps our critisism, if it is one, is that our event clashed with the athletics and that some girls may have wished to do both

In the way of an advert if anybody is interested in girls football either as a player or coach then contact us via our e mail address: [email protected] and we willl be pleased to supply you with further details.
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Old 22-02-2009, 11:06   #4
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Re: comet's hit hyndburn sports center

thought ya meant "Bill Hayleys" backing group.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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