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Nightlife, Events, Days out To discuss events, nightlife, pubs etc.. in and around Accrington. Also days out and about, where to go, where have you been, let us know!

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Old 04-02-2006, 11:11   #1
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Countdown to International Women's Week

It is now 4 weeks off the start of International Women's Week. We have a very varied programme which collectively goes under the heading of Something For Everyone.

Sat 4th March - Games Day, New Era, Accrington 11am - 3pm
Come along and take part in the Chess challenge, dabble in scrabble, enjoy the treasure hunt, swap jigsaws and much much more.

Mon 7th March - Take A Break, Hope Centre, Oswaldtwistle 10am - 12noon
Parents and toddlers enjoy aromatherapy, yoga and relaxing pampering activities - creche available
Booking is essential

Tues 7th March - Confidence and Assertiveness Course, The Women's Centre, Accrington 10am - 12noon
Booking is essential

Tues 7th March - Relaxation for Body and Mind, The Women's Centre, Accrington 1pm - 3pm
Booking is essential

Wed 8th March - The Vagina Monologues, Accrington FC, Livingstone Rd
Tickets priced £5, concessions £3 - available from The Women's Centre

Thurs 9th March - Thinking of Doing Something for Yourself, The Globe Centre, Accrington
Ever wanted to start your own business, drop in and find out about start up grants and support.
For more info contact Hyndburn Enterprise Trust

Fri 10th March - Watercolour and Acrylic painting workshops, Haworth Art Gallery 10am - 4pm
Booking essential - contact The Haworth Art Gallery

Fri 10th March - Jewellry making for beginners, Haworth Art Gallery 2pm - 4pm
No need to book, just turn up

Sat 11th March - the main event at Accrington Town Hall, 10am 3pm
Community groups, workshops, belly dancing, tai chi, line dancing, arts and crafts, aromatherapy - SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE

All activities are FREE except The Vagina Monologues
Unless booking details are stated events are drop in activities.

Supported by Awards for All, Big Lottery Community Fund and Neighbourhood Renewal Community Chest

Gratefull thanks to Haworth Art Gallery, Prospects Foundation, The Women's Centre, Accrington Football Club, Accrington & Rossendale College, Lancashire Adult Learning, Hyndburn Enterprise Trust and all of the local community groups who have contributed.

For more information please feel free to contact me. I've taken all the telephone numbers as it's possibly not appropriate to have telephone numbers on the site so please feel free to pm me for booking details.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

Last edited by Gayle; 05-02-2006 at 19:36.
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Accrington Web
Old 05-02-2006, 01:18   #2
land of hope and glory

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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

hope roy is getting some good money from all this free advertiseing from the people he is hosting/advertising on accy web?how about can we do anything for the council tax payers that would be benificial to those that need it? or accy web on the **** again? all funds greatly recieved.......
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Old 05-02-2006, 01:20   #3
land of hope and glory

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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

come on lads whats this?All activities are FREE except The Vagina Monologues.we get wed we pay, we dont get wed and we still pay what is this title and whats its meaning.....lmao
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Old 05-02-2006, 10:26   #4
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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

Originally Posted by staggeringman
hope roy is getting some good money from all this free advertiseing from the people he is hosting/advertising on accy web?how about can we do anything for the council tax payers that would be benificial to those that need it? or accy web on the **** again? all funds greatly recieved.......
I put it in the Nightlife, Events, Days out section - so what else is supposed to go in that section if it's not for letting people know about community events that are going on in Accrington?

Or is it just for advertising Accy Web meets that are being held in your pub?

I have donated to Accy Web a number of times, so yes funds have been received.

Finally, if Roy tells me to stop posting this stuff I will do but from what I understand this is a community website and these are community events. People complain that there is not enough going on in Hyndburn to start off with and then when I tell you about some of the stuff people like you start complaining again. That's hardly community spirited is it?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 05-02-2006, 10:30   #5
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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

Originally Posted by staggeringman
come on lads whats this?All activities are FREE except The Vagina Monologues.we get wed we pay, we dont get wed and we still pay what is this title and whats its meaning.....lmao

Why don't you come along and see for yourself?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 05-02-2006, 12:14   #6
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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

Originally Posted by Gayle
Why don't you come along and see for yourself?
Yeah...go on, Staggers. But don't forget to take your mobile so that I can give you a call and you can tell me just how bad it is.
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Old 05-02-2006, 20:10   #7
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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

i agree with you gayle it is in the correct section for the community events.... just as its the correct section for the accyweb meets ......they are events .... keep them coming just a pity i won't be able to attend all of them but may bob in on the friday after that i will be too busy .... as i said in my pm, to you good luck.
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
'The views expressed here are my own and are not necessarily those of the site'
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Old 06-02-2006, 00:55   #8
land of hope and glory

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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

Originally Posted by mez
i agree with you gayle it is in the correct section for the community events.... just as its the correct section for the accyweb meets ......they are events .... keep them coming just a pity i won't be able to attend all of them but may bob in on the friday after that i will be too busy .... as i said in my pm, to you good luck.
come on lads whats this?All activities are FREE except The Vagina Monologues.we get wed we pay, we dont get wed and we still pay what is this title and whats its meaning.....lmaocome on then mez give us a clue?
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Old 06-02-2006, 01:01   #9
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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

Originally Posted by staggeringman
come on lads whats this?All activities are FREE except The Vagina Monologues.we get wed we pay, we dont get wed and we still pay what is this title and whats its meaning.....lmaocome on then mez give us a clue?,00.html
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 06-02-2006, 01:09   #10
land of hope and glory

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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

so your telling me gary that the women of ossy are going to experiance 32 orgasms at this meeting?this is incredible..........
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Old 06-02-2006, 10:06   #11
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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

The title of the Vagina Monologues is to shock and to get people talking - it's certainly done that, so thanks Staggers!

It's mostly about how women perceive themselves and their experiences. It's also very, very funny.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 06-02-2006, 11:43   #12
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

Originally Posted by Gayle
The title of the Vagina Monologues is to shock and to get people talking - it's certainly done that, so thanks Staggers!
One of the great fighters for mens lib Mr. Roald Dahl also brought out a title to shock and cause thought,

Wonky Willie and why woman prefer the chocolate Factory!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 06-02-2006, 14:08   #13
I am Banned
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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

just wondering is there an internatioonal mens week?? seems a bit sexist if there isnt?
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Old 06-02-2006, 14:22   #14
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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

Nope there isn't as far as I know and whilst I agree in one sense, it's not actually the fault of the organisers of International Women's Week that no men have decided to organise their own.

International Women's Day (March 8th) is an event that is recognised in over 80 countries and recognised by the United Nations. In some countries it is actually a national holiday (which men get as well). It's been going for around 90 years and its aim is essentially to highlight the plight of many women around the world in countries that are not so enlightened as Western ones, and it is also a celebration of 'look how far we've got' in the last 90 years.

See this link

It is not, most definitely NOT, and has never been anti men in any way and men are quite welcome at any events, it is simply pro-women!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

Last edited by Gayle; 06-02-2006 at 14:33.
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Old 06-02-2006, 14:49   #15
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Re: Countdown to International Women's Week

Originally Posted by baby boo
just wondering is there an internatioonal mens week?? seems a bit sexist if there isnt?
Like Gayle said men are welcomed at the events, it's not exclusive.

I've seen the Vaginas Monologues, and it is very funny and worth seeing.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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