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Nightlife, Events, Days out To discuss events, nightlife, pubs etc.. in and around Accrington. Also days out and about, where to go, where have you been, let us know!

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Old 26-08-2010, 16:24   #1
God Member
Gayle's Avatar

Do you like singing?

Come along and join the choir, meet new friends and sing your hearts out.
Juniors group – ages 8 to 13
Disney, pop, musicals and lots of fun
6pm to 7pm, cost £3
Teenagers group – ages 13 to 19
Os-Stars - Glee style - a bit of everything
7pm to 8pm, cost £3
Adult group – ages 18+
Anything goes – you help to select the music and the choir master will help you develop your own distinctive
style .
8pm to 9.30pm, cost £3
For more information and to book call :
07807 816562 or email comeand [email protected] -

First session on Wednesday 15th September and every wednesday afterwards leading to a showcase
performance - date and details to be confirmed.

Managed by ILF Music and Theatre

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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