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Nightlife, Events, Days out To discuss events, nightlife, pubs etc.. in and around Accrington. Also days out and about, where to go, where have you been, let us know!

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Old 18-02-2011, 08:40   #1
Meccy's Avatar

Fell walking companion needed

Hello there,

I go fell walking in the lakes pretty much every Saturday. My aim is to climb every Wainwright before 13/11/2014 (My 50th birthday). I currently go on my own and the cost of fuel is becoming prohibitive. If anyone is interested in joining me on these days out, please contact me through the forum to discuss.

"Remember us." As simple an order as a king can give. "Remember why we died." For he did not wish tribute, nor song, nor monuments nor poems of war and valour. His wish was simple. "Remember us," he said to me. That was his hope, should any free soul come across that place, in all the countless centuries yet to be. May all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones, "Go tell the Spartans, passerby, that here by Spartan law, we lie."
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