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Old 13-06-2005, 21:11   #16
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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

yeah cheers kipax, it was my brother that won it lol dressed as thunderbirds!!!!!
The Voice of the Terrace
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Accrington Web
Old 14-06-2005, 01:58   #17
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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

where are photos or have a missed summat? seen them in telegraph but nowt else?
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Old 14-06-2005, 14:18   #18
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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

they are on kipaxs website
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 14-06-2005, 17:16   #19
land of hope and glory

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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

looks like you had a cracking day out! enjoyed the photos.
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Old 14-06-2005, 20:47   #20
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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

Unfortunately I missed the race because we didn’t get up until about 12.30 and we where suffering also.
It was somewhere about 3.00 pm by the time we made it down town and the race was over, most folk seemed quite drunk by this time. Pity, I was really looking forward to this event. I had my camera with me but there was no point.
Brilliant photos KIPAX, I recognize quite a few of the people in the photo, especially BLACKBURN RAVER hehe.
Oh well, never mind there is always next year.
I’m not sure but I think that on the 21 August GT Harwood are having their Charter Fair but this will be another thread when we get more details.
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Old 15-06-2005, 15:02   #21
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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

apparently that is the last ever pram race due to health and safety reasons ect. its a shame really as it is a good event which is enjoyed by most people
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 15-06-2005, 15:17   #22
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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

I bet if it was retitled the "Great Harwood Gay & Ethnic Pramrace" there would be no problem. It would probably even get a grant of thirty thousand quid from the lottery "good causes" commission.
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Old 15-06-2005, 20:17   #23
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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

no i think it is being stopped due to the amount of acohol drunk in such a short time its like 16 shots in less than an hour plus due to the size of the course they cannot shut down the roads therefore people are running with prams in the middle of the road legless
The Voice of the Terrace

Last edited by John_Timmins; 15-06-2005 at 20:19.
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Old 15-06-2005, 22:32   #24
Senior Member+

Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

Originally Posted by John_Timmins
no i think it is being stopped due to the amount of acohol drunk in such a short time its like 16 shots in less than an hour plus due to the size of the course they cannot shut down the roads therefore people are running with prams in the middle of the road legless
the only reason people drink 16 shots in less than an hour is so they can say that they finished first and in the quickest time (how long did it take your bro ? )... (thats why it may be the last race ) and since when did the rules state that you have to drink alcohol in every pub i was under the impression it was a drink of your choice ? ...the more sensible people walk round the course and enjoy a nice cold drink in every pub (at least 20 mins)......i remember when it lasted allday and not just 30-45 will allways get some people who spoil it for the rest of us
blackburn rovers born n bred since 1977

a proper football club,built on the foundations laid by a true fan..andy dunn notw 08....fantastic !!!

Last edited by BLACKBURN RAVER; 15-06-2005 at 22:42.
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Old 15-06-2005, 22:46   #25
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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

I have to say that I remember when it was more of an all day race. I missed the start slowly walked upto town gate, saw the thunderbirds win and decided to go bowling as nothing else was going on. There used to be so much more going on+

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 16-06-2005, 00:09   #26
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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

It would be a shame to loose the race again.
I think the whole purpose of the race is to raise money for the Gt Harwood fire station and to have a bit of fun while doing so. Unfortunately due to the amount of traffic on the roads these days there could well be a safety issue here but to be honest there didn’t seem to be that much traffic.
I don’t know if all the pubs that are visited by the competitors do actually sponsor the race but I bet that the town centre pubs do well or should I say selling out shops.
Perhaps the race should be contained within the centre of the town rather than have competitors disappearing to the outskirts of the town and out of view of the spectators.
Also by containing the race it could possibly be marshalled by volunteers, men/women in yellow jackets i.e. firemen, after all the competitors are raising funds for them.
The competitors could maybe do four or five laps of the new route giving everyone more time to see how the competitors are dressed and also be able to have a good laugh.
Alcohol consumption, I think that’s up to the individual some enter the race to win, some enter the race for the laugh and others enter the race to get bladdered same with the spectators. Hehe

Last edited by Len; 16-06-2005 at 00:12.
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Old 16-06-2005, 12:25   #27
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Re: Gt Harwood Pram Race

yeah by brother set a new race record of 41 mins i think and yes he did go into the race to win it therefore he has to get bladdered to do this as the rules are apparently an acoholic drink in each pub but him and his mate raised a fair bit of cash for the firefighters which is the aim and i think the main reason behind the end of the comp is due to the organisers who utimatlly become responsible for the race and its competitors therefore why should they put there heads on the line???
The Voice of the Terrace
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