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Nightlife, Events, Days out To discuss events, nightlife, pubs etc.. in and around Accrington. Also days out and about, where to go, where have you been, let us know!

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Old 04-12-2003, 11:04   #16
Junior Member+
GoldenBallz's Avatar

Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

[quote author=icwkev link=board=nightlife;num=1070420698;start=0#11 date=12/03/03 at 17:17:54]haha... if you say so Dik... [/quote]
Personal Insults: Its not big and its not clever but it IS a good way to get banned from the board especially when they're levelled at an established and respected board member.
Why bother changing the lightbulb in the first place? I can pee on the carpet perfectly well in the dark!
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Accrington Web
Old 04-12-2003, 13:00   #17

Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

I don't see that happening

Personal insults are *almost* as pathetic as sarcastic comments... but not quite
Every cut that heals reveals a scar that you can't hope to hide. All the pain that you restrain keeps building up deep inside. If you think you're above it then its you my friend that I implore. You've got to walk before you run. See the night before the dawn. Before you pull yourself off the floor.
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Old 04-12-2003, 14:05   #18
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Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

You've got your little advert in and as you can see we're all clambering to come and see you doing your heroic prat falls and death defying swan dives. So why not take your leotard and your attitude onto a board for people more your age. This board is for grown up discussion and good humoured banter. Cheerio!
Why bother changing the lightbulb in the first place? I can pee on the carpet perfectly well in the dark!
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Old 04-12-2003, 14:19   #19
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Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

American Wrestling?.......there's more violence in stamp collecting....can someone wake me up when this topic has died the pathetic death it deserves.....yawn.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Old 04-12-2003, 15:42   #20

Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

don't post and the subject will die ... :-*

as for the little advert guy ... things like this cost more than you're likely to earn in a year...
Every cut that heals reveals a scar that you can't hope to hide. All the pain that you restrain keeps building up deep inside. If you think you're above it then its you my friend that I implore. You've got to walk before you run. See the night before the dawn. Before you pull yourself off the floor.
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Old 05-12-2003, 23:29   #21
Junior Member

Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

[quote author=icwkev link=board=nightlife;num=1070420698;start=0#11 date=12/03/03 at 17:17:54]haha... if you say so Dik... i'd like to see you do half the things i have done... like thrown 30 feet off a balcony through a table thats wrapped in barbed wire and on fire... lol... fire is fake isn't it ...

You do know people pay a lot of money for that in Manchester ???

Leave the spandex and comedy to the darkness kid and get back to the real world before you end up in hospital.

Remember what they say "DONT TRY THIS AT HOME"
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Old 07-12-2003, 01:20   #22

Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

And they also say 'These stunts are performed by highly trained professional athletes' which is what everyone on our roster is and have spent thousands of pounds to get that training. ;-) Some of them have even been in the 'big time'...

'Don't try this at home' is aimed at untrained idiots and kids who don't have a clue what they are doing, how to fall safely, how to perform or take moves safely, etc.
Every cut that heals reveals a scar that you can't hope to hide. All the pain that you restrain keeps building up deep inside. If you think you're above it then its you my friend that I implore. You've got to walk before you run. See the night before the dawn. Before you pull yourself off the floor.
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Old 07-12-2003, 09:50   #23
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Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

When you say that some of them used to compete in the big time, is what you mean that they are no longer good at what they do, so now tag along with the ametuers. ???
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Old 07-12-2003, 11:48   #24

Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

Amateurs? Amateur wrestling is a legitimate sport. It's performed at many levels across the world and competed at the olympics and is completely different from wrestling entertainment.

Jake 'The Snake' is a legend of the grap game. He's wrestled all over the world and once worked in front of the biggest recorded crowd of the 20th Century of 104,000 people.

Tatanka, another legend.

Granted, both have aged since their TV glory days 3 or 4 years ago but are guys that most fans in England have only seen on TV.

As for the rest of the roster, we have 8 wrestlers in the top 30 of Pro Wrestling Illustrated top 500 wrestlers in the world. Ranked higher than most the WWE roster and the only reason they are not in the WWE is due to wrestling politics. We have guys who fly in/out and work in the US, Canada, Europe, Central America, Japan, Australia and just about everywhere else.

We ****ing rule ... oh yeah, I usually make around £8k a big show and £1k a small show so don't care what you say Can't really complain at 4 big shows a year and a small show twice a month All that and doing a degree too.
Every cut that heals reveals a scar that you can't hope to hide. All the pain that you restrain keeps building up deep inside. If you think you're above it then its you my friend that I implore. You've got to walk before you run. See the night before the dawn. Before you pull yourself off the floor.
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Old 07-12-2003, 14:12   #25
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Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

I am sooooo happy for you kev, it's good to see you dont have no worries regarding your student grant. All the money you make will go a long way in your education.Maybe if you swear like you do on the board then you MUST be a long way from completing your degree.
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Old 07-12-2003, 15:52   #26

Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

Final year of an easy computing degree.
Every cut that heals reveals a scar that you can't hope to hide. All the pain that you restrain keeps building up deep inside. If you think you're above it then its you my friend that I implore. You've got to walk before you run. See the night before the dawn. Before you pull yourself off the floor.
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Old 08-12-2003, 08:22   #27
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Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

Hey Kev - will you be coming to the Christmas do wearing your Leotard?
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Old 08-12-2003, 10:34   #28

Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

Only if you really want tea  :-*
Every cut that heals reveals a scar that you can't hope to hide. All the pain that you restrain keeps building up deep inside. If you think you're above it then its you my friend that I implore. You've got to walk before you run. See the night before the dawn. Before you pull yourself off the floor.
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Old 08-12-2003, 12:34   #29
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Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

I'll buy you a pint if you do - mind you, it will have to be leopard skin with one armstrap.
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Old 08-12-2003, 15:55   #30

Post Re: HUGE Wrestling show with American Stars coming

i'll see what i can dig out
Every cut that heals reveals a scar that you can't hope to hide. All the pain that you restrain keeps building up deep inside. If you think you're above it then its you my friend that I implore. You've got to walk before you run. See the night before the dawn. Before you pull yourself off the floor.
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