Amateurs? Amateur wrestling is a legitimate sport. It's performed at many levels across the world and competed at the olympics and is completely different from wrestling entertainment.
Jake 'The Snake' is a legend of the grap game. He's wrestled all over the world and once worked in front of the biggest recorded crowd of the 20th Century of 104,000 people.
Tatanka, another legend.
Granted, both have aged since their TV glory days 3 or 4 years ago but are guys that most fans in England have only seen on TV.
As for the rest of the roster, we have 8 wrestlers in the top 30 of Pro Wrestling Illustrated top 500 wrestlers in the world. Ranked higher than most the WWE roster and the only reason they are not in the WWE is due to wrestling politics. We have guys who fly in/out and work in the US, Canada, Europe, Central America, Japan, Australia and just about everywhere else.
We ****ing rule ... oh yeah, I usually make around £8k a big show and £1k a small show so don't care what you say

Can't really complain at 4 big shows a year and a small show twice a month

All that and doing a degree too.