30-03-2007, 10:52
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Re: i love kinky @ arcade bar please read !
Oh dear me!!!!
You just dont get it do you?? The Accrington Stanley fans pay for the Stanley themselves, by having season tickets and paying for tickets, programmes, drinks & food at the match. Thay pay for the upkeep of their football club by supporting them. They have a right to talk about them on here, also some of them have payed towards to upkeep of this site by donating!
Trust me you dont wanna start annoying the Stanley fans on here!!!!
It was your mission to promote a better night in Accrington through Industry wasnt it?? and what happened there? People aren't annoyed with you for promoting this. They are annoyed that 1. you have 2 user names, this is a banable offence &
2. You have only ever been on here promoting yourself to make money and not thought about the upkeep of the site, or even tried to get to know anyone or join in, in any other discussions.
Last edited by Lolly; 30-03-2007 at 10:57.