26-07-2011, 11:19
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: up to my elbows in muck
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The Crocky Trail
Went to The Crocky Trail in Chester yesterday with my 19 month old, my friend & her 5 1/2 yr old, its an outdoor adventure playground with a 3/4 mile walk in woodlands with activities to do along the walk, what a brilliant day out, costs £10.00 per person (under 5's free), no rip off food stalls, there is a small shop on site selling very reasonable priced drinks, ice cream, sweets, dont go in your best clothes as you will end up dirty, but isn't that what having fun is all about! They have an internet site www.crockytrail.co.uk, so if you want some good old fashioned fun these school holidays check it out 
Last edited by wallop79; 26-07-2011 at 11:21.
Reason: extra info