From Saturday, 30th April, there will be 20 Golden Easter Eggs hidden in shop windows around the town, each bearing the HBC logo. All you have to do is collect an entry form from the Town Hall, online at or any of the participating shops (providing you find one ..

). May even be one in the Market Hall.
It doesn't have to be done in one day ... closing date for entries is the 1st May, which you will pop into a box at the Tourist Information Centre in the Town Hall. Make sure you have entered your name, address and postcode on the form and, of course, the name of the shop you spotted one in.
If you don't get them all ... just enter anyway ... could still be a winner of a DS lite !
Hope this lovely weather has not melted any of them...
On Saturday at 1.30 p.m. you can also see local actors on Broadway enacting the story of George and the Dragon. The dragon has been made by children from St.Mary's RC Primary and, I believe, is pretty awesome.
Gayle is backing up the rear in the tail ...

Well done.