25-09-2006, 17:20
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: 911
Okay, I believe what happened, happened as is. However, I do agree that most Governments have corruption at various levels. I just don't believe to the extent of not only knowing about 911 but somehow assisting with it.
My first reaction to this thread (unable to watch videos on this computer) is why would the CIA have allowed a plane to attack the pentagon. However, I will add to Chav's conspricay theory instead:
As I've stated, I had a friend working in the section of the pentagon that was hit. However, he Was Not military. His electrical company had spent the last year or so rewiring that whole wing. Also, it was being rebuilt with the final inspection to happen in the next month or so. Hence, it was fairly uninhabited especially by ANY high level pentagon officials.
Whoa pretty spooky eh?  Just so you know I want to see all the facts laid out in any discussion. Only then will I make up my rightwinged mind!!!!!