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Old 25-09-2006, 04:26   #1
I am Banned
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well weve had this argument a few times here but after watching this ime even beging to doubt there wasnt foul play

the first section is about the actual towers themselves and the designers of teh two towers even say that theres no way an airoplane could take down their towers because they were desighned for airoplane impacts becasue one happened before so they allowed for it , also reports not shown on teh news of firemen and peopel on the streets saying they heard explosions before teh tower collapsed

anyway watch it for yourselves and see if you still think what we were told was the whole truth
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Accrington Web
Old 25-09-2006, 06:38   #2
Resting in Peace

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Re: 911

Hey chav thats over 1hr 30 m long hehe
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Old 25-09-2006, 07:12   #3
Resident Waffler

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Re: 911

I think I'll come back to this later when I've got time to watch it - but I've always had doubts about the whole thing. I think there's more to it than we know. I must admit though I'm a sucker for conspiracy theories.

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Old 25-09-2006, 12:44   #4
I am Banned
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Re: 911

well to be honest i would take the word over public witnesses who were actualy there and established demolition experts than anything any government released

if it is proven that explosives were set in place it also proves that the CIA or who ever knew about the attck and the plan to send planes into teh towers

oh hang on they have admited they knew somthing about it but didnt get the message to washington for soem reason

i am seriously begining to believe the whole thing went ahead with americas knowledge so that they could introduce and pass new laws which put a tighter rope on the american public and also provided a perfect excuse to invade iraq and afghanistan witrh teh full support of teh american public because they at the time belived they were in serius danger from terrorism

we will never know who killed JFK for sure but i reakon 90% of people think it was the CIA or somthing and if you think about it would anything surprise you as in how low a govenment would stoop to keep its peopel in tow

Last edited by chav1; 25-09-2006 at 12:47.
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Old 25-09-2006, 13:02   #5
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Re: 911

I've just watched the whole video. It certainly raises a lot of questions, some of which, i doubt will ever be answered. After watching though, i'm beginning to think that we haven't heard the last of this, & that there was definatley some sort of government involvement.
"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"

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Old 25-09-2006, 15:12   #6
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Re: 911

I've just watched it when I really should have been doing other things but I'm glad I did because it puts forward some very logical points and they are followed through with scientific fact.

I'm now even more convinced that there was far more about 9/11 than we have been told or that we ever will be told.

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Old 25-09-2006, 17:20   #7
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: 911

Okay, I believe what happened, happened as is. However, I do agree that most Governments have corruption at various levels. I just don't believe to the extent of not only knowing about 911 but somehow assisting with it.

My first reaction to this thread (unable to watch videos on this computer) is why would the CIA have allowed a plane to attack the pentagon. However, I will add to Chav's conspricay theory instead:

As I've stated, I had a friend working in the section of the pentagon that was hit. However, he Was Not military. His electrical company had spent the last year or so rewiring that whole wing. Also, it was being rebuilt with the final inspection to happen in the next month or so. Hence, it was fairly uninhabited especially by ANY high level pentagon officials.

Whoa pretty spooky eh? Just so you know I want to see all the facts laid out in any discussion. Only then will I make up my rightwinged mind!!!!!


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Old 25-09-2006, 17:39   #8
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Re: 911

unfortunately you need to watch the video footage. I was amazed by what was said, & all was backed up by experts.
"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"

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Old 25-09-2006, 17:42   #9
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Re: 911

Yes a lot of it brings up things I hadn't previously heard and includes news footage, eyewitness accounts and experts.

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