Don't know about Asda being the supermarket from Hell. I hate Kwiksave.
The aisles are too narrow, plus they have those stupid baskets sticking out from the shelves to catch your trolley on.
They insist on stacking the shelves at busy times, which makes it even worse.
They stack produce too high on the shelves behind the freezers, so it is difficult to reach without knocking something over.
If you're short, like me, you can't reach anyway!
The entrance is a joke. A narrow space for in and out traffic, only wide enough for one trolley. Plus the stupid ramp to manoeuvre you trolley round, made more difficult by people who stand at the bottom of it with their shopping, waiting for taxis.
Plus there is hardly any room near the checkout to pack your stuff so you are constantly getting knocked by trolleys.
Wouldn't mind if it worked out cheaper to shop there, but on the whole it doesn't. Their prices are usually higher than Asda or Netto. :