25-05-2021, 07:00
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Re: Adopt A...
Less, it is the same here. If I donated to every request for money that comes on the tv regarding animals and children I would not have anything left from my income for food to feed me.
Going back a few years now the grown-ups in my family decided to forgo buying Christmas presents for the adults, not even a Secret Santa. Instead we bought a sheep or maybe it was a goat, and apparatus for fresh water, that sort of thing, for people who lived in a poor country. Our ‘gift’ was acknowledged and we felt quite good about this. We did it for a couple of years, and my son also made a good donation the third year.
Then for the next few Christmases we were bombarded with requests for us to do this again. These requests were on really good quality paper and there was quite a bit of literature in the envelope. The total cost of sending this out, taking into account labour costs, admin, etc., would have taken quite a big chunk out of any gift money they received, much more than was used for the purpose it had been donated, I would think. Needless to say we have not contributed any more since then.