05-02-2016, 19:36
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
All Electricity Does the Same...
No it doesn't, it may be delivered in a similar manner i.e. through the National Grid, but, from then on it has infinite directions that it can go to,
Television, radio, phone, cooker, vibrator and on and on and on.
Yes, the paths it takes are far different from what they were in 1822 when Michael Faraday invented the first motor.
Lets face it in the 50's and everyone was trying like mad to have a Television, that was different to what came before. (Admitted it may have been earlier for the goggle box but for the interruption caused by the 2WW).
Which of us back then could have imagined where electricity would take us?
Where it has taken us is into a world only half imagined by Star Trek and their Communicator. We have a blessing, all hail Electrickery.
It may be delivered in a similar fashion from all suppliers, well they have to, otherwise we'd spend a fortune on fuses, but, under no circumstances does it end up 'the same' used carefully it is far beyond the limitations of the advertisers minds that produced such a woefully unimaginative advert.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting