In case any of you don't know I'll tell you, I enjoy a pint it has been my hobby for more years than I can remember, however with the pint I have always been stupid enough to smoke a fag.
Since the smoking ban came in I have neither enjoyed the pint or once walking out into the pouring rain, the fag.
Today, has been different, I'm not the sort of bloke that enjoys a lock in, I can manage to drink enough during the evening without waiting for dawn to creep over the horizon.
But after spending most of the night dodging clouds just to satisfy my nicotine habit, once the dodgey crowd, (you know the ones, "I've had enough I can't see why they need anymore!", busybodies). The Landlord declared a 'lock in', immediately the ash trays were produced and we the ordinary folk could smoke, the most satisfying ciggy I've had for days was inhaled.
I always used to go home at last orders when I could smoke but this lock in ended up with me drinking an extra four pints, as enjoyable as this was how is the smoking ban making me healthier? Lets think speak easies here , a law was passed for the good of the people, but it ends up encouraging them to do wrong both by law and to their bodies. It also created a great deal more alcoholics. I can see me heading the same way, thanks government for looking after my health, but in all honesty I was doing better on my own.