Originally Posted by jaysay
Ah so its you Less, didn't know bloxonia was in Bolivia 
In my real guise as Rear Admiral Slow old Sweetski, of the grand, landlocked Navy of Boloxnia I travel the world in many guises.
By the way if Margaretr should happen across this post, today the cat had a sardine in tomato sauce, (she ate the sauce and left the sardine).
Anyone know if I put her on a caviare diet will I really, really, be spoiling her?
Or will you maggie remember when I put a skit on about selling the cat you came on saying, (in all seriousness), that you knew this would happen, well your prophesy like most other post's was wrong, AGAIN!
I'll let you into a secret Margie, whatever thread, whoever I'm talking to, or about can be taken with a pinch of salt, because I don't really care how serious you are I'm just extracting the urine, whether it's from you or me.