06-11-2005, 21:26
God Member
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Arriba, arriba, it's tequila time!
A few Mekheeko facts to get you going....
Geographic / Demographic Data (2004) - Land Area (sq km): 1,972,000 (769,000 sq mi)
- Location: Borders immediately south of the United States, in-between the USA and Central America. Mexico is part of the North American Continent.
- Population: 103 Million
- Capital city: Mexico City (est. Pop: 22 million)
- Language: Spanish is the official language, but around 50 languages/dialects are also spoken by the indigenous peoples of Mexico.
- Religion: circa 90% Roman Catholic
- Government: Federal Republic, democratically elected President, bicameral Congress
- President: Vicente Fox Quesada (elected July 2000 for a non-renewable 6-year term)
Economic Data / Indicators- Currency: Mexican Peso (100 cents = 1 Peso)
For Exchange Rates and other useful information see Money in the Travel Essentials section of the online Travel Guide
- GDP: 2004 Nominal Gross Domestic Product was equivalent to about US$680 billion (assuming 11.20 exchange rate). GDP grew 4.4% in 2004 compared to 2003.
- Annual growth: The government GDP growth estimate for 2005 is 3.5% to 4%
- Inflation: Inflation was 5.2% in 2004. The Bank of Mexico's constant long-term target is 3%. Expectations are around 4%.
- Minimum Daily Wage: There are 3 'zones'; Provincial, Mexico City and Tourist Areas. The average daily wage in Mexico is currently MX$45.24 a day. [currency converter]
- Economic Activities: Food and beverages, tobacco, chemicals, iron and steel, petroleum, mining, textiles, clothing, motor vehicles, consumer durables, tourism
- Major Trading Partners: USA, Canada, UK, Japan
- NAFTA: Mexico is a member of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement).
- EU FTA: Mexico signed a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union in July 2000. Already tariffs have been cut significantly and by 2007 Mexico will be a virtual trading partner with the EU as trade tariffs on many goods and services are reduced to zero. Connect to the Mexico/EU FTA Section of the Mexperience Business Center for full information.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.